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12:36 PM
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  • hey i heard it's a completely average unsuspecting day with nothing special about it whatsoever

    HAHA GOT YOU... happy birthday!!! i love love love you <3 may you conquer all your enemies and plunder all the gold you could ever dream of on this wonderful day :bulbaLove:
    • Love
    Reactions: DawningWinds
    THANK YOU GUZ!! I love you too <3 enemies and gold will be conquered and plundered sufficiently and possibly even excessively.
    You don’t think any 16th century jerks are trying to cause trouble today, do you?
    I should hope not, but you never really know with people from that era
    Yeah, one minute they’re all nice, the next they are made of slime and continually kill a clone of their brother.
    Truly. Or they attempt to commit a genocide
    Hello there, I wanted to ask if there's a place to post art stuff without having to create your own thread. And does it have to be Pokémon only?
    No, there's not really a thread for that: the way the art gallery is designed, aside from a few challenge-type games, it's kinda so everyone there has there own thread. As for it being Pokemon-only-- not at all! As long as the art follows our forum-wide rules and is your own art, you're free to post it.
    Chaotic Inferno
    Chaotic Inferno
    Thank you for the info! Apologies, I'm not used to the new forum layout at all. :p
    Hi! When do you do your art streams? I wanna watch one someday, but I can’t find a date and time. Thanks!
    • Hi
    Reactions: DawningWinds
    Saturdays at 7:00 PM my time (which should be the same as your time) on the Bulbagarden Twitch! I'd love to have you stop by, always nice to see folks I know from here in chat.
    I'm going to choose to interpret that as I'm winning
    No idea what I'm winning, but I have no energy to argue.
    ningwi wining because Nemonas friend.
    Are you a Pawmot?
    Lisia is nice; I asked her to throw the banana.

    I... honestly don't know how to explain flavors to an AI
    Quesadillas taste like cheese! That's what my brain says. What does cheese taste like? My brain says cheese. What does cheese taste like? What does cheese taste like? My brain says cheese. What does cheese taste like? What does cheese taste like? My brain says cheese. What does cheese taste like? What does cheese taste like? My brain says cheese. What does cheese taste like? What does cheese taste like? My brain says cheese. What does cheese taste like? What does cheese taste like? My brain says cheese. What does cheese taste like? What does cheese taste like? My brain says cheese. What does cheese
    • Love
    Reactions: Okido
    well. quesadilla does, in fact, roughly translate to "little cheesy thing"
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