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  • Was a much needed reply to Nicoleta's sig, although I never got aroung to changing it.
    I feel you. I'm not overly worried, but I'm not apathetic either. Just finished English.
    I actually quite liked it, for its flaws. Most of the cast was well-suited to their parts (except Tobey McGuire who was an awful Nick; I'd have preferred JGL in the role). I haven't seen Hannibal yet, though my sister will not stop raving about it.
    Seen any good movies lately? Just watched The Great Gatsby for the umpteenth time.
    Thank you for making my morning xD. I needed a laugh after being made to wake up so early.
    Perfect. Even if I prefer thinking that movie was never made and they stopped at two.

    I was the same way. Once you go bulbastaff you never go back apparently.
    Yeah, and that also spoke a lot about how much Bendis got the character and could write him so well. At the very least his death was a good one. IMO Miles is a distinct character from Peter, but I get the complaints about him (besides the racist ones, obviously). I definitely get where you're coming from: I stopped reading Flash after they got rid of Wally West and ruined Bart Allen's character in Infinite Crisis. Didn't read it again till Wally came back.
    Ah, yeah, I remember that push for Donald Glover to be Spider-Man, though he's a bit old to be convincing as Miles. I do like that Andrew is positive towards the idea.
    Oh, I don't either. It was a good movie, and I enjoyed it. Personally, I think it'd be interesting to have Miles Morales in the movies somehow. He needs more exposure, for sure.
    Not in terms of general quality (and frankly SM3 wasn't that bad a movie, except the ridiculous scenes of Peter being "edgy") - I meant in terms of having too much happening. Electro definitely needed more development, and I'd have preferred Harry's arc being stretched further, probably into the next movie (his disease progressed too fast as it was, and his development suffered as a result). That would give Harry more time to realize Peter's identity instead of the weak way in which it was done here (it was almost comical; looking at Peter, then Gwen, then Peter, then DING! Harry knows who Spider-Man is).
    Yeah, they wanted to get in Peter's guilt AND Harry's deterioration AND Gwen moving AND her death AND the secrets of Peter's parents AND Electro all at once. It didn't get as bad as Spider-Man 3, but they definitely skirted close. They should've just kept the focus on Electro, since was interesting enough but couldn't develop properly with everything else going on.
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