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Xan's and Red's Memories of Twilight (NOW OPEN)

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Anime Fan
Jun 5, 2011
Reaction score
Hello and welcome! This is my shop which will be run by both me and my partner Redyakuza.


This is a Gen V shop

My FC for Black: 1678 5843 2005 (please have it updated if you have traded with me before)

We offer shiny Pokemon, Legendary Pokemon, Events and Egg moves. As well as items.

Here are our list of rules:
1)Please no hacks unless in the specified section
2)Have some patience with us
3)If you have questions, ask us!
4)To our knowledge, our Pokemon are legitimate. Unless specified. And it will be. In a large, bold, blaring font. If you miss it, that's your problem.
5)In order to have enough Pokemon to go around, we will have them cloned. If that's a problem, then perhaps you shouldn't browse this shop
6)Please no 'non-distributable' Pokemon just because it's a pain to keep track of them. In that sense, you may redistribute our Pokemon.
7) Lastly, be nice!​

If you happen to discover that one of our Pokemon is in fact, hacked, please inform us so we may rectify the situation immediately (which more than likely will mean you get your Pokemon back and we will move said Pokemon to hacked section).

I'd like to let everyone know that some of my Pokemon will come with PKRS. If that's a problem, then look elsewhere.

Apologies in advanced, but we do not RNG, clone or check IV/EVs. We will have workers help with that so if you have questions or want something done, we will direct you to the specific person.
Cloners: rinchan86, Bursty008 and Vanguard
IV/EVs: Bursty008
RNG: Vanguard (Gen 1-4 ONLY)
PokeSav: Vanguard

Key: UT = Untouched, no experience
T = Touched, gained at least one level
BT = Barely Touched, gained some experience but not a level

Trade Ratio (this may be flexible depending on the offer)
1 shiny = 1 shiny
1 flawless shiny = 2 shiny
1 Legendary = 3 reg Pokemon or 2 shinies or a flawless shiny
1 shiny Legendary = 3 shinies, or 2 flawless shinies
1 flawless shiny Legendary = make offer (at least two pokemon, no regs)
1 event = 2 shinies or a flawless shiny or a legendary
1 shiny event = 3 shinies or a flawless shiny or 2 events​


Completed Trades

Here is the list of my Pokemon:

Sewaddle ♀, lvl 14 UT (NN'ed Seawa)
Deerling ♂, lvl 24 T (NN'ed Bambi, Autumn form I believe)
Serperior ♂, lvl 49 T (originally Japanese/near flawless)
Pansage ♀, lvl 1 UT (NN'ed Vegimak)
Oshawott ♂, lvl 1 UT (Japanese)
Frillish ♀, lvl 26 T
Octillary ♀, lvl 100 T
Vanillite ♀, x2 lvl 21 and 24 both UT
Panpour ♂ lvl 1 UT
Cubchoo ♀ lvl 28 UT (NN'ed Cocapoo)
Staryu lvl 40 UT
Carracosta ♂ lvl 55 T
Lapras ♂ lvl 100 T
Walrein ♀ lvl 53 T (NN'ed Seleena)
Milotic ♂ lvl 100 T
Charmander ♂ lvl 1 UT
Tepig ♂ lvl 1 UT
Arcanine ♀ lvl 22 T
Darmanitan ♂ lvl 36 T (NN'ed Nakedape)
Slugma ♀ lvl 1 UT
Chimchar ♀ lvl 1 UT
Minccino ♀ lvl 24 UT
Audino ♀ lvl 50 T (Japanese)
Lillipup ♀ lvl 35 T
Happiny ♀ lvl 5 UT
Rufflet ♂ lvl 14 T
Archen ♂ lvl 1 UT (Japanese)
Sigilyph ♀ lvl 20 UT
Swoobat ♀ lvl 34 T
Altaria ♂ lvl 60 T
Pidove ♀ lvl 9 UT
Swanna ♂ lvl 47 UT (NN'ed Louie)
Vullaby ♀ lvl 36 UT
Munna ♀ lvl 1 UT
Ralts ♀ lvl 5 UT
Unown (!) lvl 5 UT
Accelgor ♀ lvl 32 UT (Japanese)
Axew ♀ lvl 1 UT (Japanese)
Deino ♂ lvl 1 UT
Absol ♂ lvl 50 UT
Purrloin ♂ lvl 15 T
Zorua ♂ lvl 19 T and ♀ lvl 1 UT (male NN'ed Takano)
Hydregion ♂ lvl 64 T (Japanese)
Rotom lvl 60 UT (NN'ed Eeks)
Emolga ♂ lvl 1 UT (NN'ed Zippy)
Eelektross ♀ lvl 42 T (Japanese)
Joltik ♂ lvl 26 UT
Electrike ♂ lvl 1 UT
Riolu ♂ lvl 1 UT
Scrafty ♂ lvl 52 T
Gigalith ♀ lvl 46 T
Eevee ♀ lvl 1 UT (DW ability)
Solosis ♀ lvl 1 UT
Smeargle ♂ lvl 1 UT
Vulpix ♀ lvl 1 UT (DW ability)
Drifloon ♀ lvl 1 UT Near Flawless
Litwick ♀ lvl 27 BT (Japanese)
Snivy ♂ lvl 5 UT (Japanese)
Vaporeon ♂ lvl 4 T
Growlithe ♂ lvl 1 UT
Zangoose ♀ lvl 100 T
Salamence ♀ lvl 100 T (NN'ed SAKURA)
Nidoking ♂ lvl 100 T
Swellow ♂ lvl 100 T
Electrode lvl 100 T
Skarmory ♀ lvl 100 T (NN'ed Glider)
Rhydon ♀ lvl 100 T
Scizor ♀ lvl 100 T

