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You buncha jerks!

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Jan 5, 2003
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There's an attention getter title for you. I wanted to make a thread about some stuff that's happened online in the past few days so there's sort of two issues here to debate. Certain things happened lately and I figured I'd discuss them here. The topic title in no way relates to any of you.

Okay, the first issue is this. Your best friend meets this guy online and they talk about important stuff. After a few days, he says he "loves" her and she considers dating him. Turns out that the guy's got a girlfriend and is a lying creep. He also then becomes totally oblivious to her needs when there's a problem and tries to change the aubject. She gets majorly pissed off and then he's lying saying he wasn't online.

So, that story deals with a pathological liar who throws around words like love. Who does that? I mean the word love is very powerful. I love my best friend and I really do. I don't want her hurt or anything. All I want is her to be happy and have no pain in her life. But, Chuckles over there seems to lie so much. I know he lies because of the sound of his voice on voice chat and reports from other people. I know you shouldn't trust anyone online really but people often do that in person. So, what's the point?

I just think you should be honest online but that's just me. Yeah my friend and I do a brother and sister thing and say we are but we are close like brother and sister so it desn't matter. I dunno. You just don't say "I love you" to someone especially someone who'd had bad luck with guys and just jerk her around. Maybe it's just how I was raised. You don't just throw words like love around. It does exist but people should only say it when they mean it. This lying creep didn't mean it. We called him on it and he made up more lies. He's blocked now on both our names.

Issue two. Would you believe that there are still people out there who blame Italians for World War II? After Musolini died people were cheering! They even spat on Musolini's body. Italy was under a dictatorship and many Italian Americans fought and died in World War II. Yeah there were a few internment camps but still. It was 60 some years ago. Time to let it go. What's with the prejudice?

The reason I brought that up was because my friend and I were in a chat. We were talking and some people asked where our families were from. We said Italy and then this other guy comes in and totally thrashes Italians. My friend was pissed because she's full blodoed Italian and this guy spoke like some sort of neo nazi or something. Rose took care of him as I couldn't speak on the mic to say something.

So, what's the deal? The people have too much time on their hands? Why can't people just be themsleves online and if that's how they really act, you'd think they'd have sad lives. Yeah I know you can block them but what's their beef?

Sorry that there's two posts in one here. I didn't want to make two debates.

Easy way to answer both:

There are assholes in the world. If I had a penny for every person like that I ran across...well...I'd have like a dollar...but the point is the same. There are a lot. And there are two ways to deal with them: Ignore them, or annoy them. I prefer to annoy. It's just...self-satisfying.
What happened to your friend is exactly what happened to me not long ago. The guy was a fucking liar, I found out about it, confronted him and he started saying more bullshit.

The thing is, like GrnMarvl13 says: there are assholes in the world and they will continue to be around. Nowadays is very difficult to find someone you can really trust. It's sad, but it's the truth...
Yep, and as the jerks take over, the nice people find it harder and harder to survive without changing into jerks. It's a sad fact of life that it's getting harder and harder to be nice. I guess it's just the way the world works.
Kasumi-san said:
What happened to your friend is exactly what happened to me not long ago. The guy was a fucking liar, I found out about it, confronted him and he started saying more bullshit.

As is often the case also, the person simply moved on to the next vulnerable girl, rather than stopping. Confronting these kinds of people might scare them away, but it doesn't seem to have any long term difference on their behaviour.
Yep. To quote a quote I can no longer remember the source of: The change must come from within.
I'm shocked that people even know that Italy was with the Axis in WWII. Most people I know never bring it up. It never appears in pop culture or jokes like the Nazi/Imperial Japan jokes do. In fact, I don't think I've ever actually heard anyone or anything bring up the connection outside of a history lession. It even tends to be absent from documentaries.
Italy was with the Axis for a long time. It was in my history books. Not suprisingly, people from Italy and my relativves don't want to talk about it. People also think we're all in the Mafia too. I can take Mafia jokes and insults if it's with me and my close friends. Not if I don't know ya well. Anyway, yeah people have prejudice against people from Italy cuz of that. Little to they know that 60% or more people in New England are of Italian decent. Found that out in the Census. Makes sense though since Italians came to the Northeast to look for work and stayed in the cities. Then they moved out. Some go inward. But, the highest concentrations are in the Northeast and California.

