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Which pokemon can beat FRLG's bosses by themselves?

Because Kadabra likes to dick around with Disable rather than attacking me, Nidoran-female could take it out in a few bites. Secret power took care of the pidgeotto and wartortle, and double kick made short work of Raticate. Her evolutions and their male counterparts got through easily as well. Clefairy didn't bother with becoming unhittable this time; it could just power through with STAB Secret Power, and Dig for the Charmeleon. Same for Clefable. Ninetales would also just spam Secret Power, and Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff would copy what Clefairy did, with Wigglytuff only failing once due to a burn and bad accuracy luck. Golbat could one-shot the Kadabra with Wing Attack, and the rest of the team also didn't pose any issues.

Vileplume took more than one attempt. Its only real move against Pidgeotto was Secret Power, but Kadabra would then come in and disable that. I could take out Kadabra with a few Mega Drains, but that was not the road to success against Charmeleon, so i had to hang on until i could use Secret Power again. In attempt one, his embers burned me and thus denied me the damage output needed to take him out. Things did go to plan on attempt 2 however. With Venomoth, Blue went all in on the accuracy strats, but Confuion, Silver Wind and Secret Power still got me the win.

For Diglett, Rock Tomb took care of the Pidgeotto, but neither STAB Dig nor Secret Power were strong enough to kill Wartortle before it killed me. I had to gamble for high-power Magnitudes, or for him not attacking me. I got both on attempt 3; while Raticate also dealt some serious damage, it could not kill me, and i outsped and one-shot the kadabra. Dugtrio actually went down to the Raticate once, but it too was able to get the victory in attempt 4. For Meowth, i tried to spice things up and pick up a Hidden Power TM to deal with Kadabra, but it missed and got disabled, so i had to go for another Secret Power sweep. Persian doesn't get pickup so it swept with Secret Power as well.

Golduck's Chesto Berry allowed it to stay awake and 2-shot Ivysaur with Confusion, and everything else went down to either Brick Break or Secret Power. Mankey however lost to Pidgeotto on attempt 1 despite having Rock Tomb. I would miss a few times and he would destroy me with supereffective moves. On attempt 2 though, i managed to take out the bird. Kadabra disabled Rock Tomb but i killed it with Secret Power anyway, Raticate went down to a Brick Break and Charmeleon fell to a few Digs. If Mankey could do it, Primeape obviously could as well.
Growlithe died to Wartortle's Water Guns in the first two attempts, but in the third attempt, he decided spamming Withdraw was more important than winning, so i took him out in a few bites. I almost fainted to the Raticate and Kadabra thereafter, but secret power and bite were strong enough. This of course meant Arcanine could make it through as well, in just one attempt. Poliwag could not just power through, but it had access to Hypnosis, allowing it to put its foes to sleep. It took a few tries, but eventually i got them all to sleep long enough to take them out with Secret Power. Poliwhirl and Poliwrath did not need these shenanigans, as they could just Mega Punch and Mega Kick their way through.

Time for another mirror match. My Kadabra does not dick around with Disable; instead it likes to sweep with Psybeam. It made short work of all of its foes, and got an easy victory. Alakazam then proceeded to do the same thing. Machop and its evolutions unleased guts-boosted rock tombs on the bird, secret power on the kadabra and brick break on the other two. Bellsprout however had a rougher time. It was up against 3 foes with supereffective moves. It did have Sleep Powder, but if i sustained any damage against Pidgeotto, Kadabra would come in, outspeed me and finish me off before i could move. If i killed Pidgeotto with full health however, Kadabra would instead disable Secret Power, allowing me a chance to put it to sleep. This did not mean i was out of the woods though, as Charmeleon was also a massive threat, and he killed me on multiple occasions. It took until attempt 9, but eventually i got the sleep luck i needed to take out all three, as well as the Raticate that followed. Weepinbell deployed the same strat for a no-damage victory in try 1, and Victreebel didn't even bother putting its foes to sleep.

Tentacool's strategy was to power through with Secret Power, making sure to get the kill on Pidgeotto with Acid so that Kadabra would disable that rather than my main attacking move. Clear Body meant no accuracy shenanigans. It took several tries, but i made it through. My held Chesto Berry proved useless though, as Bulbasaur never put me to sleep. Tentacruel's stats are much better so it comes as no surprise that the same strats led it to victory as well. Geodude however wasn't so lucky. Ivysaur's Vine Whip was a range to OHKO me from full health and he outsped me, and even if his vine whip missed out on the kill and i somehow killed him, Kadabra would just finish me off. My only hope was that he would not see the kill and instead go for a sleep powder, in which case my chesto berry would grant me a single chance to try for a Magnitude 10 (9 wasn't enough). This strategy was about as effective as you'd expect, so Geodude was the first to fall to the SS Anne rival. Geodude is out. Graveler however speed-tied with the Ivysaur and was not a one-shot if Ivysaur was not in Overgrow range, so i had two shots to land a strong Magnitude owing to my Chesto Berry. The rest of Blue's team easily folded, and Golem repeated this result.

