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Which games should I buy?

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Badass office lady
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
So I got about $150-160 for Christmas... the question is, which of these games should I buy? They're games I've been considering for a while, but it eventually hits you like a brick that video games are expensive as all hell. To make things worse, my friend gave me his old GC for Christmas, which opens up the door to all kinds of games that were once out of the question for me, but aren't anymore. Also, I'll need to have $46 set aside ($20 for the next TCG prerelease in February, and $26 for whenever I get around to buying Boxset One of Indigo), as well as a few bucks left over to last till my birthday in April/whenever I get a job (whichever comes first).

So, here's the list. This is what I'm going for:
At least 1 DS game, and 2 new Cube games, since they can be bought used cheap.

Cooking Mama
Elite Beat Agents
Animal Crossing
Trauma Center
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

DDR: Mario Mix (is this any good? I've heard mixed reviews, but I need a DDR badly)
Animal Crossing
Tales of Symphonia
Pokemon XD (will probably buy anyway)
Soul Calibur II
Mario Party (and which one's the best?)
Cubivore (can you still find this anywhere?)

Anything else you think I might like, but didn't include, given the above lists.

Thanks for your help!
If you have a single Mario Party, you don't need any others. So if you have one for N64, don't get any of the newer ones.

Don't get Animal Crossing for GCN. Wild World for DS is much better.

And... uh... (note to end post on).
I was thinking about getting Animal Crossing for my DS anyway, and then buying EBA if there was nothing better to buy, given Animal Crossing is constantly changing, as opposed to EBA (where you just beat all the songs and end the game)
The Hannah Montanna DS Game!


Get Digimon World DS, that's very fun. Oh, and save up for Phoenix Wright: Justice For All, or get the first one if you haven't yet.

EBA is fun, but hard (for me atleast)...
>The Hannah Montanna DS Game!

For that post, Habunake, you shall die. The only worse thing you could have said was "The Winx Club DS Game".
I actually bought it though..................

It sucks. -_-

I bought it for "special" reasons I can't diverge, but some money was involved. XD
Buy Chibi-Robo. Unless you already have it. Actually buy a second copy and give it to someone who needs to share the happiness.
I actually bought it though..................

It sucks. -_-

I bought it for "special" reasons I can't diverge, but some money was involved. XD

Hanna Montana? Please tell me it was for a little sister... right? Right? (Even then, buying kids crappy licensed games should be considered child abuse, IMO.)

Why can't you divulge these reasons? (Diverge means... to move apart) Is it too embarrassing? I wanna know now...

And I've actually considered Chibi Robo for some time.
I love Hannah Montanna, and my friend payed me 60$ if I bought it. XD
It only cost 20$.....
I highly recommend Animal Crossing, but get the DS version. I also recommend Trauma Center for the DS. It's really hard, but it's probably one of my favorite games EVER. I liked it so much I bought Trauma Center: Second Opinion (Wii) as soon as it came out.

I think you'd like Tales of Symphonia. I have it, and I love it. I'd also recommend Soul Calibur II. I don't own Soul Calibur II, but I play it all the time with my friend. I'm not sure how fun it is to play by yourself, but it's great if you have two people.
You can go to any GameStop or Wal-Mart or any other such stores and download playable demos for "Cooking Mama" and "Elite Beat Agents," so you can try those out before you buy them.

Here are my opinions:

Cooking Mama

It was a fun little mini-game, but I can't imagine paying a full $35 for it.

Elite Beat Agents

This game is incredibly fun. Aside from having a great song selection, the game is like no other rhythm game I've ever played (the closest would be Gitaroo Man, but that's probably because both games are made by the same people). I know there's a fear of beating all the songs and then having nothing to do, but there are enough difficulty modes and unlockable songs that that won't happen for a long time.

The game is gorgeous, and the job system is fun, but it won't be for you if you like games with solid plots. Also, the MSRP is $40, making it the most expensive DS game on the shelves at this time.

Animal Crossing

I've never played it, but I heard it will suck away all your free time and that there's never a shortage of things to do. It's probably the best deal of all the choices you've given.

Trauma Center

This game is really quite good. There's a decent story behind all the heart massaging and injections, and the game is difficult enough to keep you from breezing through it. The only thing about the game that I don't like is that they throw all these medical terms at you without any explanation.

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

This is one of the best games available , even if the touch screen elements seem tacked on.

DDR: Mario Mix (is this any good? I've heard mixed reviews, but I need a DDR badly)

No clue, but if a company's going to mess up a DDR game, it's not going to be Nintendo.

Animal Crossing
I'd get the DS version since it's portable and can go online.

Tales of Symphonia

I haven't played the game very long (even though I own it...), but from what I hear, it has an extremely good story that will last you about 70 hours. The game has gorgeous graphics, decent enough voice work (though it is weird to hear Robin from Teen Titans as the protagonist in this game), and an interesting battle system.

Pokemon XD (will probably buy anyway)

I actually liked this game even though I hated Colosseum. The game fixes a lot of the problems that its predecessor had, but it's far from perfect...for example, it doesn't really have much of an ending. But hey, Shadow Lugia is pretty cool.

Soul Calibur II

This is one of those games you can play over and over and not get bored with. The leveling up system works really well, and it's fun to unlock the dozens of things there are to unlock.

Mario Party (and which one's the best?)

How many controllers do you have with your GameCube? That will be the major factor in deciding whether or not a Mario Party game is worth the purchase since the multiplayer aspect is the main selling point of the game.

As far as additional suggestions...try picking up some of the compilation games, like Sonic Mega Collection and the Mega Man and Mega Man X Collections.
Agreed. Elite Beat Agents was made for an American audience, but the game is still extremely Japanese.
The best game on the DS is Phoenix Wright.

Buy it.

Buy it now.

And then on the 16th, buy the long awaited sequel.
Pokémon XD is good, but I prefer Colosseum, even if I thought I was playing Final Fantasy VII: The Pokémon Edition.

If you have Pokémon, get Mega Man Anniversary Collection or Mega Man X Collection. They are almost as awesome as they were on the original systems.

Mega Man Network Transmission isn't too bad either.
XD375 said:
Pokémon XD is good, but I prefer Colosseum, even if I thought I was playing Final Fantasy VII: The Pokémon Edition.

How can anyone prefer Colosseum to XD?

And no, I'm not trying to be an ass...it's a serious question.
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