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  1. C

    TEEN: The Oppression

    Ok, so I have some pretty big plans for this chapter. Expect some new characters in this second part. I'm planning for this to be a three part arc, and the third part being a huge turning point in the story, though not noticeable until the chapter after that. Anyway, here is a quick recap...
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    TEEN: The Oppression

    Double post, sorry.
  3. C

    TEEN: The Oppression

    Thanks! Yeah thank you for reminding me about Hidden Power, I almost forgot! Thanks for reviewing, It means alot!
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    TEEN: The Oppression

    Special Episode: Chari Chari Ok, so instead of posting a new chapter, I decided to take a look into the past of Draco so the readers of the story will not be lost when I introduce some new characters. Anyway, so this is set years before the current story, and a lot has changed since. Draco is...
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    TEEN: The Oppression

    Ok, so this chapter may be posted sooner, or later depending on my internet situation. I currently have the first main chunk of the story planned out on paper, and it’s possible we might see a new mystery begin to unfold soon. Speaking of mystery, what do you think of this “Ultimate Power” thing...
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    TEEN: The Oppression

    Yes, I am attempting a double update before I leave. Why, you might ask? To keep you guys entertained of course (At least if you guys think my story is entertaining, which I hope it is. You can tell me by reviewing it). Anyway, so I have the next six chapters planned out, but not written...
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    TEEN: The Oppression

    Alright, this is when the story starts unfolding. This part will be the most important out of the three so far. Draco, Razor, and Ace are all on their own as they have to track down the Mightyena and Magmar who have captured Blade. Will they prevail, or will the trio fail miserably? Spear...
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    Lego Hero Factory Youtube Channel: HFReviewCentral

    About a half a year ago, i began this Youtube Channel to review the new Hero Factory sets. Please check it out! 3.0 reviews coming soon!
  9. C

    TEEN: The Oppression

    Here we go! In this chapter, the story begins to heat up as Draco, Blade, Razor, and Ace begin their training under guidance of Talons. I’m really hoping to convey the experience and skill of Talons as their mentor. If you haven’t already, please review my prologue and let me know how I’m doing...
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    TEEN: The Oppression

    Hey, I’m back! After immersing myself yet again in the world of my original story, The Oppression, I began writing a new story based off that world. However, after a couple of chapters of writing, I knew the original needed a long awaited update as I was a terrible writer when I made the...
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