Ponyta and Rapidash had it much easier, just spamming Secret Power until the enemies were dead.
How far are you in this in terms of progress and number of Pokémon?
i'm fighting the SS Anne rival; going through the pokemon in national dex order. I've just done Rapidash. Of all the pokemon in the first 3 gens, 352 managed to beat Brock, and of those 352, 320 beat the Cerulean rival. Everyone who beats the SS Anne rival will go on to face Misty.
Unexpectedly, Slowpoke had a rough time. Its Confusions were only a three-shot against Ivysaur, and of course i did not outspeed. My strategy was to use the waking turn granted by my Chesto Berry to hit a yawn, so that we would both fall asleep at the same time. I would then hope for an early wakeup on my end and a late one on his so i could get the needed confusions in. On the winning attempt however, he did not put me to sleep at all, instead opting for a Vine Whip. This allowed me to get the kill. Raticate did some serious damage to me, and Kadabra could have finished me off if he had consistently attacked me, but instead he dicked around with Disable and Kinesis. Slowbro had a much easier time because Ivysaur decided on try 1 that he wanted to lose, going for vine whip instead of sleep powder.

Magnemite actually lost on attempt 1 despite resisting all of their moves, as sand-attacks allowed Raticate to get a number of tail whips off. On attempt 2 though, i thundershocked down the pidgeotto and killed everyone else easily with thundershock and secret power. Magneton easily repeated this process. Doduo and Dodrio had STAB 80BP Tri Attack to work with, which they used to sweep, only switching to Secret Power when Tri Attack was disabled. Seel actually had similar problems to Slowpoke, as Aurora Beam only just missed the two-shot on Bulbasaur. I did outspeed though, so i tried to Headbutt him for a flinch, and then start aurora beaming. On the winning attempt, not only did i get a flinch, i also got a crit, so i beat him with my berry intact (not that that matters). Again, Kadabra could have ended me, but he felt that disabling my moves was more important. Dewgong did get the two-shot, so he won with ease.

The rival may play accuracy games, but Grimer and Muk can play those games too. They would minimize until they were unhittable, and then beat away at their foes. Shellder however had problems with Ivysaur, as seems to be the theme today. It could not two-shot with Aurora Beam, so it would use Supersonic to try and confuse Ivysaur and get it to hit itself. This eventually worked out, and Raticate once again did massive damage, and once again, i would have died had Kadabra decided to kill me. I won however. And like previous times, its evolution won easily.

Against Gastly, Kadabra for once did not dick around. His confusions did over half of my HP, so my only path to victory was to put him to sleep with Hypnosis and then Secret Power him to death. Wartortle's bites were less strong, but i barely dealt damage in return, so here too i used sleep strats. Since this approach worked for Gastly, i reused it for Haunter and Gengar.

Brock's first pokemon could not win this fight, so let's see how his ace does. As it turned out, it did much better than expected. Ivysaur would have been problematic, but i got a crit Dig on my first attempt, allowing me to two-shot him before he could put me to sleep. Kadabra did big damage, but no one else could hit me neutrally, so i won easily. Drowzee and Hypno then confusioned their way through, with Thief for the Kadabra. Krabby's Secret Powers were a range to two-shot on the saur, and the other pokemon could still deal massive damage to me even if i got through, but eventually i got the luck i needed to beat them all with 10 HP left. For Kingler, it was a comfortable two-shot, meaning he won in try 1. Electrode's Sparks and Secret Powers then made short work of all its foes.

Exeggcute's strategy was to put its opponents to sleep so that it could Confusion away. However, due to accuracy strats on my opponent's part, it took until attempt 6 before i was able to land sleep powders on both Pidgeotto and Charmeleon. Once these two were down though, it was smooth sailing. Exeggutor did not have to bother with sleep and could just barrel through. Cubone had Rock Tomb for Pidgeotto, Brick Break for Raticate and Bone Club for the remaining two foes, so it and its evolution Marowak had no real troubles.

