Recent content by iswhatever

  1. iswhatever

    What Was the Last Thing You Said Before This Thread???

    "I'm holding on." LOL.
  2. iswhatever

    What was the hardest Gym Battle you've ever fought???

    The majority of these posts have been about Whitney. And I'm no different. I definitely had trouble with her in Silver.. But by the time Crystal came out, I was ready for her.
  3. iswhatever

    Totally new. :D

    Hahaha! I shall be weary of them. Thanks! :thumbup:
  4. iswhatever

    Personality Stereotypes for Different Species of Pokemon

    I think of Torchic as too fragile and a crybaby...
  5. iswhatever

    ITT You tell the above poster why their favorite Pokemon sucks.

    has pervert potential. the pokedex entry depicts it as having see through eyes.. Turtwig (seeing as Gligar was mentioned...)
  6. iswhatever

    Eating Pokemon

    Re: WOULD YOU EAT POKE'MON? I'd like to try a Far'fetched. Or maybe a Torchic...
  7. iswhatever

    How do you dress?

    I usually wear something from American Eagle or Abercrombie. I've been known to shop at Old Navy, Gap and occasionally Hot Topic. I bought a sesame street shirt there!! It made me happy. But the first two stores are where eighty percent of my clothing comes from.
  8. iswhatever

    Favourite Shiny Pokemon?

    Gligar!!!! My life's mission is to get one.
  9. iswhatever

    What was the first pokémon you ever caught?

    My first game was silver, and it was a Pidgey. I named it Lu-Kain. lol.
  10. iswhatever

    WANTED: Event Pikachu colored Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu

    What did you want for it? :kawaii:
  11. iswhatever

    WANTED: Event Pikachu colored Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu

    Haha. Alright. I'm really unsure what's in them. I've been breeding a lot. Are you free to do the trade now? Trainer name: Ethan Friend Code: 4813 0098 8120
  12. iswhatever

    WANTED: Event Pikachu colored Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu

    Hey, people. I'm looking for anyone who has a spare/unwanted Pikachu colored Pichu/Raichu/Pikachu that was given out during the WI-FI event a while ago. I'm not sure what I could give in return, seeing as I don't have much. But I have: 6 random eggs that I don't plan on hatching. I...
  13. iswhatever

    Stupidest thing you've ever done in game?

    I think the stupidest thing I ever did was use up all of my Pokeballs, Greatballs, Ultraballs, etc. on Kyogre and when I went into a patch of grass a few minutes later, I found a shiny and didn't have anything to capture it with. I knew the ratios of encountering a shiny pokemon, so I kept my...
  14. iswhatever

    Your favourite Pokémon?

    Gligar!! Its soo adorable..
  15. iswhatever

    pokemon that you just refuse to evolve

    I refuse to evolve my Bulbasuar in my leaf green, Bayleef in my soul silver and Turtwig in my platinum! Haha. I don't know why, but that's how it goes for me. Although I do own the evolved forms for competitive battling.
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