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Who's importing Diamond or Pearl?

Dec 29, 2002
Reaction score
  1. He/Him
Perhaps I should change the title to "Who's buying Japanese Diamond and/or Pearl", considering that some people reading this live in Japan, but oh well. ^^;; Anyway, just for reference, we'd like to know who's getting these games. We have a few plans for the near future for D/P things, and we're really going to need the co-operation of others who've got the games for themselves if at all possible.

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Well... I'm getting the game (Pokemon diamond)... I'm not quite sure what you're planning but I'll edit this post with my FC when it comes... ^_^;;

(EDIT1) I guess I should say like habunake and say that I got fed-ex shipping, which should be 1-day in California... Though, I have a lot of tests and assignments for next week so I'll be very limited.
Same with me. I'll have Diamond hopefully by friday, at the earliest, Monday the latest. I'm too psyched that I can barely curb my enthusiasm...ahahahaha. I've purposely withdrawn myself from mainstream Pokemon news sites, etc. to keep the game somewhat of a surprise.

I'm getting Diamond from Yes Asia (ordered on the 10th), and am already doing something.


Any info that I put up there is, of course, free to use (verbatim, if you feel like copying and pasting) as long as I'm credited.

- Trip
Same with me. I'll have Diamond hopefully by friday, at the earliest, Monday the latest. I'm too psyched that I can barely curb my enthusiasm...ahahahaha. I've purposely withdrawn myself from mainstream Pokemon news sites, etc. to keep the game somewhat of a surprise.


Not me, I'm a spoiler whore.

I'm gonna so beat you up with my Russian Korobooshi!
I'm getting Diamond from Yes Asia (ordered on the 10th), and am already doing something.


Any info that I put up there is, of course, free to use (verbatim, if you feel like copying and pasting) as long as I'm credited.

- Trip

You do realise that by the time you get the game, most news will have already been out for days thanks to the inevitable leak, right?

I'll be doing an Adventure Log on the Pokecharms front page for the duration of my play of the game. I'll be updating with all the info wrenched from the game before that of course, but I feel I may as well do something on the site after paying out to get the game. With any luck, there are chances we could still lead the way in discovering certain things by playing the real game but the pirates and hackers will likely beat us to the majority of info.
You do realise that by the time you get the game, most news will have already been out for days thanks to the inevitable leak, right?

I'll be doing an Adventure Log on the Pokecharms front page for the duration of my play of the game. I'll be updating with all the info wrenched from the game before that of course, but I feel I may as well do something on the site after paying out to get the game. With any luck, there are chances we could still lead the way in discovering certain things by playing the real game but the pirates and hackers will likely beat us to the majority of info.

I'm not about getting info FIRST, I plan to be early in ORGANIZING that info. That's why my main goal is that Trainer List. In the Versus Books Crystal guide that I have, they listed every trainer, levels, and cash. I have yet to find a guide to that stuff in Ru/Sa/FR/LG/E (not that I've done much looking). So, I'm taking the initiative and making one right away for Diamond/Pearl.

Don't misinterpret me, I'm not concerned about the information--it's public knowledge. I just don't want people copying+pasting my list(s)/hard work without a mention of my name.

- Trip
I have yet to find a guide to that stuff in Ru/Sa/FR/LG/E (not that I've done much looking).

I started doing a guide for that for Fr/Lg at launch in 2004. X). I think I got as far as Celadon City before getting so distracted I couldn't be arsed continuing with it, lol.

Whether I include specifics like Gym leader Pokemon or Trainer Pokemon etc in my Adventure Log will probably be down to whether or not it's already going to have been posted on the site as part of news days beforehand.
Anyof you guys have any high-tech cameras to take pics of? I heard Serebii is having trouble with that.
I am importing Diamond and Pearl and chose FedEx as well.

Edit: I have a good camera (Canon PowerShot G2) for taking still pictures. However, that camera is even though it's good a little old and it limits videos to 30 seconds - the videos are good (good quality imo, 320x240, 30fps) but too short. I was considering getting a PowerShot S3 IS which can record videos up to an hour and even has 640x480 but I probably won't do that as that camera is pretty new and therefore still pretty expensive and I'm not sure if I could afford it right now.
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I doubt I can use it, but my dad has a Sony HDR-HC3 1080i HD camera. I don't think it'd be any good for this though.

I might be able to get some stills though. I haven't tried using my digital camera to take pics of the DS.

And to Dr. Oak, I'm a little strange in that I can get carried away in it and very well could end up finishing it. I'll probably end up doing it on paper in a very cryptic format that would confuse the hell out of anyone who didn't know what I was doing (basically, have it all in numbers). I'm thinking a basic entry on my list could look like this on my paper:

1 [characters for name in Japanese] 64; 02-010; 03-013

Where the 1 is what they are (Youngster, for instance), the name is in Japanese so I can sort it later, 64 is the money, 02-010 is a Lv. 2 Mukkuru, and 03-013 is a Lv. 3 Bippa.

Putting that into a list on the computer is the easy part.

- Trip
Just ordered Pearl tonight; should have it sometime next week. BTW, am I the only one who ordered from Lik-Sang? :p
I pre-ordered from Yes-Asia. Was the cheapest and free worldwide shipping. Probably get it first week in October.
I'm importing Pearl. I'll be able to use Wifi as well (if it works in the states)

I usually post on Gamefaqs. When I get the game i'm going to post a bunch of pics and videos on youtube for them and also do some requests.

I should be getting my game in the mail ON the day its released or Saturday the 30th with the fastest shipping.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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