On to the Hitmons. They both got Rock Tomb, Secret Power and Brick Break, so they all beat their opponents with no trouble. Lickitung got these same moves, and thus also used them to get a first-try victory. Koffing and Weezing did not get these moves, but their sludge proved sufficient.
Rhyhorn had some serious problems. It had no way of dealing good damage against the Wartortle, and was two-shot by it. To make matters worse, it was a one-shot if he was in torrent range, and i had no way of avoiding that range. My strategy was to try and get him slower than me with Rock Tomb so that he would not realise he was in Torrent range until the turn i could kill him, but this never panned out. Rhyhorn is out. Rhydon however had an easy time, as Wartortle never attacked me.

Chansey's Rock Tomb was a 4HKO on Pidgeotto, and its Brick Break a 2HKO on Raticate, but its amazing bulk meant it could easily tank their hits in return, and i could Softboiled if the damage got too severe. Thus i could stall my way towards the win. For Tangela, Sleep strats were the way to go, though it took a few tries due to accuracy shenanigans from my foes. Eventually though, i managed to put them to sleep and secret power them to death. Kangaskhan on the other hand just powered through with STAB Secret Powers.

Seadra did not two-shot the Ivysaur, so i had to hope for a Sleep Powder miss. I got that miss on attempt 3, and proceeded to sweep through the rest of the team. Goldeen also did not get the two-shot, but she got supersonic, which she used to confuse her foe and get him to hit himself. He had to hit himself twice for this to work, as the confusion damage did not make it a two-shot. On attempt 6 though, Secret Power crit and paralyzed him, and he went for vine whip when he could move, so my chesto berry remained intact going into Raticate. I could thus use Rest to get back to full HP and wake up immediately, and Secret Power did the rest. Seaking also three-shot Ivysaur, but he got a sleep powder miss on try 1, allowing him to barrel through. No resto-chesto here though.

Staryu could use Camouflage to rid itself of its Water type and barrel through with STAB Secret Powers, though it may have helped that Bulbasaur went for PoisonPowder. Starmie doesn't get Camouflage, but it has enough defenses that being put to sleep isn't too devastating, especially with an early wakeup. After Ivysaur was dead, i recovered back up and secret-powered everyone else down. Mr. Mime gets Magical Leaf at this level, so it had no issue dealing with the Wartortle, and everything else went down to Confusion and Secret Power. Scyther though could just Secret Power spam. Jynx's Powder Snow killed the Pidgeotto in one go, and its Brick Breaks were powerful enough to take care of Charmeleon with no problem. The other two of course folded easily after that.

Electauzz won easily, one-shotting the first thee pokemon and taking only minor damage from Ivysaur as i slept. Things went about as easily for Magmar, though i might had lost had Wartortle consistently attacked me. Pinsir had Rock Tomb for Pidgeotto, Dig for Charmeleon, Brick Break for Raticate and Secret Power for Kadabra; all one-shots. Its fellow Safari Zone pokemon Tauros had an easy time as well, barreling through with STAB Secret Power.

Gyarados was the first pokemon to use neither a Sitrus nor a Chesto Berry for this fight, instead opting for a Persim Berry to cure it of Thrash's self-induced confusion. This allowed it to make short work of its foes. Lapras may not get ice moves to deal with the Ivysaur, but it does get Body Slam, which easily two-shot him.

That brings us to the fifth and final Kanto starter: Eevee. Eevee doesn't learn a lot of moves, but it does learn the right ones for dealing with these foes. STAB Secret Power in addition to Dig for the Charmeleon proved enough to net me a win. Vaporeon got lucky with Secret Power paralysis on try 1, allowing it to dispose of the Ivysaur without being put to sleep. Everything else folded easily, and things went equally swimmingly for Jolteon. Flareon was up against the much easier Wartortle, so Secret Power got him through the fight as well. Porygon gets STAB on Secret Power, though it did have to spam some Recovers when said move was disabled.

On to the fossils, starting with Lord Helix. Unfortunately, Omanyte could not even 3-shot the Ivysaur, so my strategy was to use Rock Tomb to make him slower and then spam Bite hoping to constantly flinch him. To my surprise, this strategy actually ended up working, and Blue's other pokemon couldn't really touch me, so once again Lord Helix has proven his superiority. Omastar has actual stats, and had the luck to be hit with Poisonpowder, so he could just power through despite his 4x weakness. Kabuto did not have Bite, but it does have a higher Attack than Lord Helix, allowing it to 3-shot the saur. I was trying for a Sleep Powder miss, but i ended up getting a crit, which is pretty much identical in effect. Kadabra just dicked around with Disable and Raticate and Pidgeotto couldn't hurt me, so i won this fight. For Kabutops, Ivysaur was a 2-shot, so no luck was needed. The final gen 1 fossil, Aerodactyl, could just one-shot the saur with Wing Attack.

