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Ohmygod They Killed Kenny
Sep 6, 2009
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After obtaining Digimon:Digital World Dusk for the Nintendo DS and rewatching my favorite season of Digimon (Adventure 02), I've been wanting to create a Digimon rpg but I haven't had enough people sign up and I can understand why, because the rpg moves at a quick pace. Hopefully we can still find some people willing to sign up. However, I also haven't lost my fondness for other rpgs such as Pokemon and Sailor Moon. And I can never forget my very first rpg, Sailor Moon-Pokemon Crossover.

Plot:Ever since the formation of the universe, there have been many different worlds. The first world is the wonderful world of Pokemon, creatures who accompany trainers in their quests to become Pokemon Masters. The second world is full of creatures known as Digimon who digivolve to help solve problems and defeat powerful enemies. The third world is what would appear to be Tokyo but is in fact, home to humans containing strange powers from outer space and who have been brought to Earth to protect it against enemies.

In the past, in the time of the Moon Kingdom, the worlds were all one world and lived in harmony together. Until, the evil Queen Beryl decided to rebel and gathered an army of both Pokemon, Digimon and dark creatures from all over. The Pokemon and Digimon that chose to fight against them were all killed. Many humans were murdered in this violent battle until Queen Serenity sacrificed herself so that the chosen humans, pokemon and digimon could come back to Earth one day.

Differences:This time, the Sailor Senshi do not have to be partnered with a Pokemon. The Pokemon are special pokemon that share special bonds with all of the senshi. Digimon serve as important partners and cannot digivolve without the help of the partner senshi. Also the plot is set some during Sailor Moon R and S (Doom Tree Saga, Death Busters, etc)

Sign Up Examples:
Name:Kim Weathers
Planet Representing:Saturn
Allegiance:Sailor Senshi
Appearance:Kim is rather short for her age with straw blonde hair tied into a ponytail and horn rimmed glasses.
Personality:Kim is a very reserved and quiet individual who tends to keep to herself.
Digimon Partner(s):Veemon and Armadillomon
Digivice Color:Blue and Yellow

Digimon Sign Up Example:
Species:Veemon and Armadillomon
Gender:Male (Both)
Appearance:Veemon bears resemblance to a small, blue dragon who is recognizable by the yellow V on his head. Armadillomon typically looks like an Armadillo with armor covering his paws and his back.
Personality:Veemon is a mischevious and prankster Digimon who enjoys goofing off and pulling pranks. However, when its time to fight, Veemon will become more serious. Armadillomon is a very lazy Digimon who prefers to sleep most of the time. Armadillomon speaks with a slow and slurred voice from so much sleep. However, Armadillomon manages to stay wide awake during battles.
History:Veemon and Armadillomon were two Digimon who assisted Princess Saturn in protecing the Moon Kingdom in the past.

Pokemon Sign Up Example:
Species:pichu (x2)
Gender:Male (Pikachu Colored Pichu) Female (Spiky Eared Pichu)
Appearance:These two Pichu are very special Pichu. One Pichu is colored differently than other Pichu and is instead colored like a Pikachu. The other Pichu looks like any normal Pichu except for her ears. One of her ears is spiked, something that no other Pichu has.
Personality:These two Pichu are best of friends from the past. The two Pichu are very curious and one is rarely seen without the other. The two Pichu aren't much of fighters but they are valuable allies and trusted friends.
History:These two Pichu did not fight in the battle in the past but instead rallied the Pokemon to fight.

Hope this isn't too confusing!:phew:

1)If you would rather partner with a Pokemon then you may.
2)You can have up to two Pokemon or Digimon partners.
3)No godmodding please.
4)Please respect the GM and your fellow rpers.
5)If you'd rather not be a senshi at all and instead be a trainer then please specify.

Can trainers also have digimon? And does that mean they can have two of each (pokemon and digimon)?
Trainers can have Digimon and yes you may have one Pokemon and one Digimon if you choose to.
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