Recent content by Casual_Furi

  1. C

    Who's excited about tommorow?

    It's the 13th already? looks like I'll have to put Lost/CSI/House on hold again. Natch! Yeah, I replace social interaction with television and message boards. It's working just fine, TYVM!
  2. C

    Review DP115: Wild Junsar and Accomplice Perap!

    Re: DP 115 "Wild Junsa and Partner Perap!" Preview Thread This doesn't look to be as bad as I once thought. I really hope Gliscor gets screentime. It's been in its pokeball fpr 6 episodes in a row! D=
  3. C

    Witch Johto starter will Dawn/Hikari catch

    Whichever starter she gets, I hope it replaces Ambipom (she's not cute or strong, plus it lost nearly all of her personality after evolution) It should be shiny too. I'm jus' sayin, Tha's all...
  4. C

    Review DP115: Wild Junsar and Accomplice Perap!

    Re: DP115 "Wild Junsa and Partner Perap! I don't understand what the title meant by 'wild' Is it "uncivilized and barbaric" wild (A wild Hoppip appeared!) or "crazy and out of control" wild (A wild party animal)?
  5. C

    The worst filler episodes you've seen

    I agree about the bad Johto/Hoenn wastes of our time. Sinnoh's also had some clunkers like The Magikarp/Feebass one, The Mira/Abra one, and the 'not terrible but I would have been better off sleeping in that day' electrike episode. I'm also not anticipating DP 115 (wild Jenny/Chatot) The only...
  6. C

    NYCC - minor Movie 11/Season 12 info

    I can't wait for BD to end. They still have Dustox and Aipom in the OP X0 I suggest Crispin Freeman for Cyrus; but I know damn well that's never gonna happen.
  7. C

    Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl Movie 03 (Pokemon Movie 12) Preview Thread

    Re: Pokemon Movie 12 New Informations: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile and Heatran app Maybe the starters, NE Pichu and that Bronzor belong to A move exclusive trainer, I.E. Aipom girl in movie 3 or Plusle/Minun boy in movie 7
  8. C

    IGN article on the old banned Pokemon eps

    Family/kids stuff is very strict about religous names and icons. I was surprised they were allowed to say 'Oh God' in Coraline. Actually, I'm surprised the movie as a whole got a PG rating. Kids were screaming crying in the theater.
  9. C

    Review DP114: Pokémon Contest! Akebi Tournament!!

    Re: DP 114 "Pokémon Contest! Akebi Tournament!!" Preview Thread The artists/animators must really not like Ambi; they didn't bother adding her in the 'group run toward sulking piplup' scene in Surely Tomorrow.
  10. C

    Review DP114: Pokémon Contest! Akebi Tournament!!

    Re: DP 114 "Pokémon Contest! Akebi Tournament!!" Preview Thread It's about damn time we had a cast member that really disliked being with the group. It's the only one who's discontent and unhappy, which makes it original and fun to watch.
  11. C

    IGN article on the old banned Pokemon eps

    My point earlier was that kids see violent shows all the time and aren't harmed in the least. It's the parents that are over reacting. I believe now people are trying to force kids to grow up even faster now. Did those kids really think Ash was actually going to get killed? Heroes never die on...
  12. C

    Review S11 EP41: Playing The Leveling Field!

    I FRACKING HATE THOSE THUMBS!! Other than that it was an entertaining episode. I wish happiny did more. Fantina's Fenchcent was a tad jarring.
  13. C

    Review DP114: Pokémon Contest! Akebi Tournament!!

    Re: DP 114 "Pokémon Contest! Akebi Tournament!!" Preview Thread Just because she doesn't look like a lesbian doesn't mean she's def. hetero. You don't need to be a stereotype to have a certain lifestyle.
  14. C

    DP117 Title and summaries for 114-117

    I'm disappointed, but I thought the Croagunk episode would suck, which it most certainly didn't. I agree that this isn't anything new to get excited over. The only way to differentiate this episode would be a Tangela cap.
  15. C

    Review DP114: Pokémon Contest! Akebi Tournament!!

    Re: DP 114 "Pokémon Contest! Akebi Tournament!!" Preview Thread It would be surprising if this show actually did follow the rules of logic/physics/gravity.
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