Snorlax would Belly Drum on turn 1, using its Sitrus Berry to get its HP back. Then it proceeded to sweep through all of Blue's team.
On to the legendaries. Articuno made it through with a combination of Powder Snow and Secret Power, and Zapdos did the same with Thundershock and Peck. The final bird, Moltres, had no trouble either. Dratini and its evolutions get Dragon Rage at this point, which is enough to two-shot everyone. Finally for gen 1, Mewtwo and Mew obviously made it through without any issues.

On to gen 2, starting with Meganium. Meganium is one level shy of learning Synthesis, but it didn't matter as Secret Power was strong enough to get the win. I lost on attempt one due to accuracy shenanigans and a burn, but attempt 2 was a win. Cyndaquil had to hope to not get accuracy screwed and that Wartortle would not attack, which happened in attempt 3 where he powered through. Quilava and Typhlosion could take more hits and thus needed less luck, so they made it through too. Croconaw could not two-shot the Ivysaur and thus needed a Sleep Powder miss, which i got in attempt 3. All other enemies folded easily. Feraligatr on the other hand ended up not needing a miss, as it could survive being put to sleep once with enough HP to take out its foes.

Sentret may not be the strongest pokemon, but STAB Secret Power in combination with Brick Break and Dig proved enough to best all of its foes. Furret of course followed suit. All the other gen 2 early game pokemon are already out, so we move on to Crobat. Crobat's Wing Attacks proved more than enough to overpower all of its foes. Lanturn, like many water types in this fight, needed a Sleep Powder miss to get the three-shot, but i ended up getting the lucky paralysis which made him unable to move twice, preserving my Chesto Berry. Didn't end up needing to Rest though.

On to the first batch of babies. For most pokemon, the starter is the toughest opponent, but Cleffa struggled to even get there. If she tried to power through with STAB Secret Power, she would always end up getting stomped by Raticate. So i settled on a strategy of Singing the enemies to sleep and then beating them up. It took 6 tries, but eventually i got the luck i needed to reach Charmeleon and kill him with Dig. Igglybuff was able to replicate this success on try 1, though it didn't hurt that Raticate fell in love with me. Togepi doesn't have Sing, but it does have Ancientpower to easily deal with Pidgeotto and Charmeleon. In the third attempt, i ended up getting no less than 3 omniboosts thanks to Serene Grace, allowing me to easily power through everyone. Togetic only got 2 omniboosts, but that was still plenty to win on try 1.

Natu's only real option was Night Shade, or Secret Power for those unaffected by that move. This by itself did not prove enough; i had to get lucky with paralysis and the enemies not attacking me. I got this luck in attempt 4, though i did have to rest up against a paralyzed Raticate to prevent Kadabra from killing with confusion. Xatu's moves aren't any better, but its stats are, allowing it to power through in one try. Flaaffy also powered through with Secret Power; it would ave fallen to Ivysaur's Leech Seed had Ivysaur not been sent out last, but Ivysaur was sent out last. If Flaaffy can do it, obviously so can Ampharos. Bellossom then swept through with Secret Power and Magical Leaf.

Marill would set up a defense curl and then Rollout through the Pidgeotto, Ivysaur and Raticate, but Kadabra disabled Rollout before i could kill it so i used Bubblebeam instead. Disable missed against Azumarill, so it could just keep rolling. Sudowoodo got the Sleep Powder miss it needed in try 1, allowing for an easy win.
Unlike many water types covered so far, Politoed could two-shot the Ivysaur, so i had no real issues dealing with it. Hoppip however had a rougher time. It had very little amage output and both Pidgeotto and Charmeleon did a lot of damage, so i was forced to rely on the unreliable Sleep Powder together with Synthesis. Between misses and early wakeups, it took 6 attempts before i had finally made it past both these foes. Fortunately Raticate just spammed Tail Whip and Kadabra also didn't attack me, allowing me to win. Skiploom took 5 attempts with the same strategy, and Jumpluff was strong enough to just power through without relying on sleep.

Aipom had STAB Secret Power to work with, bringing us to Quagsire. Secret Power wasn't enough for a two-shot, but Mega Kick was, allowing me to avoid sleep and win. Espeon powered through with Confusion, and Umbreon did so with Secret Power, followed by Murkrow Secret Powering and Pecking its way through; Insomnia protected it from sleep strats. Slowbro's STAB Confusions cot it past its foes with ease, and Misdreavus Secret Powered her way through. Unown also powered through, but its power was Hidden, not Secret.

