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Who Do You Most Commonly Use As Main Characters in Your Fanfics?

Who is Your Primary Character Group For Writing With?

  • Ash and Company (Ash, Misty, Brock, Tracey)

    Votes: 16 12.9%
  • Team Rocket Members (Jessie, James, Meowth, Giovanni, Domino, etc.)

    Votes: 5 4.0%
  • Minor "Good" Characters (Casey, Ritchie, Duplica, etc.)

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • Non-TR Villians (Annie and Oakley, Jirarudan (if he's a villian...), etc.)

    Votes: 3 2.4%
  • Gym Leaders/Elites (Sabrina, Erika, Morty, etc.)

    Votes: 10 8.1%
  • Original Characters

    Votes: 68 54.8%
  • Pokémon (As in POVs, or stories focusing on a Pokémon)

    Votes: 7 5.6%
  • Many or all of the above

    Votes: 13 10.5%

  • Total voters

Pacific Pikachu

Cuddly Electric Critter
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
So... Who do you guys, as Pokémon fanfiction authors, most commonly use as main characters?

I consider myself mostly an Ash-tachi writer (I'm most used to writing their personalities and using them as characters), however, I'm also highly prone to bouts of Pokémon POVs and the such. In fact, I think I write more stories about the Pokémon themselves than the human characters... However, I still say Ash-tachi is my primary group to work with.

How about you?
Gak, I can't vote for two options! I voted for "Non-TR 'Villians'" because I write for Jiri so much, but then I went and tried to vote for "TR Members" because I write a lot for them too, and it said I'd already voted! *huge smile* Can you change it to multiple answers? Sometimes we split our focus...

I find villians/antagonists/anti-heroes to be fascinating. Even though a character like, say, Molly has much different goals than, say, Bishasu, I'm still interested. And...I can't really figure out why. I think it's the 'living for yourself' aspect, because that's really the only thing that binds them...

...but you know what? That can't possibly be it, because someone like Domino doesn't live for herself, and she's one of my faves. She lives entirely for the team, and would give up everything for it. Maybe it's the dichotomy, then, and possibly why I like Execshipping so much.

But that's just one example. Maybe I like them because of who they are rather than what they are, and 'what' they are is a veritable Most Wanted. Perhaps that's just coincidence.
The gym leaders are the most fun to write about... Probably because they never have much background when in the anime/games, and it's fun coming up with different characteristics for all of them.
Plus... The characters are just so cool-looking!! ^^ I'd say about 50% or more of the really cute guys in Pokemon are either gym leaders or Elite... Maybe even a higher percentage than that...
Not that I'm much of a fanficwriter. I've enough storylines inside my head, but never come to writing then down. Most of them use original charcters.

Maya-Story-line Originally started as Diamondshipping, but the focus switched from Ash and compagny to my own made up characters, Maya and her friend Mira and Joseph, thereby getting rid of Ash. :) It deals about them as agents fighting agains Team Rocket, for both idealistic and personal reasons, abnd dealing with the legancy of an ancient civilisation (the one that used to live around Shamuti Island, yes Jiri appears as one-shot characters as well

Crystal-Story-line Dealing about the adventures of Lance daughter crystl and her quest to become an elite-trainer. Deals about exicting Gymleaders and Elite Four members, as well about made up gymleaders from another continent.

Town Trainers Story-line Made up characters, but based on the Poikemon Special chacters, however, with a lot of differences. The Quest to become Pokemon masters of trainers from both Pallet town (children of Ash and Misty and of Gary and a girl I've yet to make up :-D ) and rainers from New Bark town. Trainers from little root will soon jion the gang, I think

Choosen Warriors Story-line A story of Pokemontrainer bound trough destiny to end the terror of Team Aqua and Magma. All-made up characters

Dark future Story line Made up tonight ;-) Will contain grandchildren or ever further from both the cystal and the Maya storyline charcters. All made-up chacters. That all know till so far
I try to focus mainly on Ash, Misty and Brock, but I do find that writing for supporting characters is fun. One of my favorite stories involves Lorelei Prima and Koga (Zenshipping).
When I write fan-fics(not that I've put any here...) They're either Original Character or Pokémon POV. I've done one with the POV of Ash's Pikachu once... Err... I started to and never finished... But it's easier for me to do original because I know the characters really well.
I'm starting with original characters. It's an interesting challenge to try and get people to sympathize with, say, a Jack Hammer, middle child inexplicably named after a noisy construction worker's tool. No matter how you write the characters in an AAML fanfic, for example, people will always be cheering for the couple to get together. Ever read "Let His Music Fill My Soul" by Blue Flamed Cheetah? Misty seems very far off the mark, Brock may as well not be there, and Ash...is kinda...odd. But people are reviewing it positively anyway, because it's AAML. A very odd variety therof, too. VERY odd.
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Woo! Go original characters! Leading the poll so far.

My vote was almost for minor good characters. I always find the one-shots more interesting to write about, to make up backgrounds for, to figure out which major chars they're related to. *g*
Usually the main characters, or characters with a main role in the series.

I figure NC fics are just plain irritating by now - there's only about three people who can pull it off decently, usually it's new character who is utterly flawless in every possible way and somehow gets hold of an uberPoké as their starter.


