Recent content by AmayasEve

  1. A

    Thinking of Playing Mystery Dungeon Which Should I Play?

    Wow ok thanks. I'll have to do my research, I'll probably take whimscott's advice and start fresh with the new one.
  2. A

    Did It happen to you?

    What an outrage! It's such a pretty name :0. Idk it kind of sounds like a nmae one of the psychic npcs would have.
  3. A

    Do you still get judged for playing Pokemon?

    I've never really let things bother me like that, in high school a few people were confused by it but I had fun so it wasn't a big deal. My husband's mom was the one who really was kinda irked by it, she thought we were way too old for it (mostly the card game part) but she kinda got over it...
  4. A

    Dumbest NPC?

    That chick in Platinum that has a haunter and trades it to you but its holding an item to prevent it from evolving. That made me so mad. Then again that's probably the most annoying npc rather than the dumbest. Maybe the professors are just going blind or don't want to be rude and make assumptions??
  5. A

    Did It happen to you?

    So in Heart Gold one of Npcs in a Certain Gym shared my name, which is cool because it's not always spelled that way. Thing is it was the Npcs that looked like me the most too. Did that ever happen to anyone else? Just curious. Also 10 point if you can guess the name ;).
  6. A

    What trivial thing in the Pokémon games drives you crazy?

    Yeah...It's just why?? What's wrong with it???
  7. A

    Hello! I'm AmayasEve

    It only make sense were a big State!
  8. A

    Thinking of Playing Mystery Dungeon Which Should I Play?

    Like the title says, I really want to try a mystery dungeon so which would you recommend? I only have the vaguest clue about them so if you could help me out it'd be great! You can tell me which is your favorite and why? NO SPOILERS PLEASE!;-)
  9. A

    Favorite Fire Starter

    I can't help but love both Cyndaquil and Charmander they are just so cute and warm(lolzies) my heart.
  10. A

    Would you like Pokémon Snap 2 to be made?

    I forgot where I read it but someone was interviewed about Pokemon Snap and asked whether or there should be a sequel, their response was "If they(Nintendo) don't make it, they're stupid and they don't like money" That pretty much sums up my feelings about it. I still play they old one from time...
  11. A

    What trivial thing in the Pokémon games drives you crazy?

    The Male protagonist's in Ruby's Hair. WTFluff is that mess. WHY???? I just..I just don't like it. Same for Misty's latest look.
  12. A

    Which pokemon game did you have the most fun with?

    Wow I love the diverse answers here! I gotta say I love Heart Gold, I loved the regions art and that I didn't have to hold down run. I also like mom holding that mula for me. Hmm I also loved pokemon following you around. So cute! I say B/W 2 is second even though I really don't like gen 5...
  13. A

    Hello! I'm AmayasEve

    Thank You for the warm welcome! I'll read up for sure and look forward to the experience!
  14. A

    Hello! I'm AmayasEve

    Hi! Most of my info is in my profile, but I'm here to say hi and that you'll be seeing me around.:ksmile::mail:<--Haha that's cute.
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