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What Pokémon's name would you change?


Damn These Vampires
Dec 28, 2011
Reaction score
  1. They/Them
(If there's a thread on this I missed, I don't mind deletion.)

What would you change it to and why?

I would change Cofagrigus to Mummirage.
Because I hate the name Cofagrigus.
And Mummirage is from Mummy and Mirage, and also Rage.
Hmm.... Maybe Magikarp to Stupidfishthatcan'tdoanything! LOL XD

But seriously, I might change Meganium's name to something else..... Not sure what, but I never really liked the name it's got now (not sure why though).
I'd change Ducklett's name. i don't know what I'd change it to, but just about anything would be better than Ducklett.
I would change Seels and Mr. Mimes names to not be retarded.

Not sure what I would change them too, however....
I'd change Ducklett's name. i don't know what I'd change it to, but just about anything would be better than Ducklett.


From kurva felesleges

Put it into Google Translate
The really plain, boring names would be banished if it were up to me - Seel, Dewgong and Ducklett being the most obvious. Conkeldurr, too, would be renamed - it just sounds stupid. Conkeldurr looks stupid too, though, so I guess it fits.
Pikachu. Pika is not a nice word in Icelandic or Portuguese ._.
It's disturbing.
I would change all of their English names to their Japanese names. XD
I call Bidoof "Doofus". That's what I nicknamed the first one I caught.

That was my first post, btw.
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Carracosta, Sawk, Throh, Makuhita, Hariyama and others tbh.
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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