Recent content by Etebossu

  1. E

    The (Un)Official Favorite Episodes Thread

    Stun Spore Detour is one of my favorites And the whole Wallace-Cup Arc Also, Ash vs. Byron was a great episode
  2. E

    What do you think is the most over-used move in the Pokemon Anime?

    DESUUUUUUUUUU BEAMUUUUUUUUUUUU (Ice Beam for those who don't watch the Japanese version)
  3. E

    Pokemon that got very little screentime in the anime

    Dunsparce made a cameo in the contest that Jessie won. Don't know if that counts or not.
  4. E

    Dawn won the Wallace Cup, but did she deserve it?

    I can't believe that people are still talking about this. It does not matter if she deserved it or not because the reality is that she beat May and she got the ribbon. No amount of whining by butthurt fanboys is ever going to change that.
  5. E

    DP118 - Pokeringer! Big Decisive Sky Battle!!

    How is 'rehashing' contests any different than Gym Battles? Its not. The whole series is based off doing the same thing over and over but in a different region each time. I thought after this many seasons people would realize this but I guess my expectations were too high.
  6. E

    Review DP114: Pokémon Contest! Akebi Tournament!!

    This is the first episode I watched in quite a while, and it was really good. It was nice to see Pachirisu finally make a name for itself in the battle portion, taking down a Gabite is no easy task, especially not for an electric type. I like the new rival, she adds a kind of comedy to the...
  7. E

    Review DP116: Yukimenoko in a Snowstorm!

    This episode looks quite interesting. It will be interesting to see whethere or not Chimchar evolves. But I'm still not getting my hopes up. The Animation looks semi-decent, which for Takeda is quite impressive.
  8. E

    How bad was the Johto team really?

    I actually think that the Johto team is stronger than the DP team right now, but I am sure that the DP team will pass them up after the league. This is what I think as of right now: Noctowl>Staravia: Right now I think Noctwol's psychic attacks could defeat Staravia, but after Staravia...
  9. E

    Next Gyms

    I think that all 6 of his pokemon will get at least one win in one of the two next gym battles, as much as dislike Buizel, I think that the entire team deserves at least one more gym win each. These are my predictions Candice: Buizel vs. Piloswine [Buizel Wins] Buizel vs. Sneasel...
  10. E

    Next Contests

    I think Kenny needs to beat Dawn before the Grand Festival, so that he can be taken seriously as a rival. I mean the only time we have seen him win contests is cameos when the characters see him on tv. He needs to win a contest that Dawn and Jessie are in so that we can see that he's not just a...
  11. E

    Pokemon that a main character befriended, which ones did you want to see captured?

    Ash: None Misty: Marill, from that early Johto episode, I know it was owned by another trainer but that entire episode was about Misty and Marill Brock: Nuzleaf from Leave it to Brocko May: None Max: Ralts Dawn: Grimer
  12. E

    Misty's Goldeen

    Misty's Goldeen used water gun in the episodes Viva Las Lapras against the pirates, and in Hook, Line, and Stinker along with Psyduck and Staryu in order to give Poliwhirl a reality check
  13. E

    Why did the writes decide to make Jessie a "serious" rival?

    It wasn't the Floroama Contest, it was a filler village, Dawn won the Floroama Contest off topic: how is Floaroma/floraoma/floroamo spelt, I'm too lazy to look it up
  14. E

    Which Johto Episodes are pointless, which are interesting?

    I think you could make a highly succesfull saga composed simply of: -The Gym Battles -Any episodes were a main cast member makes an a new capture -Any episodes were a Pokemon belonging to a main character evolves -Gary appearences -Episodes were Gym leaders appear out of their Gyms...
  15. E

    Orange Island saga discussion

    One of my favorite episodes of all time was in the Orange Islands saga: Kasumi and Nyoromo/The Stun Spore Detour It was a great episode that really highlighted Kasumi's character, it gave all of her Pokemon a battle, and she made a new capture, not to mention that her Nyoromo would become my...
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