Recent content by Cless Aileron

  1. C

    Do you buy both versions in a pair?

    I have only bought one of the versions for each game. The only exception was when I was planning to get Gold during Gen 2 with my dad ended up getting me Silver while I mentioned I wanted to get Gold. So, I actually ended up getting both of them that gen. Otherwise, I find myself relying on...
  2. C

    Capcom Announces Unreplayable Game

    I didn't want to jump into replying to this until I got enough to know what to say about it and I feel I should say something about it. First of all, I know what kind of game this Resident Evil: Mercenaries 3D is supposed to be. It's a stand alone release of a popular mode in the series (it's...
  3. C

    What video games are you playing now?

    Still playing my three fighting games (Both Xbox 360 and Playstation 3): *Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition *Marvel Vs Capcom 3 *Tekken 6 Outside of that, I got myself playing Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love on Wii. Talk about getting into a series...10 years too late. That's definitely...
  4. C

    What video games are you playing now?

    Picked up Super Street Fighter IV again because of the DLC release of the Arcade Edition, so I'm now playing Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition. Taking some time to get adjusted to the new tweaks, specifically for Bison/Dictator.
  5. C

    What video games are you playing now?

    *Gears of War (Xbox 360). Co-oping online with an online friend. Will be doing the same with Gears of War 2. Don't know if we'll get those out of the way for September. *Dead Rising 2 (Xbox 360). Just doing extra tasks...and achievements. *Mortal Kombat (Playstation 3). I can't stop...
  6. C

    What video games are you playing now?

    *Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 (Xbox 360 and Playstation 3). Yeah, I own the game on both systems and I've been playing them a lot recently. *Sly Cooper and Thievius Raccoonus (Playstation 3). The game's very fun. *Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon (Game Boy Color). Still looking to complete this one.
  7. C

    What video games are you playing now?

    The run down: *Halo: Reach (Xbox 360). Halfway through it. *Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage (Xbox 360). I admit, the gameplay is shallow (well, it is a Dynasty Warriors game) but the license somehow at least feels some satisfaction in beating goons down, even despite that. *Enslaved...
  8. C

    Yeah, there's a returning member here.

    I did leave this place but, probably because I may want to try to get into a Pokémon battle using my Heart Gold team before B&W that I decided to come back here, even if I don't for the long term (I'm not really sure if I'm really going to stay in the long term but we'll see). So, hello...
  9. C

    What's this letter?

    You are right that it's the hiragana for "ri". It's just that I have seen different variation of it that looks more in line with the katakana version and that version shown where the strokes are more connected.
  10. C

    Gold PS3

    Nah. She was more about how they, "Bling bling" the error code. Heck, the Yellow Light of Death might be the "Golden Light of Death" for that, "Bling bling" PS3.
  11. C

    Girlfrend smashes Xbox.

    I've saw that one on Youtube and I think that was a revenge prank. Also, the guy got even with her by smashing her laptop. I don't know what else to say about it though.
  12. C

    Kojima likes Twilight-Yes sparkling vampires twilight

    I looked over the article, remembering it saying it and saw this part. My emphasis, not theirs. Pretty much where the claim was made. If anyone thinks Metal Gear Solid's story is pretentious or horribly ridiculous, then they ended up getting more ammo for their criticism.
  13. C

    How much Video Game Hardware do you have?

    *NES - The top loader, not the old box design. Owned by sister since its release near the end of system's life, now inherited by me. *SNES *N64 *GCN *Wii *Gameboys -2 white, brick Game Boy -1 early silver Game Boy Pocket (one without the light indicator on the battery life) -1 clear...
  14. C

    What video games are you playing now?

    *Street Fighter IV (Xbox 360). Back into it again. Just remember not to jump towards a crouching Guile. *Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP). I've been slowly progressing through the game. *Tales of VS (PSP). Got it imported and just messing around. While I didn't start on my own save...
  15. C

    Ernie Hudson - Pokémon TCG Fan

    That's pretty interesting to hear, especially considering I just started playing the recent Ghostbusters game today. Now I just need to resist making a joke about his Ghostbusters role and the fact that I'm hearing he uses a Gengar deck.
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