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YuGiOh Shadow Games, Duel Monsters, Capsule Monsters, and Generation Next Club.

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Jun 11, 2004
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I think the title is pretty obvious...

So...it's time to P-P-P-P-P-POST!

Basically, talk about all 4 series of Anime, Card, and Manga.

Habunake (I'll use my more well known name)

So, first topic, what is your favorite series? For me, it's definately GX!
Well, I don't consider myself a YGO fan, but I did enjoy Millenium World...

Especially the WTF? plot twist at the end...

...Egypt is really a giant game board?
I actually dislike the Egypt Saga, I liked the card based sagas the most.

Also, the anime had sloppy art then as well.
And in the dub, Bakuravanni...

Really, that was the only thing keeping me from watching the last story arc in the mornings. Otherwise, I totally would have.

Man, that was a good storyline, IMO.

And the first, completely politically incorrect storyline was wonderfully twisted too- it was like a Japanese Brothers Grimm, only even MORE twisted and sadistic. And I love explaining it to people who think YGO's just about cards... "so this kid tortures other kids..."
You talking about the Season "0" one?

Yeah, that was cool. But Yami only did that to bad people. And it actually kind of just stopped somwhere around Death T, and Yami yells at people for using shadow games when it comes to the Dueling Arc...of course, the first chapters obviously weren't thinking ahead, as Yami mentioned he was from Egypt...which is a major plot-hole.
I know he only did it to bad people... still, you gotta admit, pretty effed up stuff. If an American created a comic like that (and put it in a boys' comics magazine), you know there'd be controversy...

God bless Japan.
Not really, alot of american comics aimed for kids are just as bad...they have like rape in them and stuff.

MIND CRUSH! The only time during the card games he did that was too that Clown (Puppet Master in manga) and PaniK...then, he stopped.
Considering I don't read American comics, I really wouldn't know.
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