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Your favourite pokemon episodes.


Dec 24, 2005
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Like it says what are some of your favourite pokemon episodes mines is:

For comedy:
Control freak
Flower power
Beauty and the beach
Turning over a nuzleaf (made me laugh so much)
Meowth rules
Pokemon scent-sation (one word 'ashley')
Holy matrimony-(this for me was both comedic and kinda sad)
Gone corphishing - (corphish's debut)
Ignorance is blissey- (kinda sad with jesie being kicked out of nursing school but blissey's naievity is just so funny)

For a touching storyline:
Just waiting on a friend
The togepi mini saga -(the princess & the togepi, & a togepi mirage)
Holiday hi-jynx -(jessie's back story)
Snow way out -(ash's love for his pokemon & and jessie's past)-Poor jessie
actually thought 'snowgisborg' was an actual holiday.
Go west young meowth- (meowth's past)
Corphish out of water-
Pikachu's goodbye- (we see how much ash love's his pikachu)
Bye,bye butterfree-(come on who couldn't love that?)
A ship full of shivers- (for loyalty)
Viva las lapras
Charizard chills

Just plain fun:
A tents situation- (brock wont reveal why he left valencia)
Fortune hunters -(one of the funniest bit is when brock's telling nurse joy about his friend who is really 'like a mean old gyrados' and james being wacky and actually putting victreebell in it's place for a while)
All contest episode i guess. especially hapsody in Drew, The lilycove eps or the Wakana one. also anothe fav would be when May gets eevee, as you see the whole contest bug is sucking my blood and converting me!
I'll go by saga:

Indigo League:
The School of Hardknocks
Tentacool and Tentacruel
Electric Soldier Porygon
Holy Matrimony
Princess vs Princess
The Battle of the Badge
Snow Way Out
Showdown at the Poke-corrale
The Evolution-Solution
Go West Young Meowth
The Ancient Puzzle of Pokemopolis
All of the League episodes

Orange League:
The Lost Lapras
Pikachu Revolts
In the Pink
Stage Fight
Bye Bye Psyduck
Navel Manuevers
Snack Attack
Meowth Rules
Tracey Gets Bugged
A Way Off Day Off
Where for art thou Pokemon
Misty Meets Her Match
Charizard Chills
Pokemon Food Fight
Hello Pummelo
Enter the Dragonite
A Tents Situation
The Rivalry Revival

Snubull Snobbery
Ignorance is Blissey
For Crying Out Loud
The Super Hero Secret
Wired for Battle
Gettin the Bugs Out
Tricks of the Trade
Tunnel Vision
The Totodile Duel
A Goldenrod Oppurtunity
Type Casting
Hook, Line, and Stinker
Power Play
Trouble's Brewing
The Wayward Wobuffet
The Heart Break of Brock
Nerves of Steelix
For Ho-oh the Bell Tolls
Extreme Pokemon
Due's and Dont's
Same Old Song and Dance
One Trick Phoney
Just Add Water
All of the Johto League
Gotta Catch You Later

Whirl Islands:
Fly me to the moon
Dueling Heroes
The Perfect Match
Plant It Now...Diglett Later

A Poached Ego
Gonna Rule the School
Winner by a Nosepass
Now That's Flower Power
I Feel Skitty
Zig Zag Zangoose
Going Going Yawn
The Bicker the Better
Once in a Mawile
The Great Eight Fate
Eight Aint Enough
Berry Berry Interesting
Grand Festival episodes
All of the Hoenn League
The Team Scheme

Battle Frontier: (episodes I like so far)
The Kingdom of Onix
Jigglypuff's song, Father's song
Manene Appears!, House of Relaxation
The Rival is a Salaryman?
Battle Dome! Combination of Fire and Water
Munchlax's Battle Debut! Harley and Taking the Game Seriously
Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
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