Recent content by lordeofthedances

  1. L

    Until Death Do Us Part- Reboot

    Name: simons nickname: sim age: 19 gender:male ability: brawler/defender weapon of choice: razor studded steel guantlets and diamond sword (1/8th the thicknes of tissue paper) personality: fun loving and nice, with a temper to make even god shy away. Loves animals and hates to see women be...
  2. L

    Some Pokemon fanart.

    Good job keep at it I think evees are your strong point!!
  3. L

    My first sprite!

    I dont know how to exactly express what wrong with them in all reality they are very good but they're missing a POP! Sorry i can't place my finger on it but hopefully you will eventually. EDIT. Maybe brighter shades of those colors would help!
  4. L

    Project Morru : Pixel artists, i choose you!

    WOW! you are good and i must say your drawing are even more impressive then the sprite keep making them.
  5. L

    Pokemon in MS Paint!

    WOW! those are great for MS paint I can barely draw a smiley face with out ruining it one way or another.
  6. L

    My Rendition of the Gen V Starters

    My personal favorite rendition of the V Generation starters well done. (cheers)
  7. L

    Morrufied Sprites!: The Epic Pixel Place.[CLOSED TEMPORARILY]

    Re: Morrufied Sprites! I love your honyta looks amazing I wish it were a real pokemon.
  8. L

    my sprites

    My faovirite is the voltorb/geodude mix you did a good job mixing them its not to much of one or the other. =)
  9. L

    New Eevees!

    I like the way you made them look like belivable eveeloutions not foxs' painted to look cool.
  10. L

    My attempt at Generation V sprites (Pixel-Over ArtStyle?)

    Agreed, outline would help most ddefinetly.
  11. L

    Flour Baby (A SoulSilvershipping High School fic)

    I loved the name you choose ,but in future chapters can you please get a little more in depth with the characters.
  12. L

    Hell on Earth (sign-ups)

    Name:Iuz Redskull Nickname:N/A Age:200 Gender:N/A Species:Full blooded demon lord. Appearance: (Physical):7 feet tall with pure white skin head to toe and tatoos depicting scenes of peace and love,pure white eyes and long silver flowing hairwith entricate patterns in it,long claws on each...
  13. L

    Rate the Signature Above You

    0/10 all there is a is a poliwag and a shroomish i dont care for either.
  14. L

    Rate the Avatar Above You

    10/10 i love wallace and gromit.
  15. L

    The Vending Machine!

    OUT comes micheal jacksons corpse and death rapes you. inserts Mj's rape stick.......(have fun)
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