Wobbuffet is always an interesting pokemon for these kinds of challenges, for how different he plays from other pokemon. Unfortunately, that did not work out for him here. Accuracy strats meant that my counters and mirror coats would often miss, which in combination with Bite getting flinches and Kadabra disabling Mirror Coat, meant that Wobbuffet was unable to beat its foes within ten tries. Wobbuffet is out.

Girafarig's STAB Secret Powers proved enough for a sweep, bringing us to Forretress. Forretress was ousped and two-shot by Charmeleon's Ember, and its digs could only two-shot this beast, so the only thing i could do was hope for a smokescreen. I got the smokescreen in attempt 2, and fortunately i did not get one-shot by a blaze-boosted Ember thereafter, allowing my sitrus berry to heal me enough to take down both remaining foes. Dunsparce however just powered through with Rock Tomb, Secret Power and Dig.

Gligar digge its foes to death, and Jasmine's boy Steelix did the same, after which Snubbull and Granbull used Secret Power, Brick Break and Dig to get past. Qwilfish would just minimize until it was unhittable, after which it could wail on its foes. Scizor did not take nearly asmuch damage from Charmeleon as i expected, and i got Growled one turn rather than attacked, so i could two-shot him and win. Shuckle's Rock Tombs were a three-shot on Charmeleon despite being super effective, but its defenses are so good that i barely took any damage in return. Heracross may have a double weakness to Flying as well as weaknesses to Fire and Psychic, but Guts-boosted Rock Tombs, Brick Breaks and Secret Powers still easily powered through the enemy's team.

Sneasel's Secret Powers, Brick Breaks and Digs easily proved sufficient, and Teddiursa followed the same strategy, though it also ha Hidden Power Dark for Kadabra. Ursaring has no hidden power, but it does have Guts, allowing for an easy sweep. Magcargo though had it tougher. It dealt no meaningful damage to Wartortle and was two-shot by its Water Gun, or one-shot if he was in torrent range. My strategy was to yawn him to sleep hoping he didn't attack me, and then beat away at him with Rock Throw. In attempt 8, i got a lucky crit at just the right moment and could take out the turtle before it woke up. Nothing else could deal serious damage do me, so i got the win. Swinub and Piloswine then made their way through with Dig and Powder Snow.
Corsola could two-shot the Ivysaur with Hustle-boosted Rock Tombs, but the accuracy drop from Hustle meant it took 5 tries before both my rock tombs actually hit. Mantine however had no such troubles. Its Bubblebeams easily cut through the first three pokemon, and though it did get put to sleep by the saur, i barely took damage from it and could finish it off when i woke up. Skarmory then easily secret powered through. Houndour and Houndoom were up against Ivysaur, so they obviously had it easy. Claire's boy Kingdra also had it easy, as Secret Power was enough.

Phanpy had to rely on Wartortle not attacking, which fortunately is a course of action it often takes. In attempt 5, i sustained little damage against the turtle and was able to beat it and the two mons that followed. Donphan didn't take as much damage from Water Gun and thus it could win on try 1. Porygon2 had STAB Secret Power, though it did resort to Psybeam once that got disabled. Stantler also Secret-Powered through, which brings us to Smeargle. Smeargle is one of the few pokemon that does not get Secret Power, as there's no one to sketch it off of. It did however sketch Hyper Fang from Blue's Raticate, Dig from the Diglett in Diglett's Cave, Icicle Spear from Misty's gym trainers and Sing from wild Jigglypuff. Powering through didn't work, so i singed my opponents to sleep and then proceeded to Hyper Fang them to death. For Charmeleon i switched to Dig as it did more damage; Icicle Spear proved irrelevant.

Hitmontop's Brick Breaks and Secret Powers proved enough to one-shot or two-shot everything, bringing us to the second batch of babies. This challenge is unfortunately not yet relieved of the assault on my senses that is Smoochum; it lost its first attempt, but while i would have been thrilled to call it a day there, i have to give this thing a fair chance. Unfortunately, on attempt 2, Blue switched in Charmeleon early, and the damage it took from a crit powder snow on the switch allowed me to two-shot it with confusion. Everything else went down to STAB Confusion and Powder Snow as well. Elekid had Thunderpunch, Secret Power and a Chesto Berry for a no-damage sweep, but Magby had to rely on Wartortle being useless, which is fortunately something you can always rely on.

