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Which is your favorite anime arc ever?

Favorite Arc?

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New Member
Apr 22, 2011
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Sorry if this has been done already. My favorite arc is the Summer Camp arc and I also wish they kept the GS Ball Arc!
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Hmm. You mean like episodic arc, right?

If that's the case, then DP Mikuri Cup/Tag Battle Tourney seriously rank up there for me.
In Kanto I always enjoyed the St. Anne and Sabrina/Lavender Town arc.
sorry I took so long to make the pole... I didnt realize could reply while I was making the pole....
The Larvitar episodes by far, the Unown episode in that arc is one of the handful of Pokemon episodes (excluding the movies) that made me cry and stands as one of my favourites of the whole series. It is probably also the best example of Ash's love of Pokemon - sure he'd do anything for Pikachu, but there's something special with Larvitar.

If the Leagues had all been given more time to get better conclusions they might get a vote from me - Sinnoh being the best because of the epic battle with Paul, but *insert rant about Tobias*.
Now that there is a poll, I've moved the thread to The Grand Festival as a Contest thread. This means that posters now need to give reasons for their choices, or they shall receive a Pointless Post warning or infraction.
I voted for the following:

Hoenn League - I really enjoyed Ash using only his Hoenn Pokémon because each received plentiful screen time. I also liked the implementation of double battles as this generation was when they were introduced.

Aipom - One of my favorite Pokémon that belonged to the group, and it entertained me throughout most its run. I found its crush(?) on Ash cute, and the writers starting right from the start foreshadowing its interest in contests was awesome.

Kanto Grand Festival - Not seeing Drew lose it before, this arc showed another side of him; an insecure side. He and May developed well, and seeing her finally beat him made me content. May losing miserably to Solidad while sad was good because it showed she needed to train on her own away from Ash, spurring the beginning of the end of AG.

Hearthome Tag Battle - So much development for Chimchar. In this arc, we saw the downright nasty side of Paul that drove Ash insane, and the rivalry really flourished here. Plus, the battles were awesome all around.

May Back Again - I enjoyed seeing her again, as well as the Wallace Cup taking place. This was when Dawn overcame her struggles and finally won again, which impressed me. The whole contest itself was incredible.

Sinnoh Grand Festival
- Amazing way to wrap up Dawn's character despite Togekiss. She grew by light years, not crying when she lost and accepting her place, knowing her friends and Pokémon were there to support her. Really heart-touching. ;_;

Sinnoh League - Best battle ever took place here between Ash and Paul. The rivalry's conclusion made several around the world fangasm in ways they never fangasmed before. Infernape finally proved its worth to Paul, and everything was just...beautiful. I'm not mentioning Tobias because I WANT TO REVEL IN THIS BEAUTY ONCE MORE THAT WAS ASH VS. PAUL DON'T JUUUUUUUUUUUUDGE.
Tacking on Nyarth arc too, for sentimental reasons. Nyarth's chemistry with the main group was excellent, he got a lot of fantastic screentime and it was just gorgeous and sweet and culminated in the FANTASTIC subway arc. The episodes ranged from mildly entertaining to supremely entertaining (the episode with Leon juts out in my brain because of how cracked out and hilarious it was), and just in general it was a nice-change of pace and a great way to help the anime recover from the appallingly bad Don Battle arc.
I like the leagues more than anything. Everything else to me is just build up.
St.Anne Arc, since I enjoyed it as a kid and Nyasu Arc, the only thing about BW that had proper storyline and it was fun (although the ending was a bit disappointing). The rest I can't remember much though I remember being really excited when May appeared in DP.
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I miss the Larvitar arc that went on in Johto. I was hoping that when Ash brought the cutie back to it's mother that Larvitar wanted to go with Ash anyway. But that's another disappointment about Johto.
Gotta go with the Sinnoh League. I mean, come on, Infernape vs Electivire was like Clash of the Titans, and it was nice to see a rivarly get proper closure.
My favorite original series arc was probably the St. Anne, because I liked seeing so many other trainers there. But the sinking ship really scared me! The Starter trio was classic and those episodes really set the standards for captures/the Pokemon's personalities.

Johto-wise, I thought the Whirl Cup was cool because Misty got some action! Its cool to see one specific type of Pokemon get focused on, especially with all the water types. The Johto league also seemed to have good structure to it (the prelimiary, the pools of 3, etc.)

For AG, I really only liked the Kanto GF, because of May vs. Drew. May's Hoenn GF was so irritating, its probably my least favorite arc and made me not like May as much. She was so stupid during it! :/

In Sinnoh, the Hearthome Tag Battle was awesome. Ash vs. Paul at the Sinnoh league redeemed DP for me since I thought it sucked after Hearthome anyway. I'm gonna throw in the Floraroma Contest because it was my favorite contest in DP.
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Look's like Sinnoh league is at the top
Why wouldn't it. It was one League Ash really close to win alone with the trainer with legendary pokemon.
Plus the Clash between Ash & Paul.
That why I voted for Sinnoh Leago.
Ash really look like a real mature trainer in this Ark. Too bad Ash gone back to his worst self again in Best wish
It seem most people like Tournament ark since ''Sinnoh league Ark'' at top while ''Hearthome Tag ark'' at the 2nd & ''May Back Again"' which is actually ''Wallace cup ark'' is at the 3rd place
May be it would be better if Best Wish has a lot of Tournament Ark
I would like to see a ''Double Battle tournament Ark''. It's been ages since I last Ash fighting a Double Battle
The first few episodes of the first ever pokemon season because it was mostly about gathering partners to travel, AND get the starters.
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