The following are all UT, but have been leveled with Rare Candies
lvl 40 Donphan ♀
lvl 40 Graveler ♀
lvl 40 Flareon ♀
lvl 40 Umbreon ♀
lvl 40 Leafeon ♀
lvl 40 Glaceon ♀
lvl 40 Vaporeon ♀
lvl 40 Omastar
lvl 40 Grumpig
lvl 40 Kingler
lvl 40 Torkoal
lvl 40 Snorlax
lvl 40 Electabuzz
lvl 40 Lapras w/ Dragon Dance
lvl 40 Haunter
lvl 40 Armaldo
lvl 40 Weezing
lvl 40 Hitmontop
lvl 40 Hitmonchan
lvl 40 Sandslash
lvl 40 Torterra
lvl 40 Swampert
lvl 40 Blaziken
lvl 50 Infernape
lvl 50 Hypno
lvl 50 Granbull ♀
lvl 50 Milotic ♀
lvl 50 Slaking ♀
lvl 50 Gyarados ♀
lvl 51 Starmie


TRU Dragonite ♂ lvl 50 UT
TRU Arceus lvl 100 UT
MICHINA Arceus lvl 100 UT (USA)
Michina Arceus lvl 100 UT (Australia)
VCG10 Eevee ♂ lvl 50 (shiny)
TCGWC Pikachu ♂ lvl 50 UT(transferred via Pokecheck so it knows Surf still)
Wishmaker Jirachi lvl 21 T (shiny) lvl 5 UT
10th Anniversary Lugia lvl 70 UT
Summer 2010 Jirachi lvl 5 UT (adamant)
Daisuke Club (Tanabata?) Jirachi lvl 5 UT 2007
WIN2011 Celebi lvl 50 x2 BT/UT
Japanese WIN2011 Celebi lvl 50 x2 BT
Pokemon Battle Revolution Pikachu ♀ lvl 10 (Japanese)
McDonald's Pikachu ♀ lvl 20 UT (Japanese)
Satoshi's Pikachu ♂ lvl 51 T (Japanese)
SPR2010 Pichu ♂ lvl 30 UT (shiny)
Ageto Celebi lvl 10 UT (Japanese)
Shiny Ageto Celebi lvl 10 UT (Japanese)
Hayley's Mew lvl 50 UT
MYSTRY Mew lvl 10 UT
10th Anniversary Entei lvl 100 T(?)
Gamestop Entei lvl 30 UT (shiny/Japanese version avail.)
Gamestop Suicune lvl 30 UT (shiny Japanese)
Gamestop Raikou lvl 30 UT (shiny/Japanese)
ALAMOS Darkrai lvl 50 UT
Birth Island Deoxys lvl 90 BT
Shinjoh Ruins Palkia lvl 4 T/ lvl 1 UT Flawless
Shinjoh Ruins Giratina lvl 7 T
PKLATAM Jirachi lvl 5 UT
Aura Mew lvl 10 UT
Movie 11 Victini lvl 100 T and lvl 50 UT (Japanese)
Movie 14 Victini lvl 53 T
TRU Shaymin lvl 50 UT
Goon's Scizor ♂ lvl 50 UT
Pokesmash Cubchoo ♂ lvl 15 UT (Japanese)
Tanabata Jirachi lvl 5 UT (2006)
FAL2010 Mew lvl 5 UT Flawless
Shiny Faraway Island Mew lvl 30 UT (Japanese, near flawless)