Whitney's stupid cow gets STAB on Secret Power, so unfortunately it got through easily. Blissey gets Minimize and Softboiled, so it didn't matter that it barely deals any damage to anything; it just chipped them down. That brings us to gen 2's legendaries, starting with Raikou. Raikou's Thundershocks and Secret Powers easily overpowered everything, and Entei did the same thing with just Secret Power. Suicune tried to Rain Dance and then spam Bubblebeam, but this proved ineffective against Ivysaur. Fortunately it just went for Poisonpowder, so i could finish it off with Secret Power, with enough HP remaining to deal with Raticate and Kadabra.
Larvitar's Guts-boosted Rock Slides were not enough to one-shot Ivysaur, but i got a lucky flinch on my first attempt, allowing me to power through. Everything else was a one-shot. Pupitar also got the two-shot a one-shot, so all of them move on to the next fight. Lugia and Ho-Oh no longer only have status moves; they made their way through with Secret Power just like everyone else. Celebi's STAB Confusion proved more than enough, so now we move on to gen 3.

Treecko had Rock Tomb and Dig to deal with Pidgeotto and Charmeleon, and it could take down the others with Brick Break and Secret Power. Its evolutions used the same strategy to the same results. Torchic however had a rougher time. It could not just power through the Wartortle, so instead, i set up a Focus Energy against Pidgeotto so that i could try and crit through Wartortle's defenses. This worked on attempts 2 and 3, but in attempt 2, misses against Raticate meant it got to kill me. Combusken had higher stats and STAB Double Kick, but ot also gained a weakness to Kadabra's Confusion. Nonetheless, it used its kicks to power through, and Secret Power for Kadabra. Blaziken's Fire Punch was even stronger, so it had an even easier time. For Marshtomp, Mud Shot did not prove strong enough to two-shot the Ivysaur, but Mega Punch did. The others posed no threat. For Swampert, Mud Shot was sufficient, so i did not have to deal with Mega Punch's shaky accuracy.

Poochyena could not get through if it ran a Chesto Berry; it would get weakened to the point where Ivysaur could one-shot it. However, if it ran a Sitrus Berry, it could safely get a few howls in against Pidgeotto and then sweep with Secret Power. It was not safe to roar Kadabra in and set up there; because Kinesis is the only thing it can do, it will spam it and make my foes unhittable. Mightyena on the other hand was strong enough to just spam Secret Power and win. Zigzagoon and Linoone had STAB Headbutts, as well as Hidden Power for the Kadabra and Dig for the Charmeleon.

Beautifly may be weak to two of the enemy's pokemon, but it had Morning Sun to recover much of the health lost, so it could power through with little issues. Dustox also gets Confusion to work with, but it also has a weakness to Psychic, making it weak to 3 of the 4 enemies. Moonlight proved sufficient to heal off that damage though, and Dustox powered through. Lotad however had more problems. Its low damage output and Flying weakness meant that it had to run a Sitrus Berry to get past Pidgeotto, but this left it defenseless against Ivysaur. Lotad gets no useful moves to incapacitate these two, and the one time i did luck my way past Ivysaur, Raticate just hit a quick attack for the kill. Lotad is out. Lombre also had a rough time, but access to Fake Out and higher stats meant its time wasn't as rough as Lotad's. A Chesto Berry was no longer required against Pidgeotto, but my damage output against Ivysaur and his damage output against me was both so low that a Sitrus Berry still gave more survivability than dodging sleep one time. It took 8 attempts, but eventually i beat the saur with enough HP remaining to take on Raticate and Kadabra. Ludicolo on the other hand powered through on attempt 1.

Nuzleaf is unlike its counterpart, in that it has Rock Tomb and actual offensive stats. It easily powered through, but Shiftry took 4 tries due to insane accuracy luck. Taillow and Swellow had Guts-boosted STAB Secret Power, so they obviously had an easy time. Wingull's STAB Wing Attacks were not enough to consistently make it to Ivysaur, but if i used a Focus Energy at the start, i could reach the saur. Unfortunately, Wing Attack was disabled when i first reached him, but because he went for Poisonpowder, i could stall out the disable and OHKO him for the win. Pelipper didn't need focus energy; his wing attack also got disabled, but because Ivysaur went for Poisonpowder again, i could again wait a few turns and then win.

On to Wally's boy Ralts. I was able to set up 6 Double Teams against the Pidgeotto, which allowed me to get 6 Calm Minds in and sweep his team. Kirlia got hit more often and thus couldn't get all 6 calm minds in, but she still swept easily. Gardevoir on the other hand could get to +6 and wiped the floor with them.
Masquerain's Secret Power wasn't strong, and it didn't have other useful tools, but intimidate meant it didn't take too much damage from Pidgeotto and Charmander spent his time smokescreening me, so i could beat them on attempt 2 with enough HP remaining to take on the other two foes. On the other hand, Breloom's Secret Power and Brick Break were strong, and only just missed out on the one-shot sweep.