Besides, there's so many possibilities with the established characters! *grins and writes more Ash-torture* ^_^ Peefic!
The trick is to give the guy a good supporting cast, IMO. Also, I like the idea of writing a "journey" fic in retrospective. That way, all the boring stuff isn't there for a believable reason. Additionally, depending on which stories are included, you can develop the character a bit. If you throw in stories of catching for a Babe Ruth league team along with all those gym Battles, that shows you something - perhaps the way a character thinks as a backstop carries over years later. The analogy of a catcher to a Pokemon trainer is one I rather like, and it isn't too boring.
Originally posted by Kaz
Besides, there's so many possibilities with the established characters! *grins and writes more Ash-torture* ^_^ Peefic!

Completely agreed, Kaz! :-D Ash torture = Plenty of fun. Because then you get to feel bad for him and cause general turmoil among everyone! *Cackles and holds up writing pen/torture mechanism*

It *is* normal behavior for a writer's favorite character to be the one that is victimized the most...right?
*hails before minor characters*

Because it's too fun to make up stuff for characters you see once in a blue moon. We get to know a good bit about Ash-n-friends and TR and co., but what about those random folks on the road?How the hell did they get to where they are, to how they think, to how they caught their critters, etc.? Fun fun fun!

...oh, who am I kidding. I'll warp any character for my own twisted purposes if the mood is right. *grin*
Original characters. I had no intention of doing Ash and his gang. Then again, to set my fic in Hoenn, I had to pretty much forget about Ash and co. anyway. I leave that stuff to the anime writers, they are much more capable than me. (It's true, I'm horrible) It gets complex, though. 3 main characters, 1 rival, TM/TA made up members, and 6 minor trainers that I'm working on right now.
Usually mine are original based though I do trial myself as guilty for using regular Pokemon as main characters. For some odd reason, the twirps and Team Rocket or always consistent sub characters...
Most of my fanfics consist of original characters. It gives me more freedom and I don't have to sweat so much over keeping the characters in character. X_X Besides, the characters of Pokemon annoy me to death. I hate them all, honestly. But I don't even write Pokemon fics now. I've started a couple Escaflowne ones (using Dilandau), but that's all. Everything else I do is original. Tis' more fun. =D
Well, I can't make it a "fill all box that applies" poll, but I at least added a "many or all of the above" category - and cast my vote there.

Seriously, it's the only one that really apply to me. Just looking at TGE, major characters includes :

Domino (thus roketto dan)
Natsume (thus gym leaders et al)
Hiroru (thus original characters)
Ai, Nanami (minor characters)

The story is just as much about, say, Natsume or Ai as it is about kasumi or Satoshi, or Shigeru or Nanami...

As for the rest, I'Ve written stories for many, many, many characters.
I always write about Ash and the gang. I don't think I will ever write a Pokemon story that didn't include Ash in some way since he is my favorite character, and I love writing him.
Although, I am trying to challenge myself by writing a Rocketshipping fic, but again, I've managed to make Ash a main character.
It seems I can't help it! ^^;;;;;
For me? It depends...

Almost all of my fanfictions are almost always about legendaries.

But I'll have a preview of one:

The Legeds Keeper: The Main Character here is my RP representative, Toshin. Joined by Lyn and Eliwood. Lyn and Eliwood got their names from the newest Fire Emblem game. The original spellings are: Lynn and Eruwood.

For my other fanfics, its the original characters such as Haruka, Masato, Satoshi, Takeshi etc.
I tried to write an original character fic once and it got shot down miserably. The character was good, the quasi-script format wasn't Someday I'll try to fix it. Who am I kidding. It's over 200 pages long. I don't have the ambition to fix it.

I write Ash a lot because IRL I act a lot like Ash. I look a lot like Ash too. If I was a boy I swear I'd be Ash. I've even had run ins with electricity. But that's not the topic now is it.The point is that I can identify well with Ash and therefore I write Ash a lot.

I also love to torture Brock since he reminds me of a friend of mine, hence Brock is an identifiable character for me and easy to write. That and Brock torture is such fun. Character torture is fun. Even my Ash fics have a strong Brock element to them. I also pay more attention to Brock than to the other characters in the show also making him easier to write. Yet another factor that encourages me to write Brock-centric material is the fact that his half humourous half serious character fits well into my self mocking dramatic style. Brock, like my writing, is very serious, but doesn't really take himself seriously at times.

Also, being a huge James fan I dedicated an entire fic to him and his purpose for villiany.

I find that I do write in a lot of original characters. My most succesful original character to date I feel is Ash "Ketch" Ketchum from "Tale of a Wilted Flower". I had to give Ash a father for the purposes of the fic, but once he was there I took him and sort of went nuts with it.

I usually write my stories based on the adventures of Ash and company. This is mostly because I find that I understand the characters fairly well and can write them in a believable way. Oddly enough, I've found that I'm not so good at writing Jessie and James. Only one of my TR-centred stories has reached the stage where I felt able to publish it.

The only other characters that I regularly use are semi-fictionalised versions of myself and my friends.
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