Recent content by Water-noctowl

  1. W

    Random Messages 9

    I am only sorta back I may disappear again.
  2. W

    Random Messages 9

    I wonder if anyone remembers me?
  3. W

    Try Writing Your Username Using Your Elbows!!

    waqwte4r5-=------unhj0okdcf6t0oplp; Ironically this was easier on my kindle.
  4. W

    This user above died of...[V2]

    ^ Was killed for talking back to his mother.
  5. W

    Fuck, Marry, Kill - Pokemon Edition

    Murder all of them brutally Fuck Exploud, Mary Blaine Kill Bugsy, Iris, Jessie, May.
  6. W

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    *Hands you masterball* Waiter mewtwo is in my soup!
  7. W

    Try Writing Your Username Using Your Elbows!!

  8. W

    Post your current Ctrl+V (v2)

    Re: Post your current Ctrl+V(v2) I'd rather be on BMGf than do my homework alliance 1. Kakuna Matata 2. EVs and IVsaurs 3. BlueWartortle 4. Berrenta 5. Bouffalant Herdier
  9. W

    No alliances

    I'd rather be on BMGf than do my homework alliance 1. Kakuna Matata 2. EVs and IVsaurs 3. BlueWartortle 4. Berrenta 5. Bouffalant Herdier 6. Water-noctowl
  10. W

    Ban the User Above v2

    Banned because there is a glitch that makes it one. There has to be one somewhere if you trade it to gen 1
  11. W

    Random Messages 9

    I should be doing homework but I am too lazy.
  12. W

    1000 Things To Do in Walmart When You're Bored

    #540 Announce over the loud speaker that target is better. Btw are we going to just let this thread rot in the archives when we hit 1000?
  13. W

    You know you're a dumb Pokemon trainer if...

    You throw the game at the wall as punishment for Frezzing
  14. W

    Ban the User Above v2

    Banned for living
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