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  • What's your favorite LoZ game btw? (Sorry if I asked you this before.)
    • Hi
    Reactions: Calvinッ
    You may have asked but I honestly do not recall if you have ahaha

    My favourite honestly rotates via recency bias. But it's almost always Ocarina of Time at the top, Wind Waker next, and then the next few spots just kinda vary because I like them all for similar reasons. Majora's Mask, BOTW follow a tiny bit behind.

    Outside of main series I actually thought Hyrule Legends was so cool, not played Age of Calamity but HL:DE was kinda how I imagine a lot of the characters would fight.

    I might have asked you before aswell, but regardless I'll return the question to you and ask what are your favourites?
    Yung Dramps
    Yung Dramps
    link between worlds
    Die-Hard Dragon Devotee
    Die-Hard Dragon Devotee
    Nice! (y) My favorite is Twilight Princess, followed by The Wind Waker and then by Ocarina of Time. BOTW and Majora, as well as Skyward Sword, kinda follow after that. (I haven't finished TOTK yet.)

    I'm also a fan of Spirit Tracks! :D

    I like Age of Calamity simply because it gives us a "happy ending," so to speak. BOTW is just downright depressing at times.

    It's funny Yung Dramps, A Link Between Worlds is actually one of my least favorite Zelda games. (I never have really cared for the 2D/top-down Zelda games very much.)
    oh calvin. where art thou. the village tis so lonely without you
    ok actually the "where art thou" meant "why" people just misuse it bc you'd think it would mean "where" and NOT "why"?
    i just realized how far apart our timezones are
    • Hi
    Reactions: Calvinッ
    Sorry I couldn't answer this sooner, didn't want to comment on the game :p

    I was reunited with my child, under unfortunate happenings after a kidnap :(
    • Love
    Reactions: Calvinッ
    Thanks for the write-up mate, that was a very interesting read. Seems like most holidays it starts due to religious or other reasons and then over time just becomes less about the religion and more about celebrating the day. Like with Christmas even though it has connotations to Christ, I feel like many people just see it as a special day to give gifts. I looked up some of the food and Kontosouvli in particular looks really nice.

    It does seem like a very fun time but I suppose that is the aim for a non Greek person like myself. I hope you're enjoying yourself!
    • Gold Star
    Reactions: Zexy
    Well we did go there a bit earlier alongside my grandma and great-uncle who are more than 90yo and rarely get out of home anymore but absolutely wanted to go there even for just a little bit. To make a toast "may we meet here again next year". The wish to survive just one more year. It really matters a lot to them <3

    But yeah because of them being, well, of said age, we could not really stay up all night like most, so now we are back home and just listening to the music from here.
    Thank you for the follow! I followed you back :bulbaLove:
    Thankyou! Late congrats from me on F&G/TWR mod role! Only recently logged on again so was new to seeing you on there :D
    You're welcome! Thanks to you, don't worry about being late or anything like that ;). I'm very happy to see you again at F&G, I remember the good days playing Pokémon Hangman :giggle:
    I am really admiring your avatar.
    • Like
    Reactions: Calvinッ
    Thankyou! Do you happen to like Jujutsu Kaisen, or are you just a fan of the avatar itself?
    I had never heard of it until I saw the avatar, and now I may have a new anime to look into.
    I love it personally, i'm not too sure what anime is up your alley so I couldn't really say if it's for you or not. But it's easily one of my favourites. It's first season finished recently with another one on the way at some point, although I am unsure when.
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