Recent content by Erufuun

  1. E

    Contest Isshu VS. Unova

    Yeah, except that reference you and a few others are pointing out isn't actually the meaning of Unova. The name "Isshu" comes from "isshurui", which is Japanese for "one variety". Unova derives from the latin word "Unum" or the spanish word "uno" which stands for "one," while "nova" is latin...
  2. E

    The Bulbagarden Conversational Chat-Thread

    WOOPS.. There goes my skirt.
  3. E

    Shiny Pokémon with the Pokéradar

    Is Eevee in the sparkly patches or in regular patches? I have been trying for ages to encounter an Eevee, I can't seem to find one.
  4. E

    The Bulbagarden Conversational Chat-Thread

    *Pop!* You could have had a V8.
  5. E

    The Vending Machine!

    Dead baby pops out. *Inserts foot*
  6. E

    True or False

    False. I will do all of those things and more. >=3 Hates to be corrected.
  7. E

    Music What song are you currently listening to?

    Iris-Goo Goo Dolls
  8. E

    Shiny in FR without any badges! WTF?!

    You don't need badges to get shinies. They can appear at anytime. That is why people SR for shinies in the beginning of their games.
  9. E

    Do you carrie someone random on your team?

    I carry around a Beutifly. =3
  10. E

    Hello. Lovely weather, isn't?

    Welcome to the forums. I hope you enjoy it here.
  11. E

    Music What song are you currently listening to?

    'If Everyone Cared."-Nickelback.
  12. E

    Has your name ever been used in the anime?

    Hell Yeah. I've been seen on many episodes. =D
  13. E

    Jokela High School Massacre

    I read about this a few hours ago. It is very tragic, and I'm sorry for the families that have through all of this. I really have no comment on the shooter, this has happend before, and the outcome for the Virginia Tech was way more tragic than this.
  14. E


    Hi, Anthony. Welcome to the forums, I hope you have fun here, and follow the rules. =D Why does that kid call you Jeff?
  15. E

    Little girl enters Pikachu

    XD Dude, you just made my day. XD
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