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Why yes, I am a new member...

Shrike Flamestar

Deus Ex Addict
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Of course, I imagine that is fairly easy to figure out, just as it is that my name is Shrike Flamestar (online and in my writing, at least), but if you don’t feel like typing all that out just Shrike is fine. Obviously, I adore and am obsessed with Pokémon; otherwise I wouldn’t be here in the first place.

Did I mention how much I dislike writing these greeting threads everywhere I go? Nevertheless, I suppose I must...

Hmm, what else about me is interesting... Well, I write fanfics (original trainers! Not necessarily always journey fics, but always original characters only). Only one at the moment, actually. It’s already up over at Serebii (These two boards don't still hate each other, do they? I don't even know what all happened between BMGf and SPPf...), and I intend to post it here very soon. I desperately wish I could draw, but alas I have no talent for art whatsoever (I have the writing gene in my family, and my sister has the drawing one).

Okay, down to the really generic stuff here... But, my favorite Pokémon are: Quilava, Absol, Flygon, Mightyena, Linoone, Lugia and Mew. Don’t ask why, it’s a long story that involves Jirachi Wishmaker, a fanfic I read a long time ago, and another one which I read earlier this year which inspired me to write my own.

Anyways, congratulations to anyone who actually read through all my rambling up to this point. You deserve a cookie, but alas I am greedy and gluttonous and ate them all myself. A pity.

I need to stop posting this late at night... It’s hard enough for me to post casually during the day; but at night I can just be outright strange at times...
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Hey Shrike! Say, if you do post your fanfic over here, I can finally read it without having to go through everyone else's replies. << Yeah, I'm kind of lazy in that sense. Besides, it's easier.

And, yeah... I sign up with the same name everywhere too. So, you should know me from SPPf... Maybe.

Good luck to you. Welcome... And have fun!
@Hanako Tabris: That’s why I have links to all the chapters in the first post of my thread on SPPf (and will here as well) :) I can’t stand it when fanfics are really long yet expect you to search through who knows how many pages for all the chapters individually...

BTW, I love the name; Tabris, Angel of Free Will. Are you a Neon Genesis Evangelion fan, or do you just like angelic names? Angels play a big part in The Flamestar Chronicles...
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OT fanfic + angels + cookies = you win.

Wait... where are the cookies!? o__<

Anyway, hi. I look forward to the fic.
Hey, it’s day now so I’m not acting so weird anymore! *Whips up another batch of cookies and hands some to Pikki Zuka* Enjoy :)

Well, I went and posted the first chapter here; it should be obvious which fic it is since the name is so unoriginal... There’s not really anything angelic in it yet, nor is there much in what I have written period (I’m updating gradually here instead of posting everything at once and overwhelming new readers), but there will be in the future. Hmm, now to get my sig up here as well...
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Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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