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  • Just making sure because one thing life has taught me is that when a woman tells me I'll talk to you later I'm busy then hangs around I've messed up.
    Am I bothering you? I may just be acting neurotic again but you haven't been on much and I just want to know it's not because of me. I would hate to be the reason you can't enjoy bulbagarden. So please be honest with me am I making you uncomfortable?
    Sleep well and pleasant dreams I will looking forward to your next message.
    I'm sorry to hear that I hope your schedule clears up. I'm sorry your wisdom teeth are bothering you I didn't have mine taken out and they can be a pain. Is there a better time we can meet to talk? I've really missed talking to you.
    Yes it is. I was just playing with you. It's alright I understand. Did your work hours change? We usually have at least an hour or two before you have to go.

    Edit: Looks like I missed you I will still be on for at least 3 more hours so I will check back. I hope I can catch up with you.
    Wait that was Spanish? I had no idea. Damn my Japanese must be worse than I thought. Good I'm glad. Just fine.
    Hola maravillosa mujer. Te divertiste ayer?
    (Did you have fun yesterday?)
    Sound's good talk to you later. Have fun painting the town and try not to break too many hearts.
    Ah such a short time to spend with you oh well. So what are you ladies going to do?
    That's an adamant no way. You're not trying to playing with the other side are you because I may have to add to the list. I don't care for the grass starter it looks weird. The water starters kind of meh.
    Hello how was your day? Yes I can't wait but of course this means I have to get a 3DS now.
    I'm sorry but I will probably be going to sleep by then so I have to say good night now. Alright enough of my fantasies but tomorrow I want to hear one of your fantasies . So give it some thought.
    You know you want to. What can I say I like strong women I think you fit that description.
    Damn kind got my hopes up there. oh well I can dream ... makes door next to Pika - Savi labels Dominatrix - Savi.
    I was messing with you both times... but since were on the subject hold on got to check... Yes, both Chris and Daniel are both giving me the thumbs up. I always imagine you would look good in a dominatrix outfit.
    You could have asked to change the subject you didn't have to make an excuse. Ok, talk to you soon
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