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Which Types Had It Worse?


Jul 11, 2011
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Not all types are perfect, but some are practically worse than others whether it's from the very beginning, countless nerfing, or an introduction to a game breaking move. Out of the 17 types, these are the ones who have suffered the most:

Grass: Numerous weaknesses and severe movepools

Fire: Stealth Rock, nuf said

Ice: Do I need to explain it?

Poison: Inferior version to the Dragon type (same number of advantage and weaknesses), and they're overshadowed by the fact that everyone and their grandmother knows Toxic

Out of the four, which one do you think has suffered the most?
Psychic has also suffered, says a general consensus. But anyway:


Grass is definitely not the worst typing.

Fire isn't purely hurt by Stealth Rock; mostly, pokemon who are 4x weak to Rock have over-suffered, losing the ability to enter in to battle after a certain point almost completely. (So it's mostly just things like Charizard and Moltres.) They could have made a damage cap for Stealth Rock (if not 25%, then something like 33%)... Fire is also hurt by abilities that make Fire attacks completely nil, like Flash Fire.

Meh, there is almost no good pokemon that's a pure Ice type... Ice types need to be purely offensively-minded, or else, they need a good type combination to accompany any bulk they may have.

Poison isn't a bad type at all.
Water, My blastoise has suffered enough to have suffered the most.

Out of your 4 types though, I would have to say fire, I can kill one without using a single move that is super-effective myself.
I would say Rock, as there's not a lot of them that are good, but it's not in the list, so I'll say Poison. Some Poison-types may be good at defending (Weezing, for example), but most of them have problems when it comes to attacking, especially those who don't have a second type. Of course, there are some exceptions, like Nidoking or Drapion, who are decent attackers, but most of the time, they're less usable in offense.
Poison...just Poison. The majority of the type's Pokémon are terrible at offense and defense in general.
Actually Poison is a great Defensive typing after Steel. but sucks offensivly. Fire has plenty of restistances but thery are worthless because Fire's weak to water ground and Rock all very common attacking types. Psychic has been nerfed big-time but it's not all bad. Grass... yeah it has had the worst end of the stick so far and Ice is a craptastic defensive typing and is best used to take out Dragons. Because all the types it's SE against have better options that don't suck defensivly

SO Worst Dfensive type Ice no doubt
Worst Offensive: Poison only one SE... and Grass is weak to other types...
I'd have to say Ice and Poison have it the hardest and this makes me sad due to both of these types have the potential to be great.

I think Ice needs higher chances of Freeze status, due to how it's set up now, Freeze status is the rarest status in the game and it just needs higher chances of occurring. Also I think Ice should get more support moves. That would make the class a lot more interesting to run.

Poison's issue IMO, is they need more pokemon extremes. For instance they should have some pokemon with some extreme stat builds, I seem to see a lot of Poison pokemon focus on health, maybe they should build on this a bit more. Have some more pokemon of the poison type that use health to their advantage.
I also thought it would be fun if Poison STAB included a poison chance automatically. Like if you are using a poison pokemon and use a poison move such as "Acid" that doesn't poison the foe, you would get a 30% chance of poisoning because you are type matching for poison.
Fire has plenty of restistances but thery are worthless because Fire's weak to water ground and Rock all very common attacking types.

Don't forget that while they have the advantage against the dominant type in the metagame, steel types, players shoved them away and used fighting types instead due to Stealth Rock. All of this would've been solved if either the fire types were faster than Stealth Rock users and given a decent SE move, preferably Energy Ball, to take them down fast or if Steath Rock wasn't created in the first place.
Don't forget that while they have the advantage against the dominant type in the metagame, steel types, players shoved them away and used fighting types instead due to Stealth Rock. All of this would've been solved if either the fire types were faster than Stealth Rock users and given a decent SE move, preferably Energy Ball, to take them down fast or if Steath Rock wasn't created in the first place.

They should just ban SR... it'd make everybody much happier... has the useage been reduced any now that it's not a TM?
They should just ban SR... it'd make everybody much happier... has the useage been reduced any now that it's not a TM?

Seeing as Tyranitar is still OU and Ferrothorn can learn it by breeding, I don't think it's completely gone in the metagame.
Psychic should replace Fire on this list, as its suffered ALOT more and SE hurts more than just Fire types.

Fire - Has been trailblazing even with Stealth Rocks, and at times SE is the only way to counter certain Pokemon, ie Volcorona. Darmanitan is still a beast, Infernape is a beast, Blaziken is so good that its banned in some places, Heatran is fantastic, Chandelure is great, Arcanine is also pretty good. Victini... V Create... nuff said. Almost forgot DROUGHT NINETAILS! Fire picks up with every generation. Really, only thing stealth rocks put out of business is Charizard who is already frail and Moltres.

Yet Volcorona who shares the exact same 4x weakness does just dandy, probably because of its fantastic moves. Aside from all these mentioned Fire is also a fantastic attack type unlike Psychic is, as many use it for coverage.