As for people being jerks online, yeahh there's nothing you can do about them but ignore them. Same thing happened a few mins ago. My best friend defended me after this loser dissed my voice and online name "whitehawk36". Then for no reason he started dissing Italians. I know it's a longshot but I wish people wouldn't be jerks online and treat others how they'd like to be treated. People online forget that there's someone on the other end. And you don't know who you're talking to so they could do some damage.

I don't associate Italians with the Mafia. The stereotype that normally comes to my mind is chefs...

(not that I think stereotypes are acceptable)
Okay, the first issue is this. Your best friend meets this guy online and they talk about important stuff. After a few days, he says he "loves" her and she considers dating him.

Your friend needs to get a grip. "After a few days"? True love, the kind that develops into a long-term relationship, may take weeks or months to develop. Not 'days.' Developing feelings for someone in 'days' is infatuation probably combined with a healthy dose of lust.

And why would they talk about 'important stuff' right away? I save that for after having gotten to know the person a little, not on the first (or even second) date. Again, your friend seems to be a little naive. Or lonely. Or both.
I think you misread me, Barb. The person she met said that stuff and she was like "WTF! You don't say that!"

I meant for like a secon. Give me a break. It's exceedingly hard for me to type lately. So, the guy said that to her and she was rather annoyed he'd say that. Then it turns out he was a liar and didn't mean it. That was the whole point I was trying to make.


PS. Sorry if it confused you.
And once again, I say that your friend is naive. People can be anyone they want to be online. Honesty is the best policy, yes, but very few people follow this when in chatrooms. I don't blame her for being upset or even offended, but seriously, if she's been online for any amount of time then what did she expect?
My, my! I find that terribly offensive. I myself am Italian and have certainly been taught about WWII. I will give you a history lesson:

During WWI, the allies needed more help so they ask Italy. When they asked for help, they promised the Italians land. A good amount of land. This land was previously taken by Austria a few decades earlier. The Italians agreed to help the allies. Now by the time this war was over, Italy had a ton of casualties, but we were looking on the bright side. The allies had promised us land.

We come to find out that the Allies weren't going to give us the land, but instead did nothing to help us out. I do not justify the actions of the fascist party, but one could easily understand why there would be anger, correct? The allies either lied to the Italians or made a promise that they could not keep.

The Italian people were so easily persuaded by the fascists because of the casualities and damage of war. They thought the fascists could fix the problems. Eventually they come to find out nothing was fixed.

In essence, it was a group of people that destroyed the Italian name. If they were alive today, I would certainly make them regret ever breathing.

That is all I have to say.

Yeah, I knew that bit of history, too thanks to my grandma. I was just as offended as you were. Not much you can do about them sorry to say. Well, we could do a midnight raid and drop them in the water with cement shoes. But, then there's the time and the money...



P.S. Still..How many people spat on Mussollini's hanging corpse? Says a lot for the people.
About the first thing, OMG yes I hate people who lie. Lying is one of the things in this world I absolutely cant tolerate. Especially when its a friend who lied to you. When you trust someone and they lie its the worst. And yeah, usually when someone says "I love you" so soon, theyre either really desperate and clingy, really flirty and fall in love way too easily, or predators looking for the young and lonely. I met my boyfriend online and it took us almost a year to tell each other we LIKED each other (we live together now). But I consider us a fluke, we werent looking for a relationship online, and I wouldnt recommend it to people, because there ARE so many untrustworthy people out there. And sometimes its hard to tell who the liars are because some of them are so good at it everyone is convinced there a nice person.

As for the second part that really does suck. I personally havent heard anyone really say anything derogatory against the Italian (except for the mafia things) but thats probably because Im not Italian. I find it funny how people tend to pick ANYTHING to separate themselves from other people, if not skin color they have to resort to what country their ancestors are from. I hear mean jokes all the time about the Irish, how we re all 'stupid drunk micks that cant stop fist fighting'. Ive heard people refer to the Irish as (pardon my language please!) 'the niggers of Europe'. Anyone whos seen Gangs of New York knows what Im talking about too, back then both the Irish and the Italians were minorities in New York, and and hatred for both of these continued up into the 1950s (unless my history is bad ^-^()) I dont see why people have to use these things to hate other people, since if you think about it we all are humans. And hating someone for what their ancestors did is a primitive way to be.
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