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  • Thank you! How long you been on forums? Only been playing pokemon since may this year, you?
    Thanks for the warm welcome. =3 Serenity told me this was an awesome forum so...I decided to check it out. ^^ I've seen the wiki and it is INCREDIBLE. It has helped me many times in all of the generations.
    Jeez, talk about a temperature difference! D: Well, at least if you don't like the weather now, all you'll have to do is wait five minutes.
    Well, I'm originally from the Coastal Plains, but I'm going to school in the Piedmont region.

    My home is 30 minutes from Greenville. Ever heard of Greenville?
    Oh wow, complete opposite side of the country! Literally all I know about North Carolina is that the state bird is the Red Cardinal, though. XD Which is rather sad. Since you gave a state, I'll be fair and tell ya I live in Portland. So it's just rainy. It's really sunny and hot over there, right?
    I live near the west coast of America! I just moved here, and I like it so far. How about yourself?
    Awesome, I added you on there as well. :D And battling would be fun! My Platinum game is in no shape, but my Diamond one is (I think)!
    Ooh, did ya? :D What's your username on there? I'll add you to my Pal Pad!

    And yup, today's my day off of work. Short-lived, though, 'cause I have to go back tomorrow morning. D:
    Pretty dandy! It's my day off, so I'm being really lazy. My headphones just died, though, so I'm probably going to head out and buy a new pair eventually. :D What're you up to?
    If you have a wifi service and have hooked your ds to it, you just go downstairs in any pokecenter and go to the middle lady after that you can just talk to me when I put up a battle request.... Then we battle.
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