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Whats your favorite type of pokemon?

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swampert master

the ultimatie pokemon
May 3, 2005
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Hi id like to know what your favorite type of pokemon is.I dont want to see combination types[Like posin-flying]. Just one type and tell me why you like that type.I like many types but my favorite it is ground cause swampert is a water-ground means its not efficted by electrecite.

It's a bit hard to explain. Well, before I was into Pokemon, I was into ninjas and fighting games. Most Fighting Pokemon are humanshape, but I enjoy imagining them as having behaviours of animals. It makes me happy that with each generation, Fighting Pokemon get better (in GSC, the two new types were weak to fighting and the special stat split made them more useful, and in RSE brick break came to be).
I don't really favor my type more then the other cause they are all great but I usually stick with Dark types.They're just cool XD.
Electric, even though I know they have a weakness to ground I don't know I just like training electric Pokémon in the different games.
It would have to be Dark. I like because darkness is good. oh yea, and my third fav is umbreon, XD

:unworthy: :lx055: :lx062: :lx121:
Fighting, Psychic or Ghost. And I'll give you three guesses why. XD
Grass ^-^ With a name like mine, you'd expect it to be dark/steel or something xD

I like nature a lot =D

:lx179: :lx180: :lx181:

The first Pokémon video game I played was Gold. But I couldn't defeat ??? in Azalea Town. (When asked for my rivals name I gave it - I didn't realise I got to choose!) GameFAQs suggested Flaaffy, so I caught and trained a Mareep, which became an important part of my team. (Feraligatr and Ampharos did pretty much all of the work in my team.)

Since then, Ampharos has become my favourite Pokémon, and when I had to choose a favourite type elsewhere I chose electric, and I have remained a big fan. There are other great electric Pokémon: Pichu, Plusle, Minun, Raikou... (I like them, even if I don't use all of them in the games!)

I'd like to see some more dual-electric types in D/P. We don't have any apart from Magnemite and Zapdos!
My two favourite Pokemon evar are Charizard and Bayleef (Chikorita too, Bayleef and Chika are tied really). I'd like to say that Grass was my favourite type - but the games are so anti-grass it's not even funny. G/S/C was just stupidly anti-grass.

Fire is the winnerer then. I love burninating things and just feel more powerful with a Fire Pokemon to back me up.
Steel. Just look at all the resistances!
Since we're not counting dual types, the argument about all the quad weaknesses doesn't sway me.
Wow, this is like the hundreth thread with the same topic. Oh well!

I like psychic pokemon because you can use one really powerful one to take out the entire elite four. (Mr. Mime is my psychic of choice)
I like psychic pokemon because they are so mysterious.:)
Grass or Electric, I have trouble deciding between the two. Rock would come in a third place.
I like water type characters so obviously Water Pokemon.
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Dragon. They're mysterious and powerful and my favorite pokemon (dragonair) is a dragon-type.
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