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what pokemon do you wish would wipe off the face of the earth

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swampert master

the ultimatie pokemon
May 3, 2005
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there are some pokemon that I wish just go away. I was wondering if anyone thinks the same way and you can put as many as 3 pokemon and expalin why too. My least favorite pokemon is hoppip I dont see many people have em and its kinda useless [no offense if someone likes it].
Hoppip is ok. And Weedle evolves into Beedrill, which is something.

I wouldn't miss Zubat and Golbat, though, due to their über-annoyness in the video games!
Thats true but its worth it if it becomes a crobat those are cool.
Pikachu(must I say anything? Even for battling purposes, the Light Ball doesn't change the fact that Pikachu sucks, and Raichu is mediocre as far as electrics go. Surf or no Surf.), Tentacool(I hope DP features a "blow up all the Tentacool in the ocean so that you don't encounter them every 5 seconds" feature), most of the bugs(the only ones worth having are Heracross, and...maybe Scyther & Scizor. And Anorith/Armaldo.), the Bellsprout line(Victreebel is pretty much useless, and ugly to boot), the Oddish line(Bellossom is a joke, and Vileplume isn't worth much), and Sunkern(Sunflora=worst Grass-type EVER.)
Hitmonlee used to scare the crap out of me. I can't even remember why anymore, but I don't really care now. Then again, I used to think that Hitmonlee evolved into Hitmonchan, so who knows. XD

I also think Tentacool/Tentacruel should die. XD They are beyong annoying while surfing and not very advantageous, and also ugly. Their poison can be bothersome, but it doesn't make it actually worth having one. Plus, the episode in the anime when they keeled the buildings kinda upset me. Then again, I was like nine years old. XD I have no idea why Misty wanted one so darn bad.
... ... I like Tentacool/Tentacruel. ;_;

But, uh, my vote totally goes to Mr. Mime. Manene inclusive.

'Cause, honestly, unless they suddenly decide to create a Pokemon based off those horridly unfunny and slightly disturbing "sad clowns", I doubt there'll be any Poke-species I despise more.
Seviper. The offenses?
1. It replaced Arbok in Jessie's party
2. It looks like a fanged worm, not a snake, and is hideously ugly
3. Aside from "Zig Zag Zigzagoon"'s hilarious plot, it has provided the show with nothing memorable (well, if you count the infamous Trainer's Choice segment, I suppose that'd work)
You know what else I dont like magikarp I wish gyaydos was Its own pokemon and it makes gyaryados look like a joke.
The three Pokemon I would like to see gone...

Tentacool -- i'm sick of everytime I use Surf, that's the main pokemon i encounter...

Rattata -- let's face it... it sucks... plus its pretty annoying to look at it...

Spinda -- everytime I walk the path to Fallarbor Town... dang it gets so annoying... i don't mind one or two popping up... but every single freaking time it's a Spinda.. get rid of em... XD
Although I've grown to like most Pokémon, I must agree with PN Kyo in saying that I don't really care for the Regis. They seem to inorganic and forced to me, and I just don't feel the same way about them that I do the other Pokémon.
I'd like to see an end to ubiquitously found Pokémon such as Rattata, Zubat, Zigzagoon, and the like. They are the bane of my life. Also, Abra out of Granite Cave.
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