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Which generation had the best cries?

Which generation had the best cries?

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Sad Grass-Type
May 3, 2011
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Which generation had the best-sounding cries to you?

I've been playing since Gen. I, and I've got to say I liked Gen. III and Gen. IV the best overall. Gen. III was easy on the ears while still having the "THIS IS POKEMON" feel to the cries, and Gen. IV's Pokemon cries usually had something to do with what the Pokemon was. Personally I just found Gen. V to sound too cartoony.

Even though I love the first two gens to death, the technical limitations sort of meant that I can't tell most of the cries apart, except for a few really unique ones, like Articuno and Suicune. And Mewtwo's cry always sounds like Parasect...
All Gens except for I and II, for being much easier on the ears. D8; Still waiting for the day they update the cries of Tohjo Pokemon...
Gen III or Gen IV.
The first two generations are so painful to hear on my darling ears... they also sound much more computerised and awkward, but then again, they were the very first two- sound technology has improved.
I dislike Gen V's cries- I don't know, they just seem more pitched and chirpy (especially Servine's, oh dear lord.)
III, IV and V. They sound more natural but that is to be expected since those games were on more advanced systems.
IV. V sounded... kind of screwed up. Doesn't really fit with some of the Pokémon.
I and II. Combee ToxicroaK Poochyena Everything else sounds... unPokemonish.
Four. I really like how they made them sound like real animals. Gen.V had some neat cries (Serperior,Tepig,Braviary,Scraggy,Maractus,Mandibuzz) but many of them sounded like random noise with Coballion being the best example. First two gens had some great cries if you consider the technology available at the time,but due to the lack of memory capacity they were repeating which is a minus. Gen.III had the worst cries. They had advanced technology yet they sound like they are reproduced from a bottom of a well.
Gen III and Gen IV. The first two generations had awful cries. They all sounded like electronical screeches. The Gen III cries were very original, and some sounded like the cry of a real animal. For example, Seviper sounded like a real snake, and Mightyena sounded like a real wolf or hyena. The Gen IV cries sounded original, too. I especially like Mismagius' cry.
I think Gen III had the best cries. GameFreak had a lot of room to move with cry designs, so could do whatever they wanted, while in Gen IV and V they needed to design new cries that sounded nothing like older cries. Gen IV did have some excellent cries too (the Dragon Trios cries are particularly well designed), but a lot of Gen Vs cries sound quite similar to each other, or seem to make no sense when you consider what Pokémon they're attached to, such as the Sandile line, or Carracosta...it sounds like an elephant.
Mine is first III and then V. As everyone said, III really just had some good ones! The V is a lot like IIIs, but more realistic! :D
Gen. III was always my favorite for all sounds, including the cries. Some of the newer ones are... very odd. Stunfisk's is amusing as hell, however.
3 and 4. 5 was kinda dissappointing for some reason, and 1-2 were poor quality. I like the remastered Stadium cries though.
I thought the Gen I-II cries were endearingly low-tech, but I wouldn't say they were best just for that.
I liked III (expressive without being too realistic) and V (just fun to listen to, and closer in spirit to III than IV was).
Oddly, I couldn't stand IV; I found them both too realistic (weirdly), or too drawn-out (key offenders: Drifblim, most of the new evos, any of the legendaries).
I prefer Gen IV, because they were still obscured enough to be unique without sounding EXACTLY like whatever animal the Pokemon was supposed to be (mostly).
Bidoof and Empoleon's cries were my favorites.

Though Samurott has one of the most beastly cries I've ever heard. o_o
Gen III and IV, they had the most consistently appealing cries. Gen V had some good ones, but's almost like they put all the effort into like 10 good cries, and just used random digitalised noises for the rest.
Gens III and IV were definitely the best. Gen V was disappointing, despite the few really cool ones like Musharna and Gothitelle.

Cries I like
Gen I: Gastly, Jynx
Gen II: Girafarig, Skarmory
Gen III: Wingull, Gardevoir, Milotic, Chimecho, Regice, Registeel, Deoxys
Gen IV: Empoleon, Starly, Staraptor, Kricketot, Kricketune, Roserade, Cherrim, Mismagius, Chatot, Spiritomb, Lumineon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Froslass
Gen V: Lillipup, Stoutland, Liepard, Musharna, Maractus, Gothitelle, Bouffalant

Cries I hate
Gen I: Zubat, Vileplume, Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam,
Gen II: Spinarak
Gen III: Combusken, Roselia
Gen IV: Rampardos, Bonsly, Munchlax, Tangrowth, Gallade
Gen V: Pignite, Woobat, Venipede, Whirlipede, Scolipede, Basculin, Scrafty, Tirtouga, Carracosta, Swanna, Deerling, Sawsbuck, Foongus, Amoongus, Joltik, Klink, Beartic, Tornadus, Thunderus, Landorus
I loved the Generation V cries, they sounded so smooth to me. And you can't say Hydreigon's cry isn't one of the most awesome cry you've ever heard!
To me, it's a tie between IV and V. IV had more of a musical feel to the cries, while V had an animalistic feel to them. I can't decide between the two.
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
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