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Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series

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Jul 18, 2006
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Since the old thread is too old, and I need to say something, I'm starting a new thread.

YouTube is starting to take videos off for Copyright Infringement. Watch what's left while you still can!

It took them long enough to find them. I'm sure they've known, but it was giving them some hits, but now that there are no new videos, so they're losing viewers, so they're just taking them all off.

What are we to do? Those were the funniest videos EVER!
No, I think it has to do with YouTube being taken over by another company. I'm sure Yugioh abridged will be on another website soon enough, but it is annoying what YouTube is doing.

I think one would have to be pretty stupid to believe 4Kids did not know about Yugioh Abridged until now. I'm pretty sure they don't care much about it either. However, YouTube has been taking down fan videos, AMVs, and clips left and right. The are on the fast track to leaving their 15 mins of fame...
Yeah. 90% of the content on Youtube contains some form of copywrited material. But a lot of it, like Yugioh Abridged, could be argued to not actually be copywrite violations perse. But when Youtube gets done in a few months, they'll have nothing but people's crappy home movies (and even the home movies with someone singing a song or music playing in the background will be deleted) and the site will basically be a ghost town.
It can't be the Google takeover, because it would have happened months ago. Besides, Google Video had Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series before the takeover and pretended to not notice.
I think YouTube was just doing a massive sweep of full episodes or something, and these parody videos just got caught up in it. I doubt the YouTube people even watched the videos to know that they were parodies.

I'm sure LittleKuriboh will find another way to distribute his videos, in any case.
Yeah. If there is, Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Wiki will have the answer.
Stupid Youtube.

I thought about this today, and I agree with Zeta; when it's all said and done, nothing will be left.

Well, videos uploaded by musical artists will stay; My Chemical Romance has their own account, and upload videos to it.
They're doing the same thing to Naturo Abridged (which, in my opinion, is even funnier than YGO abridged. It'll begin being uploaded to dailymotion as well.

Stupid Youtube. x_x
I love the Abridged series!
It's sad that Youtube's being so silly about it. Are they really going to take down every AMV, parody, episode, slide-show, etc?
Why aren't the smosh videos taken down? o_o
Oh well, as long as I can still watch it, I'm fine. I have the first 14 episodes on my computer. ^^;
The videos are on myspace, and I think that they might stand up better to the corporates than youtube. This is just the beginning of youtube's decline, since everything with Viacom was taken down early last month, so I couldn't watch Avatar :(
LittleKuriboh's Headdesk account is the best.

This is the beginning of a new and much better generation for Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series!
Parody is LEGALLY protected as fair use: whoever's making them take it down doesn't have a claim. But the way the DMCA is written...

Gah, and I can't even make a spurious "copyright claim" to the big companies, either, 'cause they own their own hosting and whatnot. At least he can migrate elsewhere.

(The series itself, OTOH, is pure, condensed super-special-awesomeness.)
I think Youtube realizes their now popular enough to exist without having to violate copyright with half of their videos. So I think they're really going to start getting extra-strict sometime soon. (As its still very easy to find full anime episodes for some shows)

Sure, it's a parody, but it still violates copyright by having large portions of episode footage in the video. At least I'd assume so. If he did this with puppets or drawings I think this would be a different story.

Edit: I can only dream of the e-backlash that would've occured had they banned his account. XD I'm sure we'd see a lot of "boycott youtube" banners everywhere. (ugghhhh)
I wonder what kind of YouTube videos Kaiba'll post?
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