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What's Your Favourite Pokemon From Each Generation?


Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
For some people, it's too difficult to choose their favourite Pokemon, and so they would probably choose more than one. So, I decided to ask you what your favourite Pokemon for each generation is, along with a runner-up if you want.

Gen I: Lapras (Runner Up: Pidgeot)
Gen II: Suicune (Runner Up: Ho-Oh)
Gen III: Gardevoir (Runner Up: Mawile)
Gen IV: Staraptor (Runner Up: Torterra)
Gen V: Stoutland (Runner Up: Simisage)
I: Charizard (Runner-up: Sandslash)
II: Houndoom (Runner-up: Suicune)
III: Manectric (Runner-up: Salamence)
IV: Garchomp (Runner-up: Porygon-Z)
V: Zebstrika (Runner-up: Chandelure)
Gen I: Poliwhirl (Runner Up: Hitmonlee)
Gen II: Mareep (Runner Up: Heracross)
Gen III: Aggron (Runner Up: Mudkip)
Gen IV: Roserade (Runner Up: Mothim)
Gen V: Reuniclus (Very close runner Up: Leavanny)
Gen I: Scyther (Runner-up: Nidoking)
Gen II: Feraligatr (Runner-up: Heracross)
Gen III: Metagross (Runner-up: Zangoose)
Gen IV: Garchomp (Runner-up: Floatzel)
Gen V: Galvantula (Runner-up: Darmanitan)

There weren't really any Pokemon from Gen 4 that I got attached to, though for some reason. And my Gen V favorite might change in the future, but the Gen 1-3 ones are clear-cut favorites.
Gen I- Raichu
Gen II- Meganium
Gen III- Swampert
Gen IV- Shaymin
Gen V- Ehhhh....
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Gen I:Dragonite (Runner Up: Lickitung)
Gen II:Typhlosion (Runner Up: Umbreon)
Gen III:Dustox (Runner Up: Camerupt)
Gen IV:Staraptor (Runner Up: Electivire)
Gen V:Galvantula (Runner Up: Gothitelle)
Generation I: Blastoice (Runner-up: Arcanine)
Generation II: Crobat (Runner-up: Meganium)
Generation III: Blaziken (Runner-up: Milotic)
Generation IV: Drapion (Runner-up: Dusknoir)
Generation V: Haxorus (Runner-up: Zoroark)
Generation I: Eevee (Runner-Up: Blastoise)
Generation II: Totodile (Runner-Up: Espeon)
Generation III: Blaziken (Runner-Up: Flygon)
Generation IV: Torterra (Runner-Up: Tangrowth)
Generation V: Stunfisk (Runner-Up: Tepig)

Although Haxorus deserves a mention for being the most badass dragon.
Gen. 1:Cloyster
Gen. 2:Raikou
Gen. 3:MUDKIP!
Gen. 4:Infenape
Gen. 5:Golurk
G1: Lapras
G2: Pichu
G3: Swampert
G4: Luxray
G5: Victini
G1: Jolteon [Raichu and Dragonite as the runner-ups]
G2: Ampharos (of course) [Ursaring and Kingdra as the runner-ups]
G3: Flygon [Grovyle and Gardevoir as runner-ups]
G4: Infernape [Electivire and Empoleon as the runner-ups]
G5: Hydreigon [Haxorus and Samurott as the runner-ups]
Gen I:Raichu (Runner up Vaporeon and Blastoise)
Gen II:Girafarig (Runner up Ho-oh and Jumpluff)
Gen III:Sceptile (Runner up Breloom and Linoone)
Gen IV:Staraptor (Runner up Empoleon)
Gen V:Zorua (Runner up Braviary and Archeops)
This won't be easy... especially since my faves keep changing :p

Gen I: Eevee
Gen II: Feraligatr
Gen III: Flygon
Gen IV: Leafeon
Gen V: Can't decide. Some of my faves: Serperior, Reuniclus, Chandelure, Excadrill and Whimsicott.
Gen I: Charizard (Runner Up: Arcanine)
Gen II: Umbreon (Runner Up: Kingdra )
Gen III: Gardevoir (Runner Up: Jirachi )
Gen IV: Gallade (Runner Up: Gliscor)
Gen V: Serperior (Runner Up: Hydreigon)
Gen I: Eevee (Runner Up: Gyarados)
Gen II: Espeon (Runner Up: Heracross)
Gen III: Blaziken (Runner Up: Gardevoir)
Gen IV: Garchomp (Runner Up: Empoleon)
Gen V: Volcarona (Runner Up: tied Archeops, Eelektross)[/QUOTE]
Following the format of the OP...eep, choosing 2 is hard. D8 But here I go. These are current top 2 from each region, as my faves change once in a while.

Gen 1: Electrode (Runner Up: Pikachu)
Gen 2: Scizor (Runner Up: Crobat)
Gen 3: Gardevoir (Runner Up: Latios)
Gen 4: Darkrai (Runner Up: Riolu)
Gen 5: Emboar (Runner Up: Braviary)
G1--Abra/Alakazam; Runners-up: Clefable, Machamp, Gyarados, Dragonite, Porygon, Mewtwo
G2--Crobat? Porygon2? Tyrogue?
G3--Milotic; Runners-up: Sceptile, Jirachi
G4--Shaymin; Runners-up: Lucario, Luxray, Bronzong, Roserade
G5--Serperior; Runners-up: Scrafty, Haxorus, Golurk, Accelgor, Braviary

I actually like Gen 2 quite a bit--it just lacks some of my largest favorites. I had forgotten about Braviary until I saw the post above me.
Gen I: Cubone (Runner-up: Dratini)
Gen II: Cyndaquil (Runner-up: Typhlosion)
Gen III: Cacnea (Runner-up: Trapinch)
Gen IV: Pachirisu (Runner-up: Gible)
Gen V: Sandile (Runner-up: Tepig)
Please note: The thread is from 3 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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