Back in the day long ago, I used to love BMG, and when it vanished, I was very sad. When it came back, I was one the first to join the message board and at the time I left the board (over two years ago, I believe), I was the third top poster. During my sophomore year of high school was when I started to fade out of Pokemon, but I feel that it never really left me. Then a week ago, I spent some of my paycheck on Pokemon XD: Gale Of Darkness and now I'm trying to get back into it. The last game I bought was Pokemon Sapphire, but my younger brother stole it and then sold it to help pay for his PSP and DS. I want to buy another Sapphire someday, and also Fire Red and Emerald to catch up on what I've missed.
I know this is probably going to sound really dumb to most of you here, but what's going on with the movies? The last one I saw was the 5th one, and I know the 6th and 7th ones are out on DVD in the U.S., but what about the 8th? When is that scheduled for release? I was always a huge Mew fan.
I know this is probably going to sound really dumb to most of you here, but what's going on with the movies? The last one I saw was the 5th one, and I know the 6th and 7th ones are out on DVD in the U.S., but what about the 8th? When is that scheduled for release? I was always a huge Mew fan.