
Misfit Angel
Misfit Angel
Things have been slowly and steadily improving. Not so burnt out on writing and other creative processes, which has been nice. Unfortunately, absolutely nothing else has changed. Still jobless, poor and living in the same place as always :p

How about you?
Huh, looks we're in about the same situation :O I'm still looking for a job myself and my country is just getting shittier by the day.
Misfit Angel
Misfit Angel
It's such a damn shame what's happening. Venezuela held so much promise and it still does through its people, but so much is conspiring to keep it down in the dumps. Heartbreaking.
Oh right, I forgot you alway skeep up with world news xD
Misfit Angel
Misfit Angel
I used to, but not so much anymore. It's been getting depressing lately, I can't keep up with it all without spiraling into misery and depression, so I've been taking a break from it.
You can be like me, bury your fears and insecurities in fiction or work :O
Misfit Angel
Misfit Angel
Been doing that for years :p
Damn, then I don't have much advice to give sadly :( but I did want to ask you with help for one thing.
Misfit Angel
Misfit Angel
Ask away!

By the way, fair warning since you brought up the length of recent Land of the Roses chapters. You're probably going to hate the next one since it's nearly 6000 words and it isn't finished yet. Gonna have to find a way to trim it or cut it in two. :p
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