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Would you want updated Pokemon Cries?


New Member
Apr 22, 2011
Reaction score
Back in the 90s the 8bit Pokemon cries were really great and they added an extra dimension to the Pokemon, But the Pokemon from the 8bit era still have these awful cries and some are absolutely ear bleeding to listen too, Would you want to see A change in the Pokemon cries if you could or just Leave them untouched?
Yeah. Some Pokémon cries sound like retarded computer.
Most of the old cries aren't that bad, and once you get used to it they kind of grow on you. The only one I'd change would be zubat, but only because it makes me, for some reason, really, really mad when I hear it, usually right before the sprite appears.
I don't have a problem with the old cries. It's a nolstalgic factor, I guess.

Now if they took the cries from PKMN Stadium(2), THAT would be awesome.
Don't really care. My only real problem is the repetition in some Gen 1 Pokémon cries, but it doesn't really matter. It's much of a legacy element of a Pokémon, and I doubt it will ever be changed if they haven't done so in 5 Generations.
The thing is they can keep the cires sounding pretty much the same and just update to 24bit qulity, Geodude has to be the worst culprit and Zubat, but I suppose it dosn't matter if you don't play with headphones as much.
I don't have a problem with the old cries. It's a nolstalgic factor, I guess.

Now if they took the cries from PKMN Stadium(2), THAT would be awesome.

Yeah I don't think they should completely change the cries, but rather make them sound a bit more natural. Giving them the Pokemon Stadium cries seems like a pretty good idea, since they sound better and many would still connect the cries with the specific pokemon, especially if they played Stadium 1 and/or 2.
I don't really want them to update cries, I like a lot of the old ones better than the new ones.
Nah I like the old scratchy ones from Gen I/II and I do not think they should be changed in any way.
I'd quite like them to be updated, when you compare the old-style ones to some of the new-style ones, the difference in quality, length, everything, can be jarring. For me, at least.
I'd like them to be updated, but it should be optional. At the very least, they should use new cries as the default ones and then have something like GB Sounds where you can hear them as they were.
I'd like them to be updated, but it should be optional. At the very least, they should use new cries as the default ones and then have something like GB Sounds where you can hear them as they were.

Not A bad idea, That way everybody wins.
I wouldn't want them to be updated. Some of them may end up sounding worse, and it wouldn't make much sense.
Why not give them anime style voices like pika-pika-pikachu for pikachu rather than sounds made by machinery which needs oiling..:complain:
As much as i like the "old" and "current" cries due to nostalga, i think they should change a lot of the old ones Im sure it would upset some fans, but if you have ever played the two stadium games, the cries on there where much better, and i am quite surprised Gamefreak have not done this yet. (Sort of like the new Pokecenter and Pokemart merging togher, i thought they would do this much earlier) :cool:
Worse as in how? if they were updated to 24bit then they would definitely sound better.

Yes, but they would probably end up making them sound stupid. Like most of the Generation V cries. I really don't like any of them, and none of them really stand out to me.
Why not give them anime style voices like pika-pika-pikachu for pikachu rather than sounds made by machinery which needs oiling..:complain:

Seriously, I would never play with the sound on if they put those in the games.
The anime "cries" are very annoying and to be frank, kinda dumb.
Absolutely. Most of the old ones are crap, with some pokemon even having the same cry.
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
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