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  • Not really aha :L. Check out my blog and sig for what I'm RNGing these days :p. Cool stuff, I got white :). What do you think of the games?
    Aha yeah I am :p. I'm good too.. and I think I've definitely overtaken you on the RNGing :L. Have you been playing BW?
    Lmao yeah it's been awhile!!
    How have you been?

    REALLY? Summer will be over :p
    I'm sure you'll come on earlier then that lol.

    Fair enough :p.
    I can't remember the previous VA for Scizor, so it's probably the same.. just mannish :L.

    Yep, I'm going to bed now :D. Night DA, nice chatting to you :). xx
    Wow (again) :p. That is pretty cool :D.

    It was a bit scary, a lot of the Pokemon voices are strange though, so you get used to it :p.

    Wow, yeah, its 3 here. Think I might go to bed in a bit :L, going to Cambridge tomorrow for funsies.
    What, even for London? Wow :p.

    Lol, once you catch up, let me know. It was a good episode, although a Scizor had a ridiculously manly dub-voice :p.
    Lol ok then :p.
    Blimey, that's a lot of effort that you would put in :O :p. Impressive :L.

    Oh right aha, that is really cool. What did you think of the latest dub episode? The one with air battling.
    Lol, if you say so :p.
    Aha, would you actually come to London for a con? Wow :D.

    That is pretty cool.. did you watch each episode in Swedish, then English, so you knew roughly what they were saying? I wouldn't be able to do that, I'm sure.
    Oh right, fair enough :).

    Yeah, same. Lol your weirdness seems average, most people are pretty weird anyways :p. So it would be fine :p.

    Oh, and your english is fine.. as always :p. It always gets me how amazing everyone else is at english, whereas I can barely scrape by in French. Although I am fluent in Sign Language, so that makes up for it ;P.
    How do you mean, lost them? Fair enough though :).

    Oh right lol, yeah, it was the whole unknown people that got me.. but would you consider me an unknown person, cause you don't know me IRL?
    Blimey :p, I tried getting my sister into Pokemon a few years ago, but she couldn't handle how cool it is :p. So do your friends know that you like pokemon and whatnot, or not?

    Cool, might have a closer look into it :p. Yeah, I will have a look at that too, but meeting up with unknown people could be a bit weird :p.
    Yeah, I have one friend that plays pokemon, then I know of one other person that plays :p. But no-one is that into anime over here, and I only have a few channels, so I don't watch much :p.

    Checked it out, the closest one is London. Might go with my Dad to some event, he used to collect X-men comic XD. He is a cool Dad :p
    Ahh, that sucks if its so out of the way for you (N).
    Yeah, if I find out where any cons are in the UK, I might go along :p.
    Aha, fair enough.
    Nice, maybe you can get a cheap wig there?

    Perhaps... :p, although I probably wouldn't actually cosplay, the Pokemon fanbase is a massive minority where I am :p.
    Nice :p.
    Lol, did you get the idea from Uppcon?
    Wow, sounds quite complicated :p. Ooh, are there cosplaying rules? Could you link me with a tutorial, sounds interesting :p.
    Ahhh, that's pretty cool then :).
    Aha, ok lol.
    Nice :p, let me know how it goes when you eventually go down the mall with the costume on :p. So is cosplaying your main to-do for the moment?
    Lol.. well the big eyes make him look a bit feminine :p.
    Yeah fair enough, I think you should still do a pokemon-related one first :p. What do you do once you are all cosplayed?
    Blimey :S.
    Yep :p.. should be fine :L.
    I will need to google her :p.. I think you should do the pokemon-related one first though :p. Why the :eek: at Misty not being hard? :p
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