Mewtwo lvl 70 (NN'ed PSYCHO)
Groudon lvl 51 T (NN'ed Randy)
Articuno lvl 59 T/lvl 50 UT Flawless
Zapdos lvl 50 UT
Moltres lvl 51 BT/lvl 50 UT Flawless
Lugia lvl 50 (purified shadow)
Cresslia lvl 50 UT
Uxie lvl 50 UT (NN'ed Stubborn)
Azelf lvl 50 UT (NN'ed Lindsey)
Victini lvl 33 T
Zekrom lvls 50, 52 and 57 (Timid, Relaxed and Brave)
Reshiram lvls 54 and 62 T (Docile and Calm
Heatran ♀ lvl 50 BT (NN'ed Cherry)
Tornadus lvl 40 UT
Kyruem lvl 75 BT
Rayquaza lvl 76 T(NN'ed RAYQUAHZA)
Phione lvl 26 T
Cobalion lvl 42 UT
Virizion lvl 42 UT
Terrakion lvl 42 UT
Latias lvl 40 UT (NN'ed Ruby)


Palkia lvl 100
Moltres lvl 50 UT
Zapdos lvl 50 UT (Flawless)
Articuno lvl 50 UT
Kyurem lvl 75 UT
Rayquaza lvl 50 UT x3 (one is modest, one gentle and the other is adamant)
Cobalion lvl 42 BT
Virizion lvl 42 UT
Terrakion lvl 42 UT (Japanese)
Mewtwo lvl 78 T
Ho-oh lvl 100 UT
Thundurus lvl 40 UT (NN'ed Skyler [adamant], also one not NN'ed [timid, near flawless])
Latios lvl 35 UT x2 (both modest)
Giratina lvl 1 UT x2 (both timid/Shinjoh Ruins/fairly certain they're both flawless)
Kyogre lvl 50 UT x2 (one modest the other timid)
Latias lvl 40 UT
Groudon lvl 50 UT
Shaymin lvl 30 UT
Dialga lvl 50 UT
Darkrai lvl 50 UT
Cresslia lvl 50 UT near flawless
Heatran lvl 50 UT
Uxie lvl 50 UT
Landorus lvl 70 UT

Pokemon of Questionable Legitimacy
Mew lvl 56 T (shiny)
Mew lvl 62 T
Latias lvl 100 T (shiny)
Darkrai lvl 100 T (shiny)
Blastoise ♂ lvl 48 T (shiny)
Azumarill ♀ lvl 37 T (shiny)
Pansear ♂ lvl 25 T (shiny, NN'ed Hothead)
Rapidash ♀ lvl 45 (shiny)
Dragonite ♀ lvl 100 (shiny)
Musharna ♂ lvl 50 UT (shiny)
Pachirisu ♀ lvl 47 BT (shiny, NN'ed Pomi)
Ampharos ♀ lvl 51 T (shiny, NN'ed Fia)
Larvitar ♀ lvl 12 UT (shiny)
Flygon ♀ lvl 51 BT (shiny)
Tornadus lvl 40 UT(shiny)
WIN2011 Celebi lvl 50 BT(doesn't say anything about a fateful encounter at a special place or Zorua event)
Shaymin lvl 31 T
Lugia lvl 100 T (shiny, hacked cherish ball)
Game Stop Suicune lvl 34 T (shiny, ID of 00000, but able to be used in Zoroark event)

