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You need more info. Do you like a little description or a lot? How long is not short? Do you like trainer fics, shipping fics, fics with the anime/game/manga characters, OC fics, AU fics, or other types of fics?
OC - Originial Character, a character made up by the author
AU - Alternate Universe, the characters in a different type of universe then they'd be in the anime/manga/games
Don't care as in you'll read it if it has those things or don't care as in you don't like them and don't want to read them? And any specific genre or rating you want?
The Pokémon Library. TheFinalChapter gave the fiction community the leisure of a mirror of every fanfic he ever enjoyed. (I will note that MY BABY—RoseIII—is in here, albeit she hasn't been updated in over a year.)
Of those he's got mirrored, I will suggest the following:
Wind of Dreams: Written very well, this is a journey fic for a middle-aged woman. She has a shiny Hoppip. I think pretty much everyone who read this enjoyed it.
Darkness: It's a mystery fic. I really liked this one. (I don't remember if Q ever finished it, but I seem to remember that she did....)
Awakened Destiny: Ooh, serious plug. Shinri-ka'en cameo'ed The Kuraitenshi, so I feel ever-so-compelled to pull it into the spotlight. I don't remember if he ever finished it though. ^^; (It's scifi with lots of "made-up" Pokémon.)
The Ponyta Story: This is the best fiction I think I ever read. Seriously. Spike is gawd.
The Kuraitenshi: I will note that the rewrite should *NOT* be under the Team Rocket category. The version Deki has of this makes me gag. FEAR MY HORRIBLE WRITING SKILLS. LAUGH AT MY STUPIDITY. ;x
If you ever have interest in reading a Sabrina fiction, I don't really consider my The Shades of Lavender very gothic or dark, albeit it's a tad on the macabre side, since it deals with the Pokémon Tower in general. Its SEQUEL, on the other hand, is a much darker piece of pointless crap, and was written mostly just to vent. YAY FOR TAKING OUT ANGSTY EMOTION ON PEOPLE AND POKÉMON THAT DON'T EXIST.
Now, if you had the gothic-Romantic sort of palatte that I do, you'd read RoseIII, which is the longest Pokéfic in existance. 122 chapters of FLUFF. XFD FEAR MAH BEBBEH. *slinks away for fear that she's scarred teh Mozzerella*
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