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    Civilization RP

    George Clinton responded by saying "Something about a card game. Idiotic if you ask me."
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    Civilization RP

    "Yes, that is Mr. Jefferson. However, I can't just give you his location that simply." Clinton said. "Despite this, the media hogs probably found out about it.
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    A Pokemon Starting With...

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    Count to 50 and Refer to the Number Above before a Mod posts - Users WIN! (TEST)

    Re: Count to 50 and Refer to the Number Above before a Mod posts - TEST THREAD Seven turtle doves or something like that. I'm not into disney princesses.
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    What will you name your children?

    Boy: James or Jason Girl: Violet
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    Civilization RP

    "What the...." Jefferson started. "Call backup!" He yelled to the pilot. "We can't! If you'll remember correctly, we're hours away from backup!" the pilot yelled back. "Well, I guess we'll have to play a bit risky than. You can maneuver the plane, right?" Jefferson asked. "Of course!" "Then do it."
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    Clever Pokémon Nicknames

    Mine are just stupid. Samurott- Sea Otter. Zangoose- Claw Dude Karrablast- kilshelmet (Kill Shelmet) Pupitar- monsterbro
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    Civilization RP

    Jefferson backed away from the teenager, and talked to his pilot. The plane was ready to go, so he got back on, and it took off.
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    Civilization RP

    "OK. I sense war approaching anyway." Jefferson said. He was lying, but he was really good at it.
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    Civilization RP

    "What do you want?" Jefferson asked.
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    Civilization RP

    Over Cape Verde, the plane stopped for fuel. Jefferson tells George Clinton that if anything happens, take control until he gets back via text. He soon gets back on his plane. OOC: I keep forgetting everything, so now it just looks like I'm copying off of Naelbarion (close enough to the...
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    Civilization RP

    Jefferson, after doing a bit of research, realized what was going on. He hastily got on a plane to Egypt, too.
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    Civilization RP

    Jefferson just stood there, confused. Within 5 minutes of becoming president he had started a war. He didn't mind the man running past, he just went back into the Oval Office.
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    Civilization RP

    Thomas Jefferson looked at them both, insanely confused. He decided to wait and see what would happen. He really didn't want to waste time playing games.
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    Civilization RP

    "I find this hard to believe." Jefferson said. "I will not take part in a childish card game. I have more important matters to attend to. I would prefer if you left."
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    Civilization RP

    OOC: bpj1999- Crud. "Wait, what? Where'd you come from?" Jefferson asked Yugi, confused.
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    Civilization RP

    (le not sure how to start thread, so here's le boring prologue that I put no thought into) Since the beginning of time, man has always required unity. It started with simple tribes, which led to cities, and eventually turned into civilizations. As time progressed, those civilizations broke...
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    Count to 50 and Refer to the Number Above before a Mod posts - Users WIN! (TEST)

    Re: Count to 50 and Refer to the Number Above before a Mod posts - TEST THREAD There are seven days in a week.
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    Another Word Game v2

    2nd Street
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    Civilization RP *Sign-Ups Always Open*

    Re: Civilization RP Nælþarion Accepted! The RP will start at 3:00 p.m. Central time today.
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