Due to limited box space, I will only breed upon request. I have nearly every breedable Pokemon, but if I don't have it, I'll get it for you. So please state the Pokemon you would like, the moves learned (it MUST be a legal set of moves), gender and nature.
Please note that the specific nature could take some time so have patience.
Only 5 egg move requests at a time please. Also, if you want a specific ability, please check to see whether or not it's available. (i.e. Hidden abilities/DW abilities)

lvl 73 T Japanese, Flawless
lvl 22 T(?) shiny
lvl 94 T Japanese


Big Root
Black Glasses
Bright Powder
Choice Scarf
Choice Specs
Damp Rock
Dark Gem
Dragon Fang
Dragon Gem
Dubious Disc
Electric Gem
Expert Belt
Exp. Share
Fighting Gem
Fire Gem
Focus Sash
Ghost Gem
Grass Gem
Hard Stone
Heat Rock
Ice Gem
King's Rock
Life Orb
Light Ball
Lucky Egg
Macho Brace
Metal Coat
Mystic Water
Normal Gem
Poison Barb
Poison Gem
Power Anklet
Power Band
Power Belt
Power Bracer
Power Lens
Power Weight
Quick Claw
Razor Claw
Reaper Cloth
Ring Target
Rock Gem
Rocky Helmet
Scope Lens
Sharp Beak
Shell Bell
Silk Scarf
Soft Sand
Soothe Bell
Spell Tag
Steel Gem
Thick Club
Wide Lens
Zoom Lens

Any events I don't have
Any Legends I'm missing
Any shinies I don't have

Special Wants
Negaiboshi Jirachi UT
ANA Pikachu (ID 07181)
Shiny Channel Jirachi
Sapporo Pikachu UT
GW Pikachu UT
Yokohama Pikachu UT
Birthday Pikachu UT (ID 12268)
Mitsurin Celebi UT
Onemuri Pikachu UT
Satoshi's Zekrom
Satoshi's Reshiram
Singing Pikachu UT
For all the Pikachu except the newest ANA, Singing and Onemuri, I'd appreciate being transferred via Pokecheck so they can retain their HMs

I also wanted to send out a thank you to a bunch of Bulba users for the various shiny, legends and event Pokemon that helped get this shop started :)
Credit goes to Genbeeb for the AWESOME banners for my shop as well as my siggy and avatar :)

Approved by TwilightBlade
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Hello guys,

Here are my shiny pokemon

Shaymin Lvl100 Adamant JP
Drifblim lv28 Quiet Female
Darkrai lvl100 Adamant JP
Pupitar lvl52 Lonely Female
Metagross lvl100 Naughty JP
Gastly lvl21 Timid Male
Manaphy lvl12 Timid (fully EV trained 6HP 252 SpAtk 252 Spd)
Giratina lvl47 Jolly (has Griseous Orb)
Ampharos lvl52 Quirky Male
Jirachi lv5 Docile (WISHMKR)
Fraxure lv39 Brave Male
Girafarig lvl15 Naive Male

Credit goes to Fiendfyre for the Gastly, Growlithe, Slowking, Ratatta, Shieldon and the Manaphy but my Manaphy has been EV trained.

Rare non-shiny pokemon:
Movie Victini - Adamant

Credit goes to hugokyremrayquaza for the Victini.


Completed Trades
Shiny Wishmaker Jirachi for movie Victini - hugokyremrayquaza

#Contact either myself or Xan by VM/PM telling us you've made a post on our shop. We won't reply until you've bumped our thread!#

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Im just stopping in to say Good luck with the thread and congrats on the approval!
Sadly, I don't see anything I want at this moment since i'm getting most of them from another forum already.
Nice shop though!

And just to let you know, Random Japanese Jirachi lvl 5 UT ID 60707 if someone knows what this is, please tell me: isn't legit. Not an event pokemon.
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Thanks for the feedback shukle. What forum are you using?
I'm interested in the shiny Axew and Deino, I can offer a shiny Snivy and a Vaporeon (Level 4).
thanks iKon, your trade offer has been logged. Xan is just moving house atm and will get back to you ASAP
Thank you for pointing that out Shuckle. Since my Japanese isn't up to par, I can't read what it says to see where it came from. :p

iKon, I sent you a PM about your offer :)
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Actually, I looked up the ID no. in Bulbapedia and there was no match.
Hello. I have 5 shiny legends and 1 shiny legend I'm still unsure of that I didn't see on your list:

Landorus lvl 70 Calm UT
Darkrai lvl 50 Modest UT
Cresselia near flawless lvl 50 Calm UT
Uxie lvl 50 Brave UT
Heatran Serious lvl 50 UT
Lugia Gentle lvl 100 T <---- The one I'm unsure about. They obviously hacked to get Cherrish balls and for 100% catch rate, but I'm not sure if that makes the Pokemon itself hacked by some people's standards and such.

