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  • Due to the fact that I'm lazy, it's running a bit late for me. My vacation's gonna be short this year, I believe.

    Doin' much recently?
    It's okay I know how life can be. Take all the time you need to reply, I'm always taking days myself anyways. xD

    Doesn't sound like a bad idea. :)

    Well my laptop's charger broke, I went to go buy an international one but none of the chargers had fit. So I had to wait on a cousin to get me a new one since he had connections. But once I got a replacement charger I went to my mum's home for the week and well I go back on the day there's a scheduled black out. So for a business day I had no electricity, that night I stayed up late to work but after a certain point I was just annoyed and wanted to sleep so I did. But when I got up that morning, I had no wifi. It turns out the cable guy had come and messed with my wifi while changing cable boxes. So I had to wait a day for that to be fixed, and all this just made it impossible for me to work consistently. And seeing my grades plummet to 50% in each class really upset me because it's hard for me to balance two classes as is.

    It definitely is a motivator though, heck some nights I sit down and just work till the next day which is probably bad for me. But eh. xD And honestly I don't think too much stress is worth it, it drains the love out of what I do.
    Ohh, and once it's written are you going to do anything more? Like post the pilot online, act it out and record it, etc? :3 'Cause I'm actually interested in how this is going to turn out for you. x)

    And this is probably me whining a bit but I think I'm going back to part time for my classes. I've got two online classes right now, and I'm failing both because a week of unfortunate events set me back on assignments. I found I work fine under pressure but my classes are getting more intricate and I can't handle it when I have two classes. I find myself working for hours to make sure I draw everything I need. I envy your freedom! xD I mean I love art, I really do. But it's absolutely insane how many rules and terms I get hammered into my noggin.
    You make a good point, it's probably better to ask her and just to be sure rather than me just sit here and wonder. xD
    Hey hon! <3

    Pffft, you are the only (charming) person I've ever heard say something like that. xD While you melt away into the cracks in the ground, I will be moaning and groaning in front of a fan wishing for a rainy day. :p

    I always find it better leaving it up to others to decide what exciting is for them. :p But ohhh that sounds hella fun! And honestly it sounds like the possibilities are endless plot wise too so I bet you're having a blast with it. And heck if you get famous don't forget about little old me! I'd be crushed if ya did! x)

    And hon I've got more weird questions for you. xD But how helpful is therapy been to you in the past? And how do you decide you need therapy? Because I've had panic attacks when I feel cornered, but I've never told my doctor, nor do I want to be on medication for them. I've always been the kind of person with a mentality like "whatever I have isn't as bad as the next person", and at the same time I know how to keep myself in check when I do get a panic attack.
    That artwork in itself is fairly abstract, but his music has definitely got a charm to it. I like it for sure.

    See, this is why I miss April, I loved the rain. It helps me sleep. xD But heck I hope you get a scorching summer too! And keep it there. Because I have all the problems with keeping myself cool and the heat as a whole. It drives me insane since I'm heat intolerant to an extent.

    But fill me in, have you been up to anything exciting the past few days?
    I think Hidden Mew does too, it doesn't really matter as far as what you can access on the forums, it's just a banner. I think you're supposed to have both if you're a head and a super mod.
    Hopefully that time comes before you know it, because time really does fly by. Ahhh kinda sounds like me and my jazz rap as of late. xD And sure! All I'm making is a stuffed bear but I'll show you when I'm done. :)

    Eheh. I know I can always find something to do if I know where to look. ^^

    Ah I get what you mean. Getting fresh air is always a nice feeling, and beats being cooped indoors. I kinda wish my apartment had a patio so I could sit outdoors too.
    Hey. Yeah i'm ok. Just been working longer hours. You seem to be on here a lot more than usual :)
    Sounds good to me. :p

    Alright then~ I'm used to timezone issues, don't worry haha.
    You could say that.

    Eh, web browsings for the most part, boredom and that post with Gastly.

    (Oh, it's fine, if I want someone who I can expect to always respond quickly, I look in the mirror. hahah)
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