Hey!! I am also not on here a great deal these days, just log in occasionally to feel the familiarity and then close the tab lol.
It's been a rollercoaster since M was born haha. To the outside world there's nothing remarkable but for V and I it's like BAM, life explosion! Now that we're getting more sleep though it is a little less overwhelming
I haven't touched the anime with a barge pole since March. I'm not sure I will...
Oh gosh that sounds... I'm not sure? Good? Bad? Slightly suboptimal? The inevitable outcome for one who fears change?
It's been a rollercoaster since M was born haha. To the outside world there's nothing remarkable but for V and I it's like BAM, life explosion! Now that we're getting more sleep though it is a little less overwhelming
I haven't touched the anime with a barge pole since March. I'm not sure I will...
Oh gosh that sounds... I'm not sure? Good? Bad? Slightly suboptimal? The inevitable outcome for one who fears change?
Where's Kyogre when you need him?