If those are okay let me know and I'll let you know what I'd like. This is my first time on a forum so I apologize if I messed up.
Lugia Gentle lvl 100 T <---- The one I'm unsure about. They obviously hacked to get Cherrish balls and for 100% catch rate, but I'm not sure if that makes the Pokemon itself hacked by some people's standards and such.

If its caught in a hacked ball, then its classified as a hacked pokemon, as you could only get that ball via Hacking.
If its caught in a hacked ball, then its classified as a hacked pokemon, as you could only get that ball via Hacking.

Thanks. Although I think that is a tad bit silly since the Pokemon itself is legit and only a ball ruins it, heh. But I won't trade it since I'm sure most people will agree with you. Thanks again Bursty008.
Hello. I have 5 shiny legends and 1 shiny legend I'm still unsure of that I didn't see on your list:

Landorus lvl 70 Calm UT
Darkrai lvl 50 Modest UT
Cresselia near flawless lvl 50 Calm UT
Uxie lvl 50 Brave UT
Heatran Serious lvl 50 UT
Lugia Gentle lvl 100 T <---- The one I'm unsure about. They obviously hacked to get Cherrish balls and for 100% catch rate, but I'm not sure if that makes the Pokemon itself hacked by some people's standards and such.

If those are okay let me know and I'll let you know what I'd like. This is my first time on a forum so I apologize if I messed up.

Welcome! Those shiny legends sound great! Just let me know what you want.

Don't worry, you didn't mess up :)

The Lugia will have to be traded in the questionable section, or you can release it/keep it. Tis up to you :)
Welcome! Those shiny legends sound great! Just let me know what you want.

Don't worry, you didn't mess up :)

The Lugia will have to be traded in the questionable section, or you can release it/keep it. Tis up to you :)

Okay awesome.

Shiny Landorus for shiny Latias
Shiny Darkrai for shiny Shaymin
Shiny Uxie for shiny Zapdos
Shiny Cresselia for shiny Kyurem
Shiny Heatran for shiny Kyogre(Modest) but I'll gladly take the Timid one if it's already cloned.

And I'm not sure if I'm trading in the questionable section, but if so...
Shiny Lugia for shiny Tornadus.

I hope that is fair enough. I have a lot of non legend shinies too, but I'll need to go through your list first.
Okay awesome.

Shiny Landorus for shiny Latias
Shiny Darkrai for shiny Shaymin
Shiny Uxie for shiny Zapdos
Shiny Cresselia for shiny Kyurem
Shiny Heatran for shiny Kyogre(Modest) but I'll gladly take the Timid one if it's already cloned.

And I'm not sure if I'm trading in the questionable section, but if so...
Shiny Lugia for shiny Tornadus.

I hope that is fair enough. I have a lot of non legend shinies too, but I'll need to go through your list first.

Good trade! Actually nothing is cloned yet since I made the shop just before I moved. >.> Hehe. But I should be able to have them done either now or tomorrow if you don't mind the wait.
Also, just to be clear, you are aware that the Tornadus could be a hack correct? And as such, I am aware of the Lugia and the hacked ball :)

I welcome teh shinies!!
Good trade! Actually nothing is cloned yet since I made the shop just before I moved. >.> Hehe. But I should be able to have them done either now or tomorrow if you don't mind the wait.
Also, just to be clear, you are aware that the Tornadus could be a hack correct? And as such, I am aware of the Lugia and the hacked ball :)

I welcome teh shinies!!

I have plenty of patience, all credit goes to my wife, heh. She raised me well. And I am absolutely aware of the Tornadus. I will not demand any trade backs or scold you for it being hacked. I already gave you positive feedback before even trading, lol. Just let me know when you think you will be ready, even if it's a week later. Thank you very much! =)
I could trade a Shiny Flawless Reuniclus EV'd in Sp.A and Sp.D for the UT legit shiny Latias. Sound good?

Edit: It would have to be cloned though.
Woo that would be cool! I actually have the Latias already cloned :)

Go ahead and get it cloned, I don't mind waiting. :3
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