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Which Zelda?

Which version do you prefer?

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Jul 18, 2006
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Which Zelda are you getting? I like the GCN version, because it isn't flipped to make him a righty, and because it maintains the feel of the original game. Which one do you want?
GameCube, since I'm not getting a Wii until the summer.
GameCube version. The lack of camera control in the Wii version drives me nuts.
I want to play this game now, but I don't have a Wii and don't plan on getting one for a while. So for now, the GC version (which I oddly can't seem to locate anywhere but online)--but later, I DO really want to play it on the Wii, so I'll prolly get a redundant Wii copy down the line.

Question about the flipping: Is there an option on the Wii that allows you to choose whether you're left- or right-handed with the Wiimote and that would change Link accordingly? Or are all Wii games just right-handed by default?
I second Archaic's non-issue with the camera in the Wii version.

And I never even *noticed* that Link was supposed to be left-handed until everyone started going apeshit because he's right-handed on the Wii. What difference does it make which hand he swings a sword with?

Birdyspot said:
the GC version (which I oddly can't seem to locate anywhere but online)

Today is the ship date...most retailers won't actually receive the game until tomorrow.
Honestly...given that Nintendo have already clarified that each Link is a seperate character...I think it'd be pretty unbelieveable if there weren't some Links that were right-handed.

Heck, back in the days of sprites, Link was frequently ambidextrous, since his sprite would just be flipped when he changed directions.
Today is the ship date...most retailers won't actually receive the game until tomorrow.

Hah! That explains it. Somehow I'd gotten it in my silly head that both versions were shipping simultaneously. Well, no one's really talking about the GC version anyway, that's prolly why! :drowsy:

And true that about Link's past "ambidexterity." Has it only been since OoT that he's specifically been a lefty? Admittedly I didn't notice it until Majora's Mask......
I second Archaic's non-issue with the camera in the Wii version.

And I never even *noticed* that Link was supposed to be left-handed until everyone started going apeshit because he's right-handed on the Wii. What difference does it make which hand he swings a sword with?

Today is the ship date...most retailers won't actually receive the game until tomorrow.
I'm sure you can relate with this one. They flipped the game. So if a desert is to the west in one version, it's to the east in the other. It's like when they flip manga.
I think he was a leftie in LttP, but not in Link's Awakening for the GB, released shortly after.

I'm sure you can relate with this one. They flipped the game. So if a desert is to the west in one version, it's to the east in the other. It's like when they flip manga.

That's a problem for canon purists, not for gameplay. Unlike in manga, where flipping can have a serious impact on how one enjoys the game, it makes no real difference for this game.
I'm getting the Wii. Unless the GCN version proves to be infinately better as people who have yet to play it told me.
The only thing I dislike in the flipping is that it's a bit confusing where the map of Hyrule is concerned. The Hyrule in TP is clearly the same place as OoT's Hyrule, with matching locations - the desert in the west, the Zora's Kingdom and the Goron's mountains in the east. The Wii version flips that around, so it's like playing a topsy turvy version of Hyrule. Personally, I don't see the reason for the flip. First of all, one would think they could've just reprogrammed Link's sprite individually from the rest of the game to be flipped. Secondly, if lefties are still OK to play the game flipped, it shouldn't make any difference for righties to play lefties.
Is the Cube one actually confirmed as not being flipped? I was under the impression that both were, the Wii's just had a point to it.

I really don't see the problem though, it's not as if it actually matters.
Hyrule, for some reason, changes it's layout all the time. I think it's an affect of the three goddesses' magic.
Already got the Wii version, and am more than happy with it. Haven't yet experienced any camera issues that weren't in the previous 3D Zelda games anyway.
It's a personal quirk. I have this weird obsessive compulsive thingy where I need to control the viewing frustum in order to be satisfied with a game. :|

I can assure you, this decision wasn't easy as I'm foregoing 16:9 resolutions for this. I can at least console myself with the fact that I'm not rich enough nor have the room to have an HDTV in my apartment, or a regular TV for that matter. I play all my console games on my PC thanks to my twenty dollar POS TV tuner. ;(
Hyrule, for some reason, changes it's layout all the time. I think it's an affect of the three goddesses' magic.

Well if you really think about it, not a lot.

Aside from Minish Cap, most of the Zelda-side games have been set in neighboring lands like Termina or what have you.

Really, there have been about only 5 different depictions of Hyrule - the one in Zelda I/Adventures of Link, the Great Sea from WW/PH, the one in OoT/TP, the one in Link to the Past (and that one has some notable similarities to OoT), and the one in Minish Cap.

Usually they use the same layout of one particular Hyrule for about two games before moving onto a new one. And it's explicitly stated in WW that there have been at least two different Hyrules founded in different locales after the very first one got flooded.
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