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  • wait, you weren't following me already?
    also did you see that 30th anniversary FF collection rumor?
    I didn't see it, but my wallet did, and is currently flipping itself over and emptying its contents into this "For Crystal Bundle" container...

    And, evidently, no? I have no idea why! I rarely even check these profile thingies
    I think you're slightly mixed up about a couple of things.
    1. I'm lactose intolerant and keep milk as far away from me as I possibly can.
    2. I'm actually very partial to alcohol.
    I do appreciate the compliments on my sense of humor, though. :p
    I can't reply to roMCH's post. Stoopid Internet thing. I pretty much follow people because....i just happen to accidentally click their things...or I'm spying on them on OC games.
    hey I see you are only following caps zexy and rabbit.
    I'm guessing because they are all on serenes forest now.
    is there anyone else you would follow on this site
    and this is so totally not a way for me to get another follower, no way. :p
    also check your skype.
    Hope everything's okay.
    All was. My neighbor had a bit of a pass-out spell and I stepped in to look after her two kids + mine while her hubby brought her to the hospital. Dehydration is real, man!
    Maniacal Engineer
    Maniacal Engineer
    Glad to hear that. Dehydration can be very bad, yes. I'm especially keeping up my fluid intakes now because I've been getting a lot of nosebleeds because of subzero weather, with windchills 20-25 degrees below zero.
    For the sake of fruit bowl mafia, no puns is beneath ME.
    My New Years Resolution is triple the puns in 2016, not increase the quality of said puns. So, yes eggstirminated is a thing.
    Now that I completely understand the context, I won't be so judgmental with my laughter :D
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