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Worst Spongebob episode ever aired

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Nov 13, 2010
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What spongebob ep do you guys think was the worst?

Fear of the Krabby Patty was horrible. And I didn't like the Vikings episode ether. It felt kinda rushed.

Do not try to say "Any episode in season ???" That shows you are being biased towards that season.
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Bubble Fucking Buddy.

That one is a classic. hmph.

I personally can't stand Atlantis Squarepantis, Triton's Revenge, and the Viking ep.

I'm not biased though. There are a quite a few newer episodes I liked. (Such as the recent special with the sled race.)
The vacation episode, his love for his job has clouded his judgement that vacations are natural for employees.
Atlantis Squarepantis disappointed me. The new one with the sleigh race was also disappointing, and the episode with the Krusty Dogs.
Fear of the Krabby Patty for me. The episode seemed so badly animated it just was humorous at the end.
To me, it has to be the one (forgot the episode's name) when they had to sacrifice Squidward to stop a volcano , later realizing that you have to sacrifice Squidward's house because that stupid dolphin guy didn't finish his story.

This is the reason why I stopped watching Spongebob.
Most of the new episodes....

Especially the sled race and such.

But the worst one was when the combined squidward and spongebob.
"The Great Patty Caper". By then, I'd pretty much gave up on the show; however, this special seemed to look good. Well, I was wrong.
Most episodes AFTER the Krusty Hotel one.

I hate House Fancy, The Thing, and Atlantis Squarepantis.


But I like Help Wanted.

Spongebob is a crybaby ever since late season 4.

EDIT: I also hate the one when Spongebob thinks he spying on that Chicken Shack. I hate that one a TON.
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Anything after Season Three (except for "Krusty Towers" and maybe "The Lost Mattress".)
I'm not trying to be biased here; the newer ones just aren't as good. I've been watching a lot of the older ones, and it's mildly incredible how well they still hold up (some of them seem even better now than they were then); meanwhile the newer ones are often painfully unfunny.
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I dont' know the episode name, but the one where Spongebob's house is eaten, then he decides to move back in with his parents, then finds a seed, and a new house grows. I just found it so boring.
Neptune's Party. WTF? That.......

I honestly stopped liking Spongebob mostly after mid-season 5. After that, it's all downhill. Season 4 and 5 were pretty good, but not as good as the pre-movie seasons. I gave up.
The episode where Spongebob breaks his spatula. I hate that one. But the best one is when they sell chocolate.
The earworm episode, but maybe that's because I saw it after I saw Regular Show's take on the same concept.
After the Spongebob movie, it all went downhilll. I stopped caring about the show after the one where Spongebob thinks he magically turned Squidward into and ice cream cone.

The new episodes revert to the stereotypes of the characters: Spongebob is just happy all the time, Squidward is always genuinely miserable, Mr. Krabs is a money-grubbing bastard, and Sandy is a genius. But they gave Plankton way too much personality: the one where he starts going out with Krabs' mother was god-awful. It saddens me, really, because the first three seasons still genuinely make me laugh, and I used to look forward to watching Spongebob. But I only watch Spongebob now if it's an older episode only.
The new episodes revert to the stereotypes of the characters: Spongebob is just happy all the time, Squidward is always genuinely miserable, Mr. Krabs is a money-grubbing bastard, and Sandy is a genius. But they gave Plankton way too much personality: the one where he starts going out with Krabs' mother was god-awful. It saddens me, really, because the first three seasons still genuinely make me laugh, and I used to look forward to watching Spongebob. But I only watch Spongebob now if it's an older episode only.

Textbook examples of Flanderization. I agree with you; the directions the characters went in were partly what derailed the show for me. And since I never say anything if I can get TVTropes to say it for me...
TVTropes said:
Most of the main characters since the movie. Specifically, SpongeBob has gone from a naive Genius Ditz to borderline-Too Dumb to Live, Patrick has become arguably the most extreme Ralph Wiggum in animation, Mr. Krabs's obsession with money has become his only defining trait and Squidward's Butt Monkey status has become full-blown Disproportionate Retribution (though Squidward himself hasn't been Flanderized, since he was a Jerkass from day one...)
Gary and Sandy suffer highly inconsistent Flanderization Depending on the Writer. Gary can act as a normal pet or be several times as intelligent as most of the cast around him while Sandy can be an insane Ted Baxter or a walking embodiment of Positive Discrimination.
Any and all aspects of Sandy's older "tough cow-girl" traits seem to have been completely removed until the episode "Rodeo Daze" in favor of her knack for building inventions...something she did ONE TIME IN THE FIRST SEASON.
Somewhat curiously, this seemed to happen from the very beginning of Season Four. There was no transitional phase (some might say the movie was, but I disagree); all of a sudden, we were dealing with these caricatures of the characters. Unsurprisingly, I find the ones where this is most prevalent ("Karate Island", "whatever-the-one-with-SpongeBob's-laugh-box-was-called", and pretty much anything that got any sort of hype) are the most painful.
I am a rabid SpongeBob fan, and I love the older episodes (Seasons 1-4 and the movie, even a select few of the newer eepisodes), but my least favorite episode would have to be "The Splinter". Blegh. It had no jokes, just gross-out humor clearly inspired by Ren & Stimpy. And I don't know about you, but I hate gross-out "humor", and I am not a Ren & Stimpy fan. "The Splinter" was painful to watch. But I must say, some of the very newest episodes (Season 8, I believe) are an improvement over the last few seasons.
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