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Your favortle Video Game other than Pokemon

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Golden Sun and Minesweeper. Strange choices? XD Doesn't this go in Other Games?
Perverted Turtle said:
Doesn't this go in Other Games?
Yeah but we have to wait for a mod of this section or smod/admin to move it.
That's what I thought :3 XD

Oh, I just realised I have to set my tape for Pokémon tomorrow before I go to bed >_> *goes to do so*
Boktai. Among the best games I have played (and I origionally thought I'd hate it!)
Sonic, and not the new Sonic originated in Sonic Adventure, but the old Genesis Sonic 1991-1996.
Kirby Super Star was my favorite before I sold it and my SNES. (cries)
Conker: Live and Reloaded for Xbox
Final Fantasy 9 for PS1
Actraiser for the snes
I am a complete and utter Golden Sun fangirl. Not in the "scary" fangirl sense, but yeah. I love that game SOOO much. <3
Only one? I'd have to go with Guild Wars. Which reminds me that I need to get around to getting a new video card. Stupid crappy video card. RUIN MY GAMEPLAY FOR THE LAST TIME.
Pokemon isn't my favorite, but I do enjoy playing it.

I would have to say Dino Crisis or ALIENS versus Predator is one of my favorites.
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