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Worst filler that you've ever seen on Pokemon.

Mr. Braveheart

The Manipulator
Feb 27, 2006
Reaction score
As the title says, based on your opinion, what is the worst filler that you've ever watched on the Pokemon anime? It's better to list more than one but state the worst one based on your opinion.

As for me, I can't make a decision..:?
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I don't think there's just one I can choose so i'll short list mines:

Gulpin it down, evolution that mystery and the marvel, training wrecks, crowning achievement.
The fillers didn't really bug me until AG, but I missed a lot of segments of Johto (thank goodness). Most of the fillers from that time frame.
You can practially put 3/4 of the fillers from Johto on this list.

Hoenn had very good fillers, but there was the occasional really crappy ones (both Plusle and Minun episodes, the Spinda ep, etc.)
I stopped watching the series in Johto because I thought the fillers were of such poor quality.
Scott85 said:
You can practially put 3/4 of the fillers from Johto on this list.

Hoenn had very good fillers, but there was the occasional really crappy ones (both Plusle and Minun episodes, the Spinda ep, etc.)

3/4? Gee, that's a pretty high number there. I haven't watched the AG series yet, are they that good? Very good?
Most of AG is excellent. We do sometimes get a crappy episode here and there, but for the most part the main storyline and even the fillers have been very good.

Out of all of Hoenn, there are maybe 10 fillers out of 130 episodes that I would consider not worth watching. The other 120 episodes of Hoenn are pretty good.

For the Battle Frontier, there have been about 5 or so episodes that were pretty crappy, again, not so bad considering there are over 40+ episodes in this saga.
Same old song and dance & Hocus Pokemon. Two hopeless episodes from MQ.

But i think the worst fillers were in Indigo. The Johto ones at least had sense.
"Whichever Way the Wind Blows" and "A Dunsparce Deception" instantly stand out to me.

"Lights, Camerupt Action" is pretty bad too except for the appearance of manga Pippi. He kinda saved that episode for me.
"Take this house and Shuppet".

Pathetic reinvention of the Lavender Tower ep. And worse, a Max one-hander with the most unscariest ghost in the history of ever.
The Problem With Paras. It was an annoying filler, and it got more annoying during those ancient Kids WB "Theme Weeks".
But i think the worst fillers were in Indigo. The Johto ones at least had sense.
Funny, I don't think a single original Kanto ep is bad. XD

I missed most of Johto, so I won't go there.

As for AG? The only filler I hate is Lights, Camera, Camerupt. There are some others (Advanced Battle up to the gym battle, Shuppet ep, etc.), but they're at least watchable to me.
TK n Happy Ness said:
The Problem With Paras. It was an annoying filler, and it got more annoying during those ancient Kids WB "Theme Weeks".

Oh god yes. I'm sure the episode was decent the first time I saw it, but after being hit with it over and over again I developed a special hatred for it... :evil:

That's probably the episode that stands out to me most, but I found a lot of Johto Journey's boring. JLC and MQ seemed to improve in that way. I enjoyed most of Hoenn and Kanto, but I know for a fact that there are quite a few Kanto episodes I'd be happy to skip if running back through the collection again.
The one Advanced Challenge ep with the big canyon. I totally forget the title, since it wasn't memorable, but it ran sometime in November 2004. I remember that only because after it was over, I went to help tape my school's state championship football game. Needless to say, it's my least favorite since it was so boring, I don't even remember the specifics.
"All That Glitters" is probably the 2nd worst episode in the entire series.No good battles,not funny,and the worst animation out of every Pokemon episode I've ever seen.Pineco's "Explosion" almost looks like a slideshow,you can actually see the 4 or 5 individual frames of animation.

But the worst filler has to be "The Poke-Spokes Person".Mainly because it throws one big-ass monkey wrench into the Pokemon mythos.
I personally didn't like the episode with the swimming rhydon. It kinda puts out the message that pokemon are only tools for humans to aquire and use.
The Kangaskan kid!!! I hate that episode.

Actually most of my most hated episodes are plot. stuff like the Sabrina mini-series, March of the Exegutor Squad, and the episode where Squirtle left.
I TOTALLY second that one, Rocketshipper! I really dislike Tommy and his idiotic parents... Not a fan of the Ponyta race one, either.

Let's see... There was one in the Orange Islands with the large desert and the Electrode... and there were a few at the end of Master Quest I didn't get into.
Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
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