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Your newest purchase or gift

Had to purchase a smokedetector and then noticed we didn't have a screwdriver with the right head. So I ended up purchasing a ratchet screwdriver too.
My credit card hurts so bad right now. I just spent almost $200 USD on the LA and SV OSTs—my SwSh OST shipped this morning!—and the Neon Genesis Evangelion 25th anniversary soundtrack collection. Granted, the latter was over half the total, but still…

Very excited to get these!
Haul session this week:
I bought a new phone, my previous one took water damage so I had to replace it, was kinda cheap too, hope doesn't give up on me early.
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond. It's not so bad. Honestly Pokemon games so far seem to be about the same difficulty and quality. I have gotten to Crasher Wake so far. Ball seals are amazing and should be in more modern games. Also the overworld models are so cute and I low-key prefer them to the realistic ones.
Your first purchase huh? Nice! I myself have bought sooooo much stuff from the Pokemon Center (mostly plushes,) including my latest purchase, the Smoliv Pokemon Center plush, which just arrived yesterday!
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