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What will the writers do if they finish the Generation 5 story early?

Peppermint Phoenix

The one once known as Alphaphlare
May 7, 2010
Reaction score
Yeah pretty much http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin. How ever If you don't know I wish to discuss theories on how the show will use the time saved by cutting back on filler in Between Gen V and Gen VI

My four theories are in order of desirable to undesirable
1. Ash will jump his highest to top four to winner(making up for Hoehn) and spend his time on a quest to catch Ho-oh

2.The games for Gen VI will release early

3.The League will be interrupted by Plasma and Ash will train on the east side of Unova.

4. They will rack up filler later :(
Re: Post BW FILLER Cutback Time Usage Wild Guest Generator Extravaganza FUNTIME

What? Can you explain that in a way a kid could understand that?
Re: Post BW FILLER Cutback Time Usage Wild Guest Generator Extravaganza FUNTIME

Do you mean wild guess instead of guest?

And yeah, please make the topic extremely clear, otherwise, I'll just close the thread.
Re: Post BW FILLER Cutback Time Usage Wild Guest Generator Extravaganza FUNTIME

Lets be honest, we're getting into filler now. I could see this lasting. Shame.
Re: Post BW FILLER Cutback Time Usage Wild Guest Generator Extravaganza FUNTIME

I think people seem to have forgotten that whole "faster-paced" thing was just a rumor and mistranslation. But, it seems rumors stick to the fans of Pokemon like gum on a shoe.
Re: Post BW FILLER Cutback Time Usage Wild Guest Generator Extravaganza FUNTIME

Do you mean wild guess instead of guest?

And yeah, please make the topic extremely clear, otherwise, I'll just close the thread.

I think the OP's asking what we think will happen after the Unova League and before generation six is released (e.g. filler arc) if the show doesn't go on a run of endless fillers beforehand.
Re: Post BW FILLER Cutback Time Usage Wild GuesS Generator Extravaganza FUNTIME

Do you mean wild guess instead of guest?

And yeah, please make the topic extremely clear, otherwise, I'll just close the thread.

How embarrassing. If it is just a rumor go ahead: close it and I'm sorry for wasting your time and confusing you. I thought the title would be fun for you guys :( :bawl:


Super explanation time Go!

I started this thread so we may discuss with the extra time left from the faster pace of the series as there seems to be less filler ash getting his third badge on 25th episode of best wishes when he didn't earn his cobble until DP068.

Will the filler rate accelerate. Will Ash face a new legendary? What are YOUR THEORIES? IT's Extravaganza Time !

THat better? sorry again aspie dyslexia Blah blah blah I'm sorry
Re: Post BW FILLER Cutback Time Usage Wild Guest Generator Extravaganza FUNTIME

I think the OP's asking what we think will happen after the Unova League and before generation six is released (e.g. filler arc) if the show doesn't go on a run of endless fillers beforehand.
Re: Post BW FILLER Cutback Time Usage Wild Guest Generator Extravaganza FUNTIME

Yeah, don't double post either ^^;

Okay, no problem, just making sure. Continue on.
Re: Post BW FILLER Cutback Time Usage Wild Guest Generator Extravaganza FUNTIME

Oh, me? Uhh...I'm actually hoping for some plasma involvement, like you said. Having the league interrupted by them is sure to bring about a fairly long story arc, especially if they get to go to N's castle. Maybe even Shooti/Ash's other league rivals (Cabernet? :DDD) can team up with him to help bring him down and Ghetsis too.

But, that's just what I want XD
Re: Post BW FILLER Cutback Time Usage Wild Guest Generator Extravaganza FUNTIME

An early release for Gen VI games look likely if we'll not get any RSE remakes like some people speculated. Episodes between BW01 and BW30 were unexpectedly "faster paced", but new episode titles and sudden "filler" episodes that dealing with side-kicks and certain pokemon gives me the signs of "slowing" in BW's storyline. This irregularity within BW saga could lead to a sudden "filler-fest" like in Johto or a little one like Sinnoh. But I still think this saga will not be stretched like AG and DP. I can see a "filler arc" similar to Orange islands after the league and maybe even a "Champion League" (Elite 4). But ofcourse, pnly time will tell...
Re: Post BW FILLER Cutback Time Usage Wild Guest Generator Extravaganza FUNTIME

I'd like for Ash's story to finally conclude with him as a Pokemon master and an awesome grand finale
(with Ash and Misty married with a child of their own setting off on an adventure.)
But, heck I'm just dreaming that's not going to happen but at least I admit it so I'm allowed to dream XD But, what I think will happen is more fillers or more Plasma arcs...unless they get banned as well...
Re: Post BW FILLER Cutback Time Usage Wild Guest Generator Extravaganza FUNTIME

But, it seems rumors stick to the fans of Pokemon like gum on a shoe.

Are you suggesting that Mew isn't under that truck?

Anyway, perhaps there will be another battle-frontier-esque arc. Set in Johto?
Re: Post BW FILLER Cutback Time Usage Wild Guest Generator Extravaganza FUNTIME

unless they get banned as well...

The first Plasma arc was pulled (not banned as of yet but pulled as far am I'M concerned) because certain scenes contained shaking visual effects and destruction and the Earthquake in Japan couldn't have been more ill-timed. It's my belief that the two parter is undergoing revisions in order to be released due to them being the most important episodes of the series.
I think will just get another filler saga after this, they don't want to make the same mistake they did with D/P right?
The writers probably have episodes all the way to 100 or so. A bunch probably fillers. They hurry up for the first 3 gyms, they will have to slow down some. They will last as long as they can, to make it through atleast a year and a half or 2 years.
They keep going, most likely with a filler saga. And most likely a taste of the E4 challenge ahead
This series is looking very short, Ash all ready has 3 badges, and soon he will arrive In Nimbassa city. I would love for them to do somthing like The Orange league again, it was so different and fresh it kept things fun.
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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