Grass - Is decent and average at worst, definitely not that bad despite the weaknesses.

Ice - Suffers because they are poor defensively but make up by being very good offensively. Its often better to run an ice attack as opposed to have an ice Pokemon, but there are some pretty good ones though that focus on attacking.

Poison - Definitely the worst typing, not much point besides poisoning (which anybody can do) and hitting grass for SE damage, which Fire outclasses it in.
Really, only thing stealth rocks put out of business is Charizard who is already frail and Moltres.

Hence why I added Fire, because Charizard's suppose to be one of the most iconic Pokemon in the series, yet it's now one of the worst Pokemon to use.

Psychic is slowly improving with Reniculus, Sigilyph, and the new and improved Alakazam and Espeon.
Seeing as Tyranitar is still OU and Ferrothorn can learn it by breeding, I don't think it's completely gone in the metagame.

Tyranitar would be OU anyway.. aren;t all Psuedo's OU? and Fetrothorn is onen fo the best Pokemon right now... but at least it has gone down a bit... though I don't play competitivly... At least Psychic got some major buffs. (Reiuniclus and Magic Guard Alakazam anybody?) to bad Fire's my favorite type
Hence why I added Fire, because Charizard's suppose to be one of the most iconic Pokemon in the series, yet it's now one of the worst Pokemon to use.

Psychic is slowly improving with Reniculus, Sigilyph, and the new and improved Alakazam and Espeon.

I agree that Psychic is trying to drag itself back up, but that is probably because of the influx of Fighting types. Currently though, I'd have to say Fire > Psychic in quality.

By that logic you should add electric types because Pikachu is the mascot lol To tell you the truth about Charizard... who is my former favorite back in the day so I hate saying this but it has to be said:

In the anime he kicks @ss in the games he gets his @ss kicked. Thats how its always been save for that Bellyzard combo that people used in gen 2. Even Solar Power was not enough to change that because Charizard is just too frail.
Fire types definitely have it bad, considering they're still looked down on when they're are dominant Metagame Pokes running around with a 4x weakness to Fire.

I really think Poison got screwed when it lost the ability to SE Bug types. Poison has almost no offensive potential, considering a lot of Grass types have a secondary type that allows them to take neutral damage instead. Why do they keep adding offensive Poison moves when they havn't made it more viable? A suggestion I've read before, was for certain Poison moves to act as if they were SE against certain types, ie Acid being SE against Steel or Slug Wave SE against Water, which I thought was very clever.
Grass: Get bad movepools and they only have a few key SE. They are heavily resisted.
- Fixed by improving movepools in the pokemon and tinkering the offensive resistences. Gimmicks against the anti-grass gimmicks would be good too, like variable stats in both rain and sunlight. Needs to be a viable option for taking down water types.

Ice: The pokemon don't live up to it. Despite they sucking in defense, they can't pull off being the best offensive type for the simple fact of being resisted by water. Also everything can spam Ice attacks anyway, particularly Water which is already the best type of the game. Earning an Ice STAB and Hail resist just doesn't get over the massive defense lose.
- Fixed by removing Water resistence and GREATLY limiting the usage of Ice moves from other types, again particularly Water. Needs better Pokémon that make use of it's offense and disregard defense (or have good typing). Needs some other gimmick to improve them (Increased stats in hail?). Perhaps add another resistence.

Poison: Can't do much besides having average-good defense with two very bad weaknesses besides crippling Grass even further.
- Fixed by giving it at least another super-effectiveness. If Grass became a better type, Poison would gain use too.

In any case, Poison certainly had it the worst in Gen. 1 days. Its two mortal enemies were in the three top types, and only strong to the unusable Bug and Tangela. (And funnily enough, now it could really use the SE to Bug as it has risen to a good enough type)

Right now, Ice hands down. A mix of not handling the offense of the type well enough and having other critical flaws, and being overshadowed by Water of all things, make it a really undesiderable typing for anything.
Ice types should gain 30% more Attack or Sp. Attk in Hail. That'd set people straight.
Unfortunately, the Ice-type. Most Ice-types are too frail to be a defensive force, and the Attack stat of most Ice-types is so-so.

The Ice-type has only one OU member, Cloyster.

The newest additions to the Ice-type are horrible. Cryogonal is too frail to support its team, and its Attack and Special Attack stats are too low to attempt a sweep. Furthermore, Cryogonal goes down with a single Bullet Punch. Beartic has a great Attack stat, but his Speed is absolutely terrible. I hope his DW ability, Swift Swim, will be his saving grace. Vanilluxe is decent. Its Attack and Special Attack stat are alright, and its low Speed can be fixed with Automatize.
Poison has it the worse. Considering that nearly half the metagame resists its moves, and their weakness to the king of Gen 1 (Psychic) and the most prominent Attack move in the game (Earthquake), they've had it hard. But there are some stars such as Gengar and Toxicroak who have pulled through the crap.
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
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