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Who's next?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2002
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Even if the Tsunami and Katrina can't be compared (except in terms of physical forces involved, since someone insists on that one), we've just had two world-class catastrophe hitting within scare months of each others, leavign a corner of the world ravaged, and all but wiping a metropolis off the face of the map.

Are those just freak incidents? Or is it a sign that vacation time is over?

Most scientists, after all, agree that the twentieth century was a VERY quiet century on many fronts - hurricanes, volcanoes and earthquakes alike. Is the "quiet time" coming to an end?

And ultimately, with all those...who's next?
I vote for Southern California. I've been hearing about "The Big One" that's supposedly going to hit sometime for the entire time I've lived here (read: my whole life.) So I don't see why not, with all the other stuff that's happening.

I've also heard of a mega tsunami that's supposed to hit most of the east coast of the USA due to half an island falling off into the ocean somewhere off the coast of Africa, but I don't know how good a source the Discovery Channel is.
Well, Dami, in terms of phsyical forces involved, it's kinda hard to deny that the parallel of the force of water can simply be ignored in this case.
Southeast Missouri, Arkansas, and Tennessee have a long over due major earthquake coming from the New Madrid fault. My money's on that, San Francisco, or Los Angeles.
And we're forgetting the potential for a tsunami in the Cayman Islands taking over the entire American east coast.
That'd be one of those mega-tsunami generated by whole (well, part of) islands collapsing... Like Krakatoa, in recent history.
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Small tsunami in Asia today. 2 killed in Taiwan.

But my money's on either a large asteroid, or that big volcano in Yellowstone.

They've been saying for a while that all these huge natural disasters are supposed to happen around this time, and with many people calling the recent hurricane the worst in US history, I just KNOW something worse is going to happen soon. I've just never been quite so happy that it isn't spring.

And I keep forgetting to make a death tally. We've got to be nearing the half billion mark if you go from Christmas '04 to Christmas '05.
Well, d'uh. Considering all the death from diseases, old ages, wars, etc, yes.

If you consider death from natural disasters, I'm betting it's more like the half-MILLION mark that we're nearing.
...Yes...million. It would help if I could actually remember how many numbers it takes to reach a million. Or if I was paying attention and not just randomly saying things.
I would say california. for as long as I can remember they said that due to an earthquake, one day its just going to sink or something.

natural disasters are getting worse and worse.

not to turn this into a religious discussion, but in the Bible it says the natural disasters will start getting worse and happen more often before the end times. something to think about eh? :look:
Has had the biblical discussion already in 6 out of 8 classes. My guess as to the next major event....Tornado in Ontario!
I've noticed that in general, storms are getting stronger as times goes on. I'm unsure as to how much (or if any) of the storms and their subsequent damages can be contributed to by global warming, but it seems like the weather in general is worsening and consequently we have tsunamis, hurricanes, etc.

Look at the past decade: Hurricane Andrew (August 1992); the massive superstorm off the Grand Banks/New England (1993); earthquakes in California (Northridge, 1994) and Japan (Kobe, 1995); assorted hurricanes including the four that hit Florida last year (2004). As Damian put it, 'vacation time' is definitely over.
And the next one may be VERY close now.

There's a tropical wave in the Atl. that looks like it may form into a cat-5 hurricane, though whether it would hit the US as such is another issue entirely (but its current headign seems to bring it to the east coast).

Not the worst case scenario, tho. Worst case is a hit on the Houston/Galveston area, the refugees therein, and the oil industry there)
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its just like that movie "The Day after Tomorrow" ill end up being a Gato-sicle!
I don't think it'll be a natural disaster - I think it'll be a pandemic. Seriously, it could happen now couldn't it?

And Wellington's probably going to get the Big One - but that probably won't be that severe but like 2/3 of the city will be either rubble or seriously damaged given the location we're in.
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