Recent content by Shadowkat777

  1. S

    Move-of-the-Week Discussion #99: Mega Punch

    I would have to guess that the purpose Mega Punch serves in the Pokemon world is to be a 'basic' sort of attack, like tackle or scratch, though admittedly stronger than either of them. Realistically speaking, any Pokemon with arms should really be able to learn it as it's a fairly simplistic...
  2. S

    Move-of-the-Week Discussion #98: Will-O-Wisp

    Thanks ^-^ Mega Punch please?
  3. S

    What Are Your Pokemon's Nicknames?

    I've never really named Pokemon based on their Japanese names (Except when I couldn't think of a name for my Fearow), but I did use Japanese words/Phrases to name Pokemon in my Gold version. Like Usagi the Azumarill and Momoiro the shiny Spinarak. :) I love how many different ways people name...
  4. S

    Obsolete: How old are you, Pokémon Fans? (Once more from the top)

    '96, so I'll actually be 18 this August. I started my lil Pokemon journey just before kindergarten (so 2000 or 2001 can't remember which >.<") in Johto with Pokemon Silver. My older brother actually introduced me to the series a he had already had one of the games and some of the cards (which he...
  5. S

    Search Error

    Ok, thank you! I'm really glad it isn't just me, but at the same time I'm really sorry to hear it isn't. Thank you for telling me! :)
  6. S

    Search Error

    I hate to bother you all, but I'm having a tiny issue with the searching feature on the forum. I'm not sure if it's that I'm really that bad at it or what and I didn't know who to ask, but every time I try to use the search bar in the forum to search for a thread or something about a specific...
  7. S

    What Are Your Pokemon's Nicknames?

    I really like those too, but that could be because I really like names with 'y' in random places like Zephyr, Dravyn, and Pyrrhus for example. I just really like spellings that aren't really common :) Besides, the most important part of nicknaming your Pokemon is to make it something that you...
  8. S

    Greetings and Salutations

    Thanks everybody! I appreciate that a lot ^-^ I think I will enjoy it here. Samwin: The Users and Staff do seem a lot more friendly than on most sites, and I appreciate the tip/offer Shiny Celebi: I adore your username as well, probably because I think Shiny Celebi are awesome :3 G50: That's...
  9. S

    The First Glitch You Ever Exploited

    Yeah, that makes sense. I just remember that something similar happened to my game files in Crystal, Silver, and Gold, but that it was actually the internal battery at fault and not the glitch. I just figured that maybe I would share that idea since I only figured out what happened to my games...
  10. S

    What Are Your Pokemon's Nicknames?

    Hope you don't mind that I'm replying to this about a year later, but I actually name all my Pokemon and always have. Because of that, I have a bit of a hard time keeping the names from overlapping xD Furthermore, as of late I've been rethinking names for my Pokemon in hopes of something more...
  11. S

    Move-of-the-Week Discussion #98: Will-O-Wisp

    I like to think that those Pokemon that aren't Ghost- or Fire-Types are able to learn the move generally because of their 'connection' to the more mystic side of Pokemon. For example, the Ralts family are all Psychics and Absol and Darkrai are both Dark pokemon. In fables, 'darker' creatures...
  12. S

    Most Disappointing Evolution?

    You know...I was going to put just one pokemon at first...but then I remembered more of them that I hate, most of which based on looks. All of the fourth Gen evolutions for second Gen pokemon (Rhyperior, Tangegrowth, Magmorter, Electivire, Lickylicky) with the exception of Yanmega half the...
  13. S

    Legendary Pokemon Genders

    I like to think of them as actually having genders, usually various ones, but are simply incapable to breed in captivity. My case is with Silver and his mom for phrasing it that way as clearly they can breed (Silver is that Lugia's child), but won't if shoved into a daycare (as shown by the...
  14. S

    Greetings and Salutations

    Thank you very much :) I think I'll take that advice Also, I love your Avatar! It looks really cool :D
  15. S

    Does Mega Evolutions mean that GF is getting out of ideas???

    I really like your answer. :D It kind of sums up a lot of what I've been thinking about the concept too, and most definitely waaaay better worded than I could ever hope to accomplish. On another note, when I first learned about MEvos, I thought for certain that they would give one to Pikachu...
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