Slakoth had a much more difficult time. It gets Slack Off, but the fact that it only moves every other turn meant that it could not reliably outheal Charmeleon's damage. I ended up using a strategy where i powered through the other three pokemon, then i yawned the Charmander to put it to sleep. I'd then heal and try to get some damage in. In attempt 8, i got a lucky crit at the end, allowing me to kill the Charmeleon and grab the win. Vigoroth was considerably less annoying, sweeping through with STAB Secret Power, and while Slaking has the same garbage ability as Slakoth, it has amazing stats, allowing it to power through.

Ninjask gets Double Team, so it used that to make itself unhittable. That brings us to the Whismur family. They all got STAB Secret Power, so it should come as no surprise that all of them made it through unscathed. For Makuhita, i first tried going in poisoned to activate Guts, but i found that this cost me too much HP, especially since everything outsped me and could thus get hits in. When i ran Thick Fat though, i easily swept through them; the loss of power ended up not really mattering. Hariyama obviously repeated the latter strategy.

On to our last baby. Azurill may be a wee lass, but her STAB Huge Power Secret Powers and Slams were enough to make short work of all of our foes. That means we're on to Roxanne's boy, Nosepass. Nosepass may be weak to Grass, but thanks to its sky-high defenses, being put to sleep was not an instant game over. I would hit a Rock Tomb in order to outspeed, and then two Rock Throws to get the kill. Kadabra liked to disable one of those moves, hence why i carried them both. Skitty's STAB Secret Powers carried her through, though critting the Charmeleon definitely didn't hurt. Delcatty didn't get a crit, but she still made it through with ease.

Sableye may have been immune to everything Raticate or Kadabra could do, but in attempt 1 it still ended up losing to them due to leech seed. In attempt 2 though, everything went to plan. I Rock Tombed down the Pidgeotto and killed the Ivysaur with a few Secret Powers. Mawile's only real foe was Charmeleon, but it had Rock Tomb to make short work of him and grab the win. Aron and its evolutions had the good fortune of going up against Charmeleon and not Wartortle or Ivysaur, so nothing Blue had posed any kind of threat.

Meditite and Medicham had Pure Power Brick Break and Rock Tomb to work with, so they had no issues. Electrike's Spark made short work of Pidgeotto and Raticate and his Secret Power dispatched Kadabra, then against the Ivysaur, i got lucky with paralysis and him not putting me to sleep, so i could win. It took Manectric multiple tries, but eventually it also got an attempt where it was not put to sleep. Plusle had to resort to Mega Kick against the Ivysaur as its Secret Powers weren't doing enough, but other than that, its strategy was the same as the aforementioned electric types.

Volbeat had Double Team so it could make itself unhittable, allowing it to win with ease. Illumise did not have Double Team, but she didn't need it as she just swept through with Brick Break and Mega Kick. Roselia faced three opponents with supereffective moves and its only real offensive option (secret power) tended to get disabled, but surprisingly Mega Drain and Leech Seed provided enough recovery to make it past the more dangerous foes, and to not get killed by Raticate thereafter. Gulpin failed on attempt one because Sludge got disabled, but on attempt 2 i finished off the Pidgeotto with Secret Power, prompting Kadabra to disable that move instead. This allowed me to continue sweeping with Sludge; poisoning the Wartortle definitely didn't hurt. Swalot did the same and won in one try.
Carvanha and Sharpedo got access to Crunch, which gave them an easy time. Wailmer could get through with Rollout, but when i tried that strategy with Wailord i discovered that it had only worked because Ivysaur did not go for Sleep Powder; apparently your rollout is interrupted by sleep even if you wake up on the same turn.

On to the Mt. Chimney crew. Numel unfortunately had a rough time. Its double weakness to water meant it generally had only 1 chance to hit a high magnitude. On the winning attempt, i did not get an exceptionally high Magnitude, but Wartortle just decided not to kill me; Withdraw is more important i guess. Camerupt got similar luck in his second attempt, and thus also made it through despite his glaring weakness. Torkoal's Body Slam got the lucky paralysis on wartortle, but even without that it would have been sufficient to wreck its foes. Spoink and Grumpig had STAB Psybeams to work with, as well as Secret Power for Kadabra, so they had no trouble.

Spinda had Rock Tomb for Pidgeotto and Charmeleon, Brick Break for Raticate and Secret Power for Kadabra, so it had no issues. Trapinch and its evolutions Rock-Tombed the Pidgeotto and then spammed their STAB Dig, though Trapinch himsef had to Faint Attack down the Kadabra after Dig got disabled. Cacturne's Secret Powers and Revenges proved sufficient to beat all of its foes, bringing us to Swablu. Swablu's Secret Powers were strong enough, but it did have to Sing the Kadabra to sleep to stall out a Disable. Altaria had the good fortune of being up against Bulbasaur, so Peck came in handy as i grabbed an easy win.

Zangoose set up a Swords Dance and proceeded to get a one-shot sweep, and while Seviper's tools were considerably less insane, its Poison Tail was still enough to win in one try. Solrock and Lunatone had the good fortune to be up against Ivysaur, so they could easily Confusion and Rock Throw their way through. On to the cutest, most lovely pokemon of all time: Whiscash. Whiscash may have a double weakness to Grass, but if i got a few Amnesias in against Pidgeotto, i could easily tank anything Bulbasaur threw my way. On attempt 1 i got accuracy-screwed and ended up losing, but attempt 2 brought victory.

Corphish could not two-shot the Ivysaur and i saw no way to make this work, but then i got a crit, which did allow me to two-shot the saur and kill his raticate and kadabra with brigk break and secret power. Crawdaunt didn't need a crit. Baltoy and Claydol had STAB Psybeam and Dig to work with, though it still took Baltoy multiple attempts to get past Wartortle and its supereffective Bites. Eventually it won though.

On to the gen 3 fossils. Lileep and Cradily had Ingrain, which meant they feared nothing the enemies could do. Leech Seed might have been annoying, but he never used that. Anorith dodged a sleep powder and killed everything else before it could attack, thanks to Rock Tomb, Brick Break and Secret Power. Armaldo however did take damage, from one Hyper Fang. With Castform, i Powder Snowed down the Pidgeotto and set up rain against Raticate, so that i could kill him with a STAB Rain-boosted Water Gun. However, Kadabra was next and disabled Water Gun, so i had to kill him and Charmeleon with non-STAB Secret Powers. Not how i intended it to go, but a win's a win. Kecleon's Colour Change meant i could not rely on Secret Power being STAB, but that move in combination with Rock Tomb, Brick Break and Dig still got me the win.
On to the Mt. Pyre crew. Shuppet's attack isn't the best, but it still managed to 3-shot Pidgeotto with Secret Power, and it could outdamage Wartortle with Night Shade, if only because he didn't attack me. Kadabra wasted time disabling Night Shade and Raticate couldn't hurt me, so i won. Banette used these same moves to get the same results, and the same goes for Duskull and Dusclops. Tropius got accuracy-screwed and burned in its first attempt, but in attempt two, it managed to power through with its Secret Powers and Razor Leafs. Finally, Chimecho Confusioned his way through, though he used Take Down for Kadabra.

Absol used Taunt to shut down Ivysaur's shenanigans and STAB Bite to beat all of its foes. Snorunt would then Double Team up and dodge-tank everything they threw at me, as did Glalie. That brings us to gen 3's late-game water types, starting with Spheal. Spheal and its evolutions had the good fortune of being up against Charmeleon, so they could just Water Gun down that foe. Everything else went down to Powder Snow or Body Slam. Gorebyss had Confusion to two-shot the Ivysaur and Water Pulse for everything else, meaning the Clamperl family still lives on through her. Relicanth's Rock Tombs got the two-shot on the saur, meaning it didn't have to fear those grass moves.

On to the pseudo-legendaries. With Bagon, i tried it with a Chesto Berry a few times, but i found that my damage output was never great enough to make it to the Ivysaur with good HP. So i ended up running a Sitrus Berry instead and won on the first try. I had Rock Tomb for the Pidgeotto, Bite for Kadabra and Secret Power for the other two. If Bagon can do it, then Shelgon and Salamence obviously can as well. Metang and Metagross had Rock Tomb for Pidgeotto and Charmeleon, Brick Break for Raticate and Secret Power for Kadabra, though Metagross took 2 tries because it got a burn.

And like last time, we finish up with the legendaries. Latias and Latios easily powered through with DragonBreath, using Safeguard to shut Ivysaur down. Kyogre had Rock Tomb for Pidgeotto, Body Slam for Ivysaur, Brick Break for Raticate and Water Pulse for Kadabra. Groudon's Ancientpower got it an omniboost vs Pidgeotto, so it easily made it through. Rayquaza Dragon-Clawed through, and Jirachi's STAB Psychics were more than strong enough. Finally, both Deoxys-A and Deoxys-D made it through with Rock Tomb, Brick Break and Secret Power.

And there we have it. Of the 320 pokemon that made it to the SS Anne rival, 316 managed to beat him, while only Geodude, Rhyhorn, Wobbuffet and Lotad faltered. I'm going on vacation for the coming week, but after that, it's time for these 316 to take on Misty.
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