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Wi-Fi for the Wi-Fi-less?

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Snake Bandage

The Pumpkin King
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
Recently, I have realized that I'm really not utilizing the full potential of my Nintendo DS. My current goal is to fix that and find out how the hell am I going to get access to Wi-Fi.

Here's the thing; we have a wireless connection at home. Broadband and all that. However, our router is entirely wrong for Wi-Fi. Something about IEEE Standards. In addition, my country has exactly zero Wi-Fi hotspots.

I thought about maybe getting a Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector. As far as I can understand, it only works with Windows XP, which isn't a problem since that's the system my computer works on. The question is, are there any other requirements? Does it work outside of the US (I live in Israel)? DSL or Cable, does it matter (I have a DSL connection)? Is it even available in stores or am I going to have to poke my parents about ordering it online?

If anyone knows anything on the subject, I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me. The closer the release date of D/P in the US becomes, the more anxious I am about the whole Wi-Fi thing.

McDonald's? I'm not entirely sure they provide Wi-Fi here, and even if they do, I don't intend to take a bus and get off after thirty minutes just to trade a Hikozaru for a Naetle. =/
Well, some of them do, lol.

Also, alot of Cofee shops and Book Stores do as well, you should check around.
Do you have any actual knowledge in what efforts Nintendo have made in Israel, Habunake?

I'm having the same wifi issue but I haven't given in and bought the connector yet so I'm afraid I can't help.
I didn't know Demon of Light lives in Israel, sorry....
Nintendo has never made much of an effort to be known here (I assume it's because the market for PC games is so much larger here than the market for consoles and handhelds). Unlike Sony, Nintendo doesn't have any agreements with any Israeli company, so the handhelds cost a fortune and a half (I had to pay what amounts to over 200 bucks for my Gameboy Advance SP), and the consoles are nowhere to be found (when they ARE found, there are no games for them). 75% of the Gameboy Advance games you can find in stores are utterly fake. I mean, I found Pokemon ChaosBlack for sale. They only thing I trust stores here with are DS games, because no one's found a way to fake them. Yet.

In any case, I doubt there are Wi-Fi spots here. At least, around where I live. Maybe in Tel Aviv, it's much less of a dump... but that's over an hour away, I'd have to be absolutely nuts to go there just for Wi-Fi!
WiFi will work wherever you are on the planet, just so long as you're connected to the internets you will be connected to the nearest local server for the region you're in. Isreal probably will fall under NoE's domain for that.

As for using the USB dongle, all you need to do is plug it in and install it. It's difficult enough to find in the shops here, though, so going online is really the best/only option. But it is the easiest/best way of getting online with the DS.
Do you know what kind of Wi-Fi there is in your house, then? If it's either IEEE 802.11b or 802.11g you're fine. IEEE 802.11a is not compatible, but it's not exactly common...
Do you know what kind of Wi-Fi there is in your house, then? If it's either IEEE 802.11b or 802.11g you're fine. IEEE 802.11a is not compatible, but it's not exactly common...

I don't even remember anymore, I checked it weeks ago. It's definitely not 802.11b or 802.11g, I know that for sure. In any case, my DS couldn't recognize any Wi-Fi connection, even when I brought it close to the router itself.
Well, even with 802.11b/g, there is a possibility that the DS will not pick up on it. For instance, if you set up the WAP to not broadcast the SSID, or if you use an encryption scheme not supported by the DS (only WEP is supported).
Ugh, nothing I try works... and it says "Wi-Fi certified" on the bottom of the router... Wi-Fi